Lesson 10 PPT For EAPP - 20240918 - 173518 - 0000

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Summary - Gives

brief statement of
the main points
Execute - Carry out
in full

Objectives Graphical Presentation

Summarizes fi ndings and

- is a visual display of
data and statistical
executes the report
through narrative and Narrative - is a report of
related events presented
visual /graphic forms.
. 03.
to listeners or readers, in
words, arranged in a
logical sequence.
Data presented in
graphic forms may be
used in presenting data
from surveys, interviews
or experiments.
In summarizing findings in
narrative form the data can be
arranged in chronological, or
logical order or it can be from
the most important to the least
important findings. It should be
sequenced to follow a specific
problem said in statement of
the problem.

Discussing results and drawing conclusions involves

making claims about interpretation, signifi cance and
applicability. This is done within a research tradition
where existing knowledge is always being modifi ed in the
light of new results. As a researcher, you are expected to
distinguish carefully between
Knowledge you are sure because you have reliable
evidence for it
Other - knowledge you are less sure of.
A claim like this which implies that the
statement is true in every case cannot
be supported with evidence. Claims
should therefore be specific and
precise and the level of certainty must
match the level of evidence.
There are many methods used in
academic writing to qualify claim.
Methods used in academic writing to
qualify claim.
A. Indicate the degree of probability (note how the claim
progressively weakens)
Methods used in academic writing to
qualify claim.
B. Distance yourself (A. From the claim) or (B. From
the data, by showing it is limitations )
Methods used in academic writing to
qualify claim.
C. Use a qualifying web

D. In practice, a combination of these methods is often

A survey is a research method for
collecting information from a selected
group of people using a standardized
questionnaires or interviews. It is also a
means of obtaining information not
generally available under other
circumstances, and are often use in Social
Sciences. Questionnaire is just one part of
the survey.
To be able to create and present an organized
picture of information from a research report, it is
important to use certain techniques to
communicate findings and interpretations of
research studies into visual form. The common
techniques being used to display results are
tabular, textual and graphical methods.
Sometimes, you can simply report the
information in a table. Tables provide exact
values and illustrate results efficiently as
they enable the researcher to present a large
amount of space. The data, usually shown as
specific numerical figures, are arranged in an
orderly display of row and columns to aid in
The following must be observed
in the use of a table:
1. Precise values are better than rounded-off
values for they may display patterns and
2. Comparing numbers down a column is better
than a cross row.
3. Column and row averages provide a visual
focus that allows easy inspection of data,after
the presentation of the table, there is a need
for a written analysis.
Tables can be used in the
following scenarios:
1.A single category is to be presented in
diff erent points.
(example 1. Is the category of performance at
diff erent points.)
(example 2. Is the category of performance at
diff erent levels.)
2. An exact value like the weighted mean or
frequency must be emphasized.
3. The data set contains few numbers.
A good table should include the
Title Number and Title-These are places above
the table. The title is usually written right
after the table number.
Caption Subhead- this refers to columns and
Body- It contains all the data under each
Source- It indicates if the data is secondary
Example of Table
Profile of Students According to

MALE 120 40%

FEMALE 180 60%

TOTAL 300 100%

Among 300 respondents, 120 (40%) are males and 180 (60%) are females
Graphical Method of Presenting the

A graph or chart portrays the visual

presentation of data using symbols, such
as lines, dots, bars or slices. It depicts a
trend of a certain set of measurements or
shows comparison between two or more
sets of data or quantities
How about summarizing
information using a pie graph?
A pie chart is usually used to show
how parts of a whole compare to
each other and to the whole.

The entire circle represents the

total and the parts are proportional
to the amount of the total they
Figure 21.1. Sample Total
Population of Enrollment of
Senior High School (Grade 11)
Students for School Year 2014-
The Pie graph shows that the
highest enrollment of senior
high school (grade 11) student
is recorded in the second
semester of school year 2014-
2015 with 1400 enrollees while
the lowest enrollment is listed
in the summer term with 600
A bar graph uses bars to compare categories of
data. It may be drawn vertically or horizontally.

A vertical bar graph is best to use when comparing

mean s or percentages between distinct categories.
The categories are measured independently and
compared with one another.

A horizontal bar graph may contain more than five

categories. A bar graph is plotted on either the x-
axis or y-axis.
Here are the example of Horizontal and Vertical
bar graph:
Another example is Bar
The bar graph shows that the senior high
school (Grade 11) students has the highest
level of performance in their Management
subject with an average grade of 95% while
the English subject has the lowest level of
performance with an average grade of
75%. The two subjects, Mathematics and
Social Science, have performance level
between the average grades of 80% to
Line Graph / Time Series is a graphical presentation of data that
shows a continuous change or trend. It may show an ascending or
descending trend.
The graph below shows how people buy music. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
The graph illustrates trends in music buying
habits between 2011 and 2018. It presents three
different methods: streaming, downloading and
buying CDs.

Overall, both downloads and physical sales of

music have steadily declined. The latter has
slumped since 2011, while the downturn for the
former began in 2014. However, there has been a
sharp rise in people streaming music since 2013.
In 2011, the majority of music sales were of CDs, at 55% of all
sales. In contrast, streaming was not common at all at only 5%.
Also, although people had started to download music, it only
represented 35% of sales. As sales of CDs began to fall,
downloads started to rise. They rose steadily and downloads
overtook physical sales in mid-2013. During the same period,
streaming doubled to 10% but then it started to grow more
Downloads peaked in 2014 at about 43% of sales but fell to 30%
by 2018. This was slightly higher than physical sales, which
shrank to 25%. Streaming, on the other hand, overtook both of
them and accounted for just over 40% of sales in 2018.
Thank you

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