Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture Cosmetic Acupuncture works within three zones of the face
The forehead, eyes, and eyebrows The nose, cheek area, and smile
People over 40-Best to do about 2 sessions a week for about 15 to 20 sessions Those under 40 Best to do about 8 to 10 sessions
Best to accompany the treatments with 2 facials, as well herbal supplements are important
Shenting DU-24
Benefits the brain and calms the spirit Eliminates wind and benefits the head
Treats: Sinuses, as well as maniac depression, insomnia and loss of consciousness. Can aid in those suffering from epilepsy, headaches, dizziness.
Jiache ST-6
Eliminates wind and benefits the jaw and teeth Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Treats: Disorders of the jaw, teeth and gums, inability to chew, inability to open mouth following stroke, facial paralysis and facial pain
Yingxiang L.I.-20
Opens the nasal passage Expels wind and clears heat
Treats: all nose disorders: congestion, loss of smell, allergic rhinitis etc. Also aids those suffering from pain, swelling, itching and paralysis of the face.
Erjian M-HN-10
Clears heat and dissipates swelling Benefits eyes and throat
Yangbai GB-14
Eliminates wind, benefits the head and alleviates pain Benefits eyes
Treats: Various diseases of the eye; deviation of the eye, twitching of the eye, drooping or itching of the eye
Sizhukong SJ-23
Eliminates wind and alleviates pain
Treats: Local point for treatment of headaches and disorders of the eye. As well, aids with epilepsy, mania and dizziness.
Zusanli ST-36
Treats: Harmonizes the stomach, fortifies spleen and resolves dampness, tonidies qi and nourishes blood and yin.