Automatedperimetry 140701220537 Phpapp02

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Automated Perimetry

Automated way of mapping the visual field
Important diagnostic test in glaucoma
Diagnosing and monitoring progression of
other disease
Traquair described it as a field of vision in a
sea of darkness
It has a shape of a hill
Peak representing fovea
2 slopes representing nasal and temporal
field of vision
Kinetic perimetry
Stimuli is moved from a non seeeing area to a
seeing area along a set meridian
Aim is to find points in the visual field of
equal retinal sensitivity
Lister perimetry
Goldman perimetry
Static perimetry
Intensity of the stimuli at the same pre
determined spot is varied
Find out threshold at those locations
More accurate than kinetic perimetry
Gives a 3D picture of the hill of vision
Picks up field defects more accurately
Apostlib is an absolute measure of luminance
and is equal to 0.3183 candela m2 or 0.1
Decibel is a measure of sensitivity of retina
Inversely proportional
It is a relative measure varies from machine
to machine
Testing strategy
Full threshold
Full threshold strategy
Staircase method (4-2 bracketing strategy)
Used to detect threshold
4-2 bracketing
Intensity of stimulus is decreased in 4-db step
till stimulus is no longer seen
Increasing the stimulus in 2-db step till
stimulus is seen again
Threshold perimetry
Threshold found at predetermined points
Time consuming process
Suprathreshold perimetry
Intensity of stimulus shown at a spot much
higher than threshold at that spot
Mainly for screening
Picks up gross visual defects
Newer threshold strategy
Decreases the test time by 40%
3-db increment instead of 4-db
Threshold crossed only once
Sita standard:
Takes half time than full threshold method

Sita fast:
Takes half time than fast pac threshold
Number of test points:76
Density :6 degree
Only 3 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Number of test points:54
Density: 6 degree
Only 3 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
10-2 central threshold test
Number of test points: 68
Density: 2 degree
Only 1 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Macular programme
Number of test points: 16
Density: 2 degree
Only 1 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Reliabilty indices
Fixation losses:
Indicates steadiness of gaze
Presenting stimuli at blind spot
loss.>20% is unreliable
False positives
Trigger happy patients
Responds to an audible stimuli when no
target is presented
>33% is unrelible
False negative:
Fails to respond to a suprathreshold stimuli
Indicates fatigue,inattentiveness
>33% is unreliable
Zone 1
Colour of the stimulus
Background illumination: 31.5 asb
Stimulus size: III
Testing strategy
Zone 3
Zone 4 total deviation
Depicts difference between patients
threshold fom that of age matched normals
Reveals generalised depression
Cannot confirm scotoma
Zone 5 pattern deviation
Reveals focal defects after adjusting for
overall depression
Confirms scotoma
Global indices
Mean deviation:
Indicates overall deviation of the visual field
from normal
Positive number indicates an elevated field
Negative number indicates a depressed field
Cannot confirm scotoma
Derived from total deviation
Indicates the degree to which the numbers
differ from each other
Highlights pot-holes in hill of vision
Calls attention for scotoma
Short term fluctuation
Measure of intra-test variability
Threshold at 10 pre selected points is tested
Difference between 1 & 2 measurement
Cpsd is psd corrected for sf
If sf is due to unreliability
Then cpsd is better
If sf is due to pathology
Then psd is better
5 set of points above horizontal meridian
Compared to mirror image below horizontal
Zone 8
Numerical display:
Gives the threshold for all points checked
Value in () indicates that the point has been
tested twice
Never rely on first report
Always correlate clinically
Correct any significant refractive error
before proceeding
Sources of error
decreases the threshold sensitivity in
peripheral field
Increases the variability in central field
Uncorrected refractive errors:
Threshold sensitivity appears less
Hyperopic patient with contact lens:
Defect gets magnified & vice versa
Spectacles can cause rim scotomas
Ptosis :
Suppression of superior visual field
Is there a field defect ?
Is it due to glaucoma ?
Is the defect progressing ?
 Compare to selected baseline

 Discard learning fields from baseline

 Recognise false progression

False progression
Learning curve
Long term fluctuation
Pupil size
Pupil: 1 mm
Pupil: 2.5 mm
Andersons criteria
1. pattern deviation plot:
3 non-edge points with p<5%
One point with p<1%
Cluster in arcuate area

Abnormal with p<5% on 2 consecutive

3.abnormal GHT
Detecting progression
Overview printout
Glaucoma change probability analysis
Overview print out
Sequential series of field of same patient over
a period of time
Displays gray scales,total &pattern deviation
Statistical analysis is however not provided
This patient developed cataract,which was
extracted later
Pattern deviation plot remained clear
Glaucoma progression
Glaucoma change probability
Compares rate of change in patients visual
field,with that of stable glaucoma patient
Clear triangle represents improvements
Solid ones shows points of deterioration
Progression represented by a cluster of black
triangles in same area increasing in size with
2 or more points deteriorate on 2 consecutive
3 or more points deteriorate on 3 consecutive
Advanced field defects
Why pattern deviation plot not showing
Not enough points with sensitivity to produce
pattern deviation plot
Follow up with 10-2
Enough sensitive points to produce pattern
Advanced defect f/u with a size V
Macular programme in advanced defects
Size V target:macular split
Macular split (0 db) next to fovea may
indicate wipe out
 Thank you

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