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• It is a radiological procedure to examine small intestine with the
contrast medium (Barium sulphate)
1. Single contrast
2. With the addition of an effervescent agent (double Contrast)
3. With the addition of a pneumocolon technique.
1. Pain
2. Diarrhoea
3. Anaemia/gastrointestinal bleeding
4. Partial obstruction
5. Malabsorption
6. Abdominal mass
7. Failed small bowel enema.
Contra indication

1. Complete obstruction
2. Suspected perforation
(unless a water-soluble contrast medium is used).
Contrast Medium

• E-Z Paque 100% w/v 300 ml (150 ml if performed immediately after a

barium meal). The transit time through the small bowel has been
shown to be reduced by the addition of 10 ml of Gastrografin to the
barium. In children, 3-4 ml kg-1 is a suitable volume.
• In situations where barium is contraindicated, non-ionic water-soluble
solutions have been shown to be a satisfactory alternative
The aim is to deliver a single column of barium into the small bowel.
This is achieved by lying the patient on the right side after the barium
has been ingested.
Metoclopramide enhances the rate of gastric emptying. If the transit
time through the small bowel is found to be slow, a dry meal may help
to speed it up.
If a follow-through examination is combined with a barium meal,
glucagon is used for the duodenal cap views rather than Buscopan
because it has a short length of action and does not interfere with the
small-bowel transit time.

• 1. Prone PA films of the abdomen are taken every 20 min during the
first hour, and subsequently every 30 min until the colon is reached.
The prone position is used because the pressure on the abdomen
helps to separate the loops of small bowel.
• 2. Spot films of the terminal ileum are taken supine. A compression
pad is used to displace any overlying loops of small bowel that are
obscuring the terminal ileum
15 min film
30 min
1 hr film
Additional film

• 1. To separate loops of small bowel:

• a. obliques
• b. with X-ray tube angled into the pelvis
• c. with the patient tilted head down.
• 2. To demonstrate diverticula:
• a. erect - this position will reveal any fluid levels caused by contrast
medium retained within the diverticula.
• Aftercare
• As for barium meal.

• Complications
• As for barium meal.
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