RWS PPT Demo # 1
RWS PPT Demo # 1
RWS PPT Demo # 1
Classroom Rules:
Maintain cleanliness
Unite with your classmates
Start your day with a smile
Instill positivity
you will be grouped into 4.
Written on the board are the words critical reading
and reasoning.
All you have to do is to define the given words in one
Cite words as many as you can within 2 minutes
Go with your respective group.
The teacher will present a passage on the board.
All you have to do is to identify which of the phrases
or statements are assertions or claims, reasoning, and
1 2 3
In our activity, we
Does any For instance, you have mentioned the
are tasked to grade
one of you terms guage,
each student in a
here loves to classroom in their
performance and
recitation. Which
read? And part of their etc., haven’t we? In
why? performances are teaching, name a
you going to tool that we usually
measure? used as our guide
to measure the
performance of the
1 2 3
In our activity, we
For instance, you
have mentioned
are tasked to grade
Does any one the terms guage,
each student in a
of you here classroom in their measure,
loves to read? recitation. Which performance and
And why? part of their etc., haven’t we? In
performance are teaching, name a
you going to tool that we usually
measure? used as our guide
to measure the
performance of the
1 2 3
In our activity, we
How would you have mentioned
Do you like to share
describe the the terms guage,
what you just have
terms we measure,
encountered in
performance and
our activity etc., haven’t we? In
earlier? teaching, name a
tool that we usually
used as our guide
to measure the
performance of the
1 2 3
• Probability adverbs
probably, possibly, presumably
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Determining evidences is
A. Asserting facts to support claims
B. Rebutting a previous claim
C. Conducting a survey
D. Showing courteous
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Determining evidences is
A. Asserting facts to support claims
B. Rebutting a previous claim
C. Conducting a survey
D. Showing courteous
Multiple Choice:
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.