Campaign For Change (Final)
Campaign For Change (Final)
Campaign For Change (Final)
For Change
What is our focus?
Social Justice disparities in
the Unitend States
immigration system
Facts about Topic
• There are millions of families being brought
into the U.S, the incline of immigration has
been on a steady uprise in the past dozen
• There are also push and pull factors that can
increase the amount of immigration a country
can see, pull factors are when there might be
more jobs or money in different countries.
Push factors are when wars and
other terrible actions occur in that area and
force the people out of the country
Facts about Topic
• 40% to 50% of illegal immigrants didn’t
cross the border illegally but they got visas
as students and employees and didn’t
leave when there visas expired.
• The U.S. foreign-born population reached a
record 44.8 million in 2018. Since 1965,
when U.S. immigration laws replaced a
national quota system, the number of
immigrants living in the U.S. has more than
quadrupled. Immigrants today account for
13.7% of the U.S. population, this nearly
triple the share (4.8%) in 1970.
Why the U.S?
Standard Of NATIONAL
Education POLICIES
Why is this issue important?
This issue is
because about
1.5 million people
immigrate to the
US each year.
Who does this impact?
People coming to the US
The US labor force
Over 29.6 million
people (17%) of the
US labor force are
people that
immigrated to the
Related Current event
In the 2016 election with Donald J Trump, He
chose to use his presidential power to create a wall
along the southwest border of the U.S the wall was
mostly made up of 18- to 30-foot steal bollards
anchored in concrete. The walls barriers also were
made with sensors lights cameras and parallel
roads in a few places.