Image Processing Husseina Ozigi Otaru
Image Processing Husseina Ozigi Otaru
Image Processing Husseina Ozigi Otaru
Image Processing?
In high resolution field, in addition to the usual
preprocessing functions (offset, dark and flat
corrections), the usefulness of image processing
can be divided into two main functions:
increasing the contrast of planetary details and
reducing the noise.
Increasing the contrast of planetary
Increasing the contrast of small details is
the aim of many processing algorithms
which all act in the same way: they
amplify the high frequencies in the image.
This is the reason why they are called
high-pass filters, and probably the most
famous of them is unsharp masking. This
technique is well-known but hard to use in
astrophotography. In digital image
processing the general principle of
unsharp masking is
What is a MTF curve ?):
a fuzzy image (blue curve) is made
from the initial image (red curve) by
application of a low-pass filter
(gaussian) whose strenght is
adjustable; the high frequencies are
this fuzzy image is substracted from
the initial image; the result (green
curve) contains only the small details
(high frequencies) but its appearance
is very strange and unaesthetic
(unfortunately, this image also
contains noise),
MTF Curve
What is Sampling?
Sampling is choosing which points you
want to have represent a given image.
Given an analog image, sampling
represents a mapping of the image from a
continuum of points in space (and possibly
time, if it is a moving image) to a discrete
set. Given a digital image, sampling
represents a mapping from one discrete
set of points to another (smaller) set.
Original Picture
Manroc Sampled
Low pass filters