The Ear
The Ear
The Ear
Analisa Marie Pais
With thanks to Maria Miranda Rivera
The ear
• Divided into three areas
• Outer ear
• Middle ear
• Inner ear
• Ossicular chain
• Malleus (hammer)
• Incus (anvil)
• Stapes (stirrup) (4mg)
• Eustachian tube
Hearing summary (watch during self-study time)
Clinical note
Can you think of any conditions relating to the ear and its relevance to SLT?
Clinical note
• Hearing impairment – damage to one or more parts of the ear.
• Most common cause in children is otitis media (ear infection in the middle ear), commonly
associated with with upper respiratory infection e.g. cold
• Malformations of the pinna (e.g., apasia, microtia), or the EAM (e.g., atresia, stenosis)
• Tinnitus – ringing sound in the ears can result as consequence to loud noise exposure,
medications, wax build-up or varies disturbances of the auditory nerve
• What do you think would be the role of the SLT working with children with hearing impairment?