Session 15 Provide Counselling To PWUD and PWIDs
Session 15 Provide Counselling To PWUD and PWIDs
Session 15 Provide Counselling To PWUD and PWIDs
Provide counselling to People Who Use Drug(PWUD) and People Who Inject
Presented by
Ms. Brenda G
Learning tasks
• Define drug abuse and substance use
• List drugs commonly abused by PWIDs and
• Explain WHO assessment tool (ASSIST V3.0)
• Assess the client using the ASSIST V.3.0 tool
• Counsel the client to stop drugs abuse or
substance use
• Refer accordingly
Define drug abuse and substance use
Drug abuse is extreme desire to obtain and use increasing amount
of one or more substance.
Drug abuse is generic term for the abuse of any drug including
alcohol and cigarettes.
Drug abuse is not the same as drug dependence or drug addiction
Drug dependence or drug addiction indicates a psychological or
physical dependence on the drug to function.
Drug dependence requires the symptoms of withdraw if the drug
is discontinued, whereas drug abuse does not.
Substance abuse is excessive use of psychoactive drugs such as
alcohol, pain medications or illegal drugs.
Drugs commonly abused by PWIDs and
• Alcohol
• Cigarettes
• Methadone
• Oxycodone
• Marijuana
• Heroin
• Cocaine
• Family history. More common in some
families and likely involves an increased risk
based on genes.
• Peer pressure . Is a strong factor in starting to
use and misuse drugs, particularly for young
• Lack of family involvement. Difficult family
situations, lack of bond with parents, lack of
parental supervision
• Mental health disorder. Using drugs can become a way
of coping with painful feelings such as anxiety,
depression and loneliness
• Taking a highly addictive drug
WHO assessment tool (ASSIST)