Quiet enjoyment
• This covenant implies that the landlord and
those claiming through him/her will not
interfere with the tenant’s possession.
• The breach of this covenant takes various
• Opinya v Mukasa CC No. 167 of 1964
• The Kampala Cotton Co. Ltd v Privinlal
Madhvani CC No.485 of 1952
• Where the interference with the tenant’s
possession is due to unlawful activities of
other persons, the landlord is not liable for the
breach of covenant of quiet enjoyment.
No derogation from grant
• This means that the landlord will not frustrate
the use of the land for the purposes that in
the contemplation of both parties, it was let.
• The covenant is normally implied in a situation
where the landlord leases part of his or her
land and retains the other part.
• The effect of the covenant is that the landlord
must desist from carrying on activities on the
land retained that renders the part leased
materially less fit for the purposes for which it
was leased.
• Telex (Australasia) Pty Ltd v Thomas Cook&
Sons (Australasia) Ltd (1970) 2 NSWLR 257
• The covenant not to derogate from grant is
implied only where the tenant uses the land
for a purpose that was within the
contemplation of both parties at the time the
lease was entered into.
Fitness for Human Habitation
• Where premises are rented fully furnished,
common law implies against the landlord that
the premises are fit for human habitation.
• This covenant is implied only at the beginning
and not throughout the term.
• S.103 provides for powers implied in the
• Premises are unfit for human habitation if
they are in such a state that they pose a risk of
personal injury or to hygiene.
Covenant implied against the tenant
• These are provided for under s. 102 RTA
• Parties to a lease agreement may by express
declaration in the lease exclude or modify any
or all the covenants implied under the RTA
• At common law it is implied against the tenant
that he or she will pay rent as it falls due and
all rates and taxes
• It is also implied that at the determination of
the lease the tenant will deliver up vacant
• Common law also implies against the tenant
that he or she shall use the premises in a
tenantable manner.
• This obligation means that the tenant should
take proper care of the premises.
• A tenant must not commit voluntary or
permissive waste.
• Voluntary waste refers to damage that is
committed deliberately or negligently.
• It also included altering the premises without
the landlord’s consent.
• Permissive waste implies an omission that
results in the dilapidation of the property such
as where property is allowed to decay by
• A sub-lease is a transaction whereby a lessee
creates a lease that is less than the term that
the lessee has.
• S.105 – Covenant to be implied on transfer of
a lease.
• An assignment of a lease is a transaction
whereby the lessee transfers absolutely the
remainder of a term to another person.
• The power to sub-lease or assign is incidental
to all types of leases unless such power is
expressly excluded.
• S. 109 RTA