FBC Boiler..

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• Introduction
• Mechanism of fluidized bed combustion,
• Types of FBC boilers, Operational features
• Retrofitting FBC system to conventional
boilers, saving potential.
Principle of fluidization
• Evenly distributed air is passed
upward through a finely divided bed
of sand supported on a fine mesh,
the particles are undisturbed at low
velocity.As air velocity is gradually
increased, a stage is reached when
the individual particles are
suspended in the air stream. Further,
increase in velocity gives rise to
bubble formation, vigorous
turbulence and rapid mixing.

• The bed of solid particles exhibits

the properties of a boiling liquid.
This state is called be fluidized.
• Combustion takes place at about
840OC to 950OC.
Circulating fluidized bed.

With higher air velocities, the bed

particles leave the combustion with
the flue gases so that solids
recirculation is necessary to maintain
circulating fluidized bed.

The mean solids velocity increases at

a slower rate than does the gas
velocity, as illustrated in Figure

Therefore, a maximum slip velocity

between the solids and the gas can be
achieved resulting in good heat
transfer and contact time with the
limestone, for sulfur dioxide
removal. Relation between gas velocity and solid velocity
AFBC or Bubbling Bed

Features of bubbling bed boiler

• AFBC use the in-bed evaporator tubes

for extracting the heat from the bed to
maintain the bed temperature.
• The bubbling bed has heat transfer tubes
in the bed of limestone, sand and fuel.
The velocity of fluidising air is in the
range of 1.2 to 3.7 m /sec. Very little
material leaves the bubbling bed – about
2 to 4 kgs of solids are recycled per kg
of fuel burned.
• The bed depth is usually 0.9 m to 1.5
meter deep and the pressure drop
averages about 1 inch of water per inch
of bed depth.
Features of bubbling bed boiler

• Coal is crushed to a size of 1 – 10 mm and fed to the combustion

• The atmospheric air, which acts as both the fluidization air and
combustion air, is delivered at a pressure, and flows through the
bed after being preheated by the exhaust flue gases. The in-bed
tubes carrying water generally act as the evaporator.
• If temperature exceeds 950oC , there is risk of clinker formation in
the bed and combustion efficiency declines below 800oC.
• For efficient sulphur retention the temperature should be in the
range of 800oC to 850oC.
Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion
• (6 –12 mm size) fuel and limestone are injected into
the furnace
• The particles are suspended in a stream of upwardly
flowing air (60-70% of the total air), which enters the
bottom of the furnace through air distribution nozzles.
The balance of combustion air is admitted above the
bottom of the furnace as secondary air.
• While combustion takes place at 840-900 oC, the fine
particles (<450 microns) are elutriated out of the
furnace with flue gas velocity of 4-6 m/s. The particles
are then collected by the solids separators and
circulated back into the furnace. This combustion
process is called circulating fluidized bed (CFB).
Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion
• There are no steam generations tube immersed
in the bed. Generation and super heating of
steam takes place in the convection section,
water walls, at the exit of the riser.
• CFBC boilers are generally more economical
than AFBC boilers for industrial application
requiring more than 75 – 100 T/hr of steam.
performance of CFBC
• The temperature of about 870oC is reasonably constant throughout the process
because of the high turbulence and circulation of solids. The low combustion
temperature also results in minimal NOx formation.

• Sulfur present in the fuel is retained in the circulating solids in the form of
calcium sulphate is removed in solid form. The use of limestone or dolomite
sorbents allows a higher sulfur retention rate, and limestone requirements have
been demonstrated to be substantially less than with bubbling bed combustor.

• The combustion air is supplied at 1.5 to 2 psig rather than 3-5 psig as required
by bubbling bed combustors.
• It has high combustion efficiency.
• It has a better turndown ratio than bubbling bed systems.
Pressurised Fluid Bed Combustion
Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion (PFBC) is a variation of fluid
bed technology that is meant for large scale coal burning
applications. In PFBC, the bed vessel is operated at pressure upto 16
The off-gas from the fluidized bed combustor drives the gas
turbine. The steam turbine is driven by steam raised in tubes
immersed in the fluidized bed. The condensate from the steam
turbine is pre-heated using waste heat from gas turbine exhaust and is
then taken as feed water for steam generation.

The PFBC system can be used for cogeneration or combined cycle

power generation. By combining the gas and steam turbines in this
way, electricity is generated more efficiently than in conventional
system. The overall conversion efficiency is higher by 5% to 8%. .
Comparison of PFBC boiler
versus pulverized fuel boiler
Retrofitting of FBC Systems to
Conventional Boilers
Successfully carried out both in India and abroad.
The important aspects to be considered in retrofit projects
are:Water/steam circulation design, Furnace bottom-grate clearance,
Type of particulate control device,Fan capacity, Availability of space.
Retrofitting of a fluidised bed combustor to a conventional stoker fired
water tube boiler may involve:
• The replacement of grate by a distributor plate with short stand pipes
for admitting air from the wind box located underneath.
• Installation of stand pipes to remove ash from the bed.
• Provision of horizontal hair pin tubes in the bed with a pump for
forced circulation from the boiler drum.
• Modification of crusher to size the coal/limestone mixture for
pneumatic underbed injection of the mixture.
Advantages of Fluidised Bed
Combustion Boilers
High Efficiency:
Reduction in Boiler Size:.
Fuel Flexiblity: Fuels like washer rejects, agro waste can be burnt efficiently.
Boilers can fire coals with ash content as high as 62% and having calorific value
as low as 2,500 kcal/kg.
Pollution Control;SO2 formation can be greatly minimised by addition of
limestone or dolomite for high sulphur coals. Eliminates NO x formation.
Low Corrosion and Erosion:are less due to lower combustion temperature,
softness of ash and low particle velocity (of the order of 1 m/sec).
No Clinker Formation : temperature of the furnace is in the range of 750–900o
Less Excess Air – Higher CO2 in Flue Gas:20 – 25% excess air only.
No Slagging in the Furnace-No Soot Blowing:volatilisation of alkali
components in ash does not take place and the ash is non stocky.

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