NCF 2023

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National Curriculum

(NCF-SE 2023)
for School Education 2023
Presented by
 The pre-draft of the NCF-SE- placed for
public comment on 6 April 2023.
 Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Chairman, National
Committee for National Curriculum
 NCF-SE-2023 submitted to Education Minister,
GOI on 29th July 2023.
 NCF-SE was released on 23rd August 2023.
 NCF-FS- 2022 ( for ages between 3- 8) released
on 10th October 2022.
 NCF-FS 2022 is Integrated in NCF-SE 2023.
Ch-01 Capacity Building for Implementation

Speedy and systematic capacity

development of all stakeholders
must occur to enable
implementation of this NCF.
Curriculum Framework Literacy for
All Stakeholders
Stakeholders involved in the implementation of
Curriculum Frameworks.
Components of Curriculum Framework Literacy:
i. The approaches and principles of the CF to
achieve the Aims of Education
ii. Key curricular changes and transitions in
pedagogy, content, and assessment in each
Curricular Area to achieve these aims
iii. Roles and responsibilities of each
stakeholder to execute the changes
iv. The importance of the above components
Capacity Building of Teachers
 Overall Approach to Capacity Building

 Capacity building for Mathematics, Languages, Science,

Social Science, and other subjects in the Secondary Stage

 Capacity building in The World Around Us, Art Education,

Vocational Education, Physical Education and Well-being,

and Education in Interdisciplinary Areas.

Ch-2 : “Ensuring an Appropriate
Environment for Learning”
It is imperative for instructors to
maintain positive relationships with the
learners while also ensuring healthy
association among the learners.
Outdoor Infrastructure

Having right kind of infrastructure in all the schools

is not feasible but all schools must meet the basic
standards and safety for learning of students .
Outdoor Infrastructure
• Basic structure and
Compound walls.
• Open space for Play and Safe
Assembly .
• Trees , Plants , and Nature .
Accessibility and Inclusion
Handrail in stairs and ramps
Slip resistant flooring
Braille books
• Classrooms
• Libraries
 School library
 Classroom Library corner
 Community Library
 Laboratories
 Dining Area
 Toilets
 Semi – open / Partially Shaded Areas
 Uninterrupted Supply of Water and Electricity
Ch-3: “Enabling and
Empowering Teachers”
Teachers must be the torchbearers of
all educational empowerment. Thus,
teachers must be enabled and
motivated in every way possible.
Ensuring an Enabling Environment
for Teachers
Education Policy must help re-establish teachers, at all

levels, as the most respected and essential members

of our society, because they truly shape our next

generation of citizens. It must do everything to

empower Teachers and help them to do their job as

effectively as possible. [NEP 2020,

Teacher Autonomy and
Teachers are responsible for student learning and

must be held accountable for it. But Teacher

empowerment and autonomy are preconditions for

accountability. Accountability is critical, but so is

autonomy — an empowering culture based on

autonomy is a necessary condition for accountability.

Pupil-Teacher Ratio
It is widely understood and accepted that the right PTR

enables individual attention by Teachers, and therefore

can increase student engagement and achievement.
It is important to look at the PTR as not just a number,

but as a measure that would lead to better Learning

Outcomes. Many crucial classroom processes can be
better implemented if the Teacher could operate in an
environment of favourable PTR.
Career and Professional
Development Opportunities
All Teachers, from Foundational Stage Teachers to

Secondary Stage Teachers, will be recruited with

standard service conditions as per their work
requirements and with the same salary structure.
All Teachers must have the opportunity to progress in

their career (in terms of salary and promotions) while

continuing to serve as Teachers in the same Stage of
education (i.e., Foundational, Preparatory, Middle, or
In-Service Teacher Education,
Mentoring, and Support
Teacher professional development is a journey, and

Teachers progress through it at their own individual

Different Teachers will be at different phases of their

developmental journey and will have different

developmental needs. Within each phase, the learning
experience needs to be holistic and complete to a point
that it can help Teachers bring about sustained change
in their practice and move on to the next phase.
Ch-4 “Community and Family
Parents and family must be co-partners with the school in
their children’s learning and development. Communication
with parents needs to be frequent and ongoing, with parents
being treated as indispensable partners in the process of the
child’s education.
Enabling the Involvement of Parents
and Families and Community
Inviting Parents/Families and Community to

Orientation Meetings

Parent Teachers Meetings

Building Perspectives among Parents and

Families and Community

Parents and Families and the Community as

Resource Persons
School Management
SMC meetings should be held regularly to

review school progress and to take

necessary steps wherever required. These
meetings can also be used to orient
committee members on various
educational matters so that they also grow
in their understanding of the educational
process and can play a more active and
supportive role in ensuring all enabling
School culture encompasses how things are
done while the process of education is
being performed .
Values and beliefs are two main aspects
while relationships , behaviors and
practices are the other important aspects.
NCF – SE 2023
Constituent elements :-

Relationsh Symbols Arrangem

ips ents and
This is how school This is what is This include
staff’s and students considered worth arrangements
relate and work with displaying and related to
each other . celebrating in schools
classroom and
school process
that exhibits
“culture of
Eg: Teachers listening “ Shiksharth aaiye An example of
to student’s Sewarth jaiye arrangement is
patiently , welcoming ( come to learn , go seating and of
parents , concern to serve )” . ( This is a practice is how
about emotional and daily reminder to genders are
Mutual trust
and respect .

Openness ,
n and
• Display boards
• Quotes on school
•Pictures of
personalities in
classroom , staff
room and
Principal’s room .
• Choice of
arrangements like
not to provide
chair to teacher in
Arrangements and Practices .
Availability of
 Cleanliness
Learning rituals
•School Assembly
• Mealtime
• Distribution of
•Sports Activities
•Engaging with
Parents , Family
and Community .
Values and Dispositions

Constituent element of School Culture

Gender Equality
Respect for Public property
Nishkam Karma
Processes that are set in place will clarify
what needs to be done, the procedures for
decision making, and the spirit with which
one must act and respond.
Another important aspect of school
processes is that they reflect the values
and beliefs of school culture, and in turn,
reinforce them.
School processes can be broadly
divided into the following categories:
A.Curricular Processes:

These are processes that have a direct effect

on learning. For example, the school

timetable, school assembly, library, student

committees, celebrations and events, and

the use of technology in schools.

B. Curriculum-associated Processes:

These are processes that have a significant

but mediating effect on learning. For

example, processes for teacher professional

development (TPD), engagement with

parents and the community, the Mid-day

Meal, and other such processes.

C. Organisational Processes:

These are processes that enable the planning for and

smooth functioning of the above two processes. For

example, the school development plan, an annual

calendar, a plan for mobilising and allocating resources,

data management and reporting, forums for the

resolution of conflicts and disciplinary issues, and

processes for safety-related issues

Part E . Creating a Supportive
A. Capacity Building for Implementation
B. Ensuring an Appropriate Environment
for Learning
C. Enabling and Empowering Teachers
D. Community and Family Engagement
Thank You…

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