Hazrat Bilal (First Muazinn)
Hazrat Bilal (First Muazinn)
Hazrat Bilal (First Muazinn)
Grade = 6B
Made by = Taban, Fasseh, Wajjeh , Ahmad
Zahid and Mairaj
Bilal ibn Rabah al- Habashi was a loyal Sahabah to the
Prophet Muhammad and thus one of the earliest
converts in the newly-emerging religion of Islam. He
was also the first mu'azzin (prayer caller) in the
Muslim faith. Rabah is the first person of known
African origin to become a Muslim.
Bilal ibn Rabah was born in Mecca in the Hejaz in the
year 580. His father Rabah was a slave for the clan
of Banu Jumah while his mother, Hamamah, was
supposedly a former princess of Abyssinia who was
captured after the event of the Year of the Elephant,
and put into slavery. Being born into slavery, Bilal had
no other option but to work for his master, umayyah
ibn khalaf. Through hard work, Bilal became
recognised as a good slave and was entrust with the
keys to the Idols of Arabia. However, racism and
sociopolitical statutes of Arabia prevented Bilal from
achieving a great position in society.
in his book, Bilal ibn Rabah, Muhammad Abdul- Rauf
states that Bilal "was of a handsome and impressive
height, dark brown complexion with sparkling eyes, a
fine nose and bright skin. He was also gifted with a
deep, melodious, rich voice. He wore a beard which
was thin on both cheeks. He was gifted with great
wisdom and a sense of dignity and self
value. Similarly, in his book The Life of
Muhammad, William Muir states that Bilal "was tall,
dark, and with African feature and bushy hair. Muir
also states that noble members of
the Quraysh despised Bilal and called him "Ibn Sawda"
(son of the black woman)
When Muhammad announced his prophet-hood and
started to preach the message of Islam, Bilal
renounced idol worship, becoming one of the earliest
converts to the faith.
When Bilal's slave master, Umayyah ibn Khalaf, found
out, he began to torture Bilal. At the beginning of Abu
Jahl, Umayyah leap Bilal and had him dragged around
Mecca as children tease him. Bilal refused to renounce
Islam, instead repeating "ahad, ahad" ("one, one") one
God. Incensed at Bilal's refusal, Umayyah ordered that
Bilal be whipped and beaten while spread-eagled upon
the Arabian sands under the desert sun, his limbs
bound to stakes. When Bilal still refused to recant,
Umayyah ordered that a hot boulder be placed on
Bilal's chest. However, Bilal remained firm in belief
and continued to say "ahad, ahad".
News of the harassment of Bilal reached some of
Muhammad's companions, who informed the prophet.
Muhammad sent Abu Bakr to discuss for the setting
free of Bilal, who manumitted him after either
purchasing him or exchanging him for a non-Muslim
In the newly formed Islamic state of Medina, Bilal had
become a prominent contributing member of the
Muslim society taking on important roles.
Muhammad chose Bilal as the first mu'azzin (reciter of
the Adhan).
Bilal rose to prominence in the Islamic community of
Medina, as Muhammad appointed him minister of
the Bayt al-Mal (treasury). In this capacity, Bilal
distributed funds to widows, orphans, wayfarers, and
others who could not support themselves.
Bilal was among the Sahabah promised Paradise in
this world, as mentioned in the story of his footsteps
being heard in paradise.
At the time of the Fajr prayer the Prophet ( )ﷺasked
Bilal, "Tell me of the best deed you did after
embracing Islam, for I heard your footsteps in front of
me in Paradise." Bilal replied, "I did not do anything
worth mentioning except that whenever I performed
ablution during the day or night, I prayed after that
ablution as much as was written for me."
Bilal (R.A.) lived with the messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)
witnessing all the battles with him including battle of
Badr , battle of Uhud , battle of trench and others
In the battle of Badr , he killed his former master,
Umayyah ibn Khalaf.
After the Muslim forces had conquered Mecca bilal
ascended to the top of the Kabah to call the believers
to prayer. This was the first time the Adhan was heard
within Islam's holiest city Mecca.
One day sons of Abdul Bukair came to the Prophet and
said O Messenger of Allah, find a match for our
sister. The prophet then observed and said why do
you not merry her to bilal. Then they went back
and came after a few days and repeated the same
request and the prophet gave the same reply. Then
again this happened and prophet gave same reply
also adding that bilal is an inmate of paradise you
should merry your sister to him. After this prophet
advice they married their sister to bilal. After that Bilal
also took more wives.
At the time of prophet death, bilal remained close at
hand and was included amongst the selected few who
performed rites of the prophet funeral. It was Bilal who
sprinkled water from a skin bag over the grave of the
prophet(S.A.W) and gained the rare privilege of
administrating the last funeral rites.
After the death of prophet bilal stopped calling Adhan
in Madinah
His Death:
While on death bed, Bilal’s (R.A.) wife cried and
said, ‘What a painful affliction’, to which Bilal (R.A.)
“What a great joy; Tomorrow I will meet with my loved
ones, Mohammad (S.A.W.) and his companions.”