Campaign For Change (Final)

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For Change
What is our focus?
Social Justice disparities in
the Unitend States
immigration system
Facts about Topic
• There are millions of families being brought
into the U.S, the incline of immigration has
been on a steady uprise in the past dozen
• There are also push and pull factors that can
increase the amount of immigration a country
can see, pull factors are when there might be
more jobs or money in different countries.
Push factors are when wars and
other terrible actions occur in that area and
force the people out of the country
Facts about Topic
• 40% to 50% of illegal immigrants didn’t
cross the border illegally but they got visas
as students and employees and didn’t
leave when there visas expired.
• The U.S. foreign-born population reached a
record 44.8 million in 2018. Since 1965,
when U.S. immigration laws replaced a
national quota system, the number of
immigrants living in the U.S. has more than
quadrupled. Immigrants today account for
13.7% of the U.S. population, this nearly
triple the share (4.8%) in 1970.
Why the U.S?



The American Dream

Standard Of NATIONAL
Education POLICIES
Why is this issue important?

This issue is
because about
1.5 million people
immigrate to the
US each year.
Who does this impact?
People coming to the US
The US labor force
Over 29.6 million
people (17%) of the
US labor force are
people that
immigrated to the
Related Current event
In the 2016 election with Donald J Trump, He
chose to use his presidential power to create a wall
along the southwest border of the U.S the wall was
mostly made up of 18- to 30-foot steal bollards
anchored in concrete. The walls barriers also were
made with sensors lights cameras and parallel
roads in a few places.

This was all to keep a certain minority out of

Related Current Event
As the umbrella has widened, some have criticized the terms
“Asian American” and “AAPI” as inadequate.
Some South Asians and Southeast Asians have argued that
Asian American is seen as synonymous with East Asian,
therefore obscuring their own realities and experiences.
Many Native ,llHawaiians and Pacific Islanders similarly feel
that their distinct histories and challenges are erased under
the AAPI umbrella. Additionally, many people with roots in
Central Asia and the Middle East don’t identify with either
term. Asian American advocacy organizations have
also lobbied for more detailed data collection to better
understand health and economic disparities experienced by
particularly vulnerable subgroups.
How does Immigration Impact
U.S. Citizens?
Even as most Americans celebrate their heritage and
identity as a “nation of immigrants,” there is deep
uncertainty about future immigration. There is a
strong base of support for continued immigration as a
necessary ingredient for economic growth and as an
essential representation of freedom among many
Americans. Almost 60 million people— more than one
fifth of the total population of the United States—are
immigrants or the children of immigrants. For most of
this community, immigration policy is not an abstract
ideology but a means of family reunification and an
affirmation that they are part of the “American
Related Current Events
The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday said it had
reached a settlement with General Motors Co to resolve
the department's allegation that the automaker
discriminated against non-U.S. citizens. Under the
terms of the agreement, the Detroit-based company
will pay $365,000 in civil penalties to the United States,
the Justice Department said in a statement. A Justice
Department investigation found that until at least
September 2021, GM's export compliance assessments
unnecessarily required lawful permanent residents to
provide an unexpired foreign passport as a condition of
employment, imposing a discriminatory barrier on them
in the hiring process, the department said.
How does Racism Impact
Most times its not just Latinos who are caught and charged
with unauthorized entry white Europeans have been charged
with the exact same crime and yet its been revealed that
white Europeans get lesser punishments then Latinos not to
mention there Europeans entering the country with a tag on
something to give employers the signal to pretty much pay
for their entry saving a job spot for them almost immediately
while others who are Latino are forced to struggle to get in,
let alone a job
Ways to bring awareness
• Support organizations that provide direct
services to immigrants and refugees.
• Call your representatives. Changing national
policy is the single most important way to help
immigrants and refugees.
• Speak up and speak out. Talk to friends and
family, and to members of your civic and religious
groups about immigrants and refugees.
• Stay informed of the latest events happening in
our immigration system.
Ways to bring awareness
●During the month of June
immigration awareness takes place
●It is also known formerly as Refugee
awareness month
●On June 20th is National Refugee
awareness day
●Talk to elected officials about
supporting immigrant rights

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