Week 2 14 Psychological Principles
Week 2 14 Psychological Principles
Week 2 14 Psychological Principles
Psychological American
Principles Overview Association
Aim for a holistic approach
to learning using real-life
Understanding Learner-
Centered Psychological
These principles enhance student engagement and learning.
Cognitive and
Motivational and
Centered Affective Factors
Differences Factors
1. Nature of the Learning Cognitive and 3. Construction of
process Metacognitive Knowledge
The learning of a complex Factors
subject matter is most
effective when it is an A successful
intentional process of learner links new
constructing meaning from information with
information and experience. existing knowledge in
Implications: Use techniques that meaningful ways.
aid students in constructing
meaning from information, If new knowledge
experiences, and their own not integrated with
thought and beliefs. prior knowledge, it
2. Goals of the Learning remains isolated,
Process cannot be applied and
The successful learner,
over time and with support transferred to new
and instructional guidance, situations.
can create meaningful,
coherent representations of Implications: Utilize
knowledge. concept mapping and
Implications: Create meaningful thematic
student learning goals consistent organization or
with their personal and categorization strategies
educational aspirations and
4. Strategic Thinking Cognitive and
Metacognitive 6. Context of
To achieve complex Factors Learning
learning goals, the successful Learning is
learner uses a variety of influenced by the
thinking and reasoning environment,
strategies. including culture,
Implications: technology, and
Contribute to assisting instructional
learners in the development, practices.
Cultural or group
application, and assessment of influences on
their strategic learning skills. students can impact
many educationally
5. Thinking about Thinking relevant variables,
such as motivations,
The ability to select and orientation toward
monitor mental operations learning and ways of
facilitates creativity and thinking.
critical thinking.
Implications: Create a nurturing
Focus instruction on helping classroom environment
learners develop higher order
7. Motivational and Motivational
and Affective 9. Effects of
Emotional Influences on Motivation Effort
Learning Factors
Individual’s motivation to Learners need
learn is influenced by guided practice and
emotions, beliefs, interests, extended effort to
goals, and habits of thought. acquire complex
Implications: knowledge and skills.
Try to avoid intense negative Learners must
emotions (anxiety, panic, rage, invest considerable
insecurity) and related thoughts energy and strategic
(ruminating on failure, fear of effort in acquiring
punishment, ridicule, stigmatizing complex knowledge
8. Intrinsic Motivation to
labels) and skills.
Learn Implications:
Natural curiosity,
creativity, and higher-order Motivate learners by
thinking skills motivate enhancing their effort
learners. and commitment to
Implications: learning and helping
Understand learners’ them achieve high
perceptions of optimal novelty and standards in
difficulty, relevance, and personal comprehension and
10. Developmental and Social Factors 11. Social Influences on
Influences on Learning Learning
Individual Social interactions affect
development involves learning, communicating
unique learning with others and interpersonal
(physical, intellectual, relations.
emotional, social) Enhanced learning
opportunities and occurs in environments
limitations. promoting social
interactions, embracing
Implications: diversity, fostering flexible
thinking and developing
Create an optimal social competence.
learning environment that Implications:
requires recognizing and
understanding Interact with and
developmental collaborate with students to
differences among promote perspective-taking and
students including those reflective thinking that lead to
with emotional, physical, higher levels of cognitive, social,
and intellectual and moral development.
12. Individual Individual
Differences in Learning Differences Factors 14. Standards and
Learning strategies, Assessment
approaches, and capabilities
differ based on prior
experience and heredity. During learning,
Implications: setting high,
Assess students’ learning challenging standards
preferences and expand or is vital. Assessing the
modify them if necessary. Give learner and their
them opportunities to discover progress is key,
and strengthen their skills. involving diagnostic,
13. Learning and process, and outcome
Diversity evaluations
Taking into account Implications:
learners’ linguistic, cultural,
and social backgrounds is the Students’ learning
key to effective learning. will be better understood
if they have different
Implications: types of assessments.
Design and implement
appropriate learning
Group Activity: