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• SEO my seems like an easy task but actually it’s not.
Many beginners often get confused while doing SEO because they are doing there best but still are not getting the desired results. • They do some common mistakes and in this presentation we will learn about some common mistakes that we should avoid while doing SEO. 1. IGNORING THE CONTENT
• The basic mistake we do while doing SEO is by ignoring
the content. We get so much busy in doing SEO that we forget to overlook the content. • We have to remember, a site can only attain good ranking when it will have a good & useful content. • So, try to get good content first and then go for doing SEO. 2. AIMING AT WRONG KEYWORDS
• One of the major ranking factors while doing SEO are
“Keywords”. It is important to aim at right keywords while doing SEO. • Most beginners gets confused while selecting the right keywords to aim at….it’s simple just put yourself in place of the user and think what you would have typed… 3.COPY-PASTE CONTENT
• Don’t try to copy content from other website just to
increase your site rankings it may lead your website in getting penalised. • Remember, as a beginner it’s hard but keep on reading and writing then you will get better and better with time. • To check duplicacy of content or who is duplicating your content you can use tool like “copyscape” 4. HAVING “ABC.COM” AND “WWW.ABC.COM” POINT TO THE SAME CONTENT • Make sure and don’t resolve to the same site.
• So, set your domain preferences by using Google
search console.
• If you won’t do this, Google will see both sites as
separate but with duplicate content. 5. RECIPROCAL LINK EXCHANGE
• Creating links by swapping links with another
website owner, and you both link to each other is a wrong technique often used by beginners while doing SEO.
• Few years back, this was a great way to get links
quickly but Google quickly caught on, and now it’s not recommended. 6. BUY LINKS SPECIALLY CHEAP SPAM LINKS • What ever you do just don’t opt for buying cheap spam links in fact you should never buy links at all.
• Avoid companies that runs a cheap link because it
may get you penalize by Google. You may have to visit thousands of companies to remove your links so that you can regain your rankings.
• After getting penalized regaining your ranking will
be almost impossible for your website.SO, never buy cheap spam links. 7. KEEP ON COMMENTING ON BLOGS AND FORUM AND DOING EXCESSIVE DIRECTORY LINKING
• Commenting on hundreds of blogs / forums
whether done manually or by using software is considered as spam.
• It’s a bad idea, it will make people angry on those
forums/blogs and will give you a bad reputation.
• Also Google is cracking down on this kind of
• Content is really important for a website but how
your website looks is also very important.
• A visitor wont be attracted to your website if he
would not find your website appealing.
• So, with great content also try to make your
website visibly more feasible to user so that the bounce rate decreases and average time increases. 9. FORGET ALT TAGS
• Never ignore alt tags while doing SEO because it may
affect your desired rankings.
• When you see a man doing exercise in a picture you
know what is happening but Google doesn’t.
• Alt tags are used to let search engines know about
your image.
• You need optimize your images as well so that if you
are not ranked for your content at least you could be ranked for your image. 10.DON’T PUBLISH YOUR CONTENT REGULARLY
• The basic mistake done by beginners is by not
setting the posting frequency i.e. publishing of content should be done at a regular basis to attain high rankings in search engines.
• You may lose your readers and followers if you
don’t post at regular interval which will eventually lead to low rankings. • So, publish fresh and good content regularly in order to achieve good rankings.