2.1 Java Installation

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Being Familiar with


By Upekha Vandebona
Alternative OO Programming
Using Java
Lightweight IDEs

Command Prompt

Download & Install Java JDK
If you cannot see the version, the reason is PATH
not set.
If you use an installer to install java, it will
automatically set the path environment variable.
Installer will automatically
set this path for Java in
environment variables.
Setting the path of Java in the
computer temporarily

In Command Prompt, type

the above
Setting the path of
Java in the
D:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21\
The Way Java Works

The compiled bytecode is platform-independent.

You’ll type a source code file, compile it using the javac compiler, and then run the compiled
bytecode on a Java virtual machine.
Code Structure in Java
Anatomy of a Class

When the JVM starts running, it looks for the class you give
it at the command line.
Then it starts looking for a specially-written method that
looks exactly like:

Next, the JVM runs everything between the curly braces {} of your main
“Hello World” Driver

public class MyFirstApp{

public static void main(String
Running a program means telling the Java virtual Machine
(JVM) to “Load the class, then start executing its main ()
method. Keep running till all the code in main is finished."
How to change directory in
command prompt

Working Directory: All the

created source codes saved in
this folder
‘Path’ Environment Variable
If you do not like to PATH variable
set, then you need to specify the full
path to the executable file every
time you run it in the command
prompt , such as:
C:\> "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21\bin\javac" MyClass.java
Save, Compile & Run

• MyFirstApp.java

• javac MyFirstApp.java

• Java MyFirstApp
Main Method
Once you're inside main method,
you can say all the normal things
that you say in most programming
languages to make the computer to
do something.
do something again and again
do something under a condition
Java -Few Basic Rules
 Each statement must end in a semicolon.
 x = x + 1;
 Most white space doesn't matter.
 x = 3 ;
 Classes and methods must be defined within a pair of
curly braces.
 public void go() {
// amazing code here
 Filename should be exactly same as the class name
which main method reside.
 Java is case-sensitive.
‘println’Vs ‘print’

public class Main{

public static void main(String
System.out.print (“1,”);
System.out.print (“2,”);
System.out.println (“3,”);
System.out.println (“4,”);
System.out.println (“5,”);

Good Morning!

Thank You! You’re Welcome

The Answer of 5+5 is :

Few Useful DOS Commands

Clear the Screen

n A rro w
se U p / D ow
U u se
t h e re Make new directory/folder
keys m a n d s
v i o u s c om
Few Useful DOS Commands

List Items in current

Go back one folder
 The contents of a comment are
ignored by the compiler.
 A comment describes or explains the
operation of the program to anyone
who is reading its source code.
 comments generally explain how some
part of the program works or what a
specific feature does.
A single-line comment begins with two forward
 //This is a single line comment
 Documentation comment can span across
multiple lines
 /** The HelloWorldApp class implements an
application that * simply prints "Hello World!" to
standard output. */
 Multiline comments span across multiple lines
 /*This is a
Multiline Comment*/
Documentation comment
This type of comment is used to
produce an HTML file that
documents your program.
Select from among the following valid option(s)
that can be used to execute the Java

(a) java Ex1.java (b) java Ex1 (c)

(d) javajava (e) Ex1.txt.java
3) Select from among the following, what JDK
stands for.

(a) Java Design Kit (b) Java Data Kit

(c) Java Definition Kit (d) Java Development
(e) Java Deployment Kit
Select from among the following, valid output
generated after a Java source file is successfully

(a) Object Code (b) Byte Code

(c) P Code (d) Java
(e) Java Interpreter
Thank You!

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