3 Historical Materialism and Human Personality
3 Historical Materialism and Human Personality
3 Historical Materialism and Human Personality
Key Question
What is historical materialism and
human personality?
Historical Materialism
and Karl Marx
• The 19th century German social thinker, Karl Marx,
approached the nature of Western society from a different
perspective, that is from the perspective of the
• Critiquing primarily a society characterized by
unparalleled economic processes such as capitalism and
industrialization, he saw a “modern” society as not an end
in itself but a transitional phase of what he believed is a
historically shaped social order— socialism.
Historical Materialism
and Karl Marx
• He drew heavily from a Hegelian (i.e., ideas of Georg
Wilhelm Hegel, a German philosopher of the late 18th to
early 19th century) concept of “dialectics,” which refers to
the process of movement and change in human society.
• According to this notion of dialectics, across history, there
had been opposing forces in human society—the so-called
“thesis” and “antithesis” —that clash with one another, shape
one another, and, as a consequence, create new forms that
are the “synthesis” of two diametrically opposed forces.
Historical Materialism
and Karl Marx
• The result is a new situation, a new order, and a new
structure, which has elements from the two opposing
natures or entities. This dialectical process underscores
that “conflict” is not at all bad; in fact, it is a critical
ingredient in order to move history and society forward.