Automatedperimetry 140701220537 Phpapp02
Automatedperimetry 140701220537 Phpapp02
Automatedperimetry 140701220537 Phpapp02
Automated way of mapping the visual field
Important diagnostic test in glaucoma
Diagnosing and monitoring progression of
other disease
Traquair described it as a field of vision in a
sea of darkness
It has a shape of a hill
Peak representing fovea
2 slopes representing nasal and temporal
field of vision
Kinetic perimetry
Stimuli is moved from a non seeeing area to a
seeing area along a set meridian
Aim is to find points in the visual field of
equal retinal sensitivity
Lister perimetry
Goldman perimetry
Static perimetry
Intensity of the stimuli at the same pre
determined spot is varied
Find out threshold at those locations
More accurate than kinetic perimetry
Gives a 3D picture of the hill of vision
Picks up field defects more accurately
Apostlib is an absolute measure of luminance
and is equal to 0.3183 candela m2 or 0.1
Decibel is a measure of sensitivity of retina
Inversely proportional
It is a relative measure varies from machine
to machine
Testing strategy
Full threshold
Full threshold strategy
Staircase method (4-2 bracketing strategy)
Used to detect threshold
4-2 bracketing
Intensity of stimulus is decreased in 4-db step
till stimulus is no longer seen
Increasing the stimulus in 2-db step till
stimulus is seen again
Threshold perimetry
Threshold found at predetermined points
Time consuming process
Suprathreshold perimetry
Intensity of stimulus shown at a spot much
higher than threshold at that spot
Mainly for screening
Picks up gross visual defects
Newer threshold strategy
Decreases the test time by 40%
3-db increment instead of 4-db
Threshold crossed only once
Sita standard:
Takes half time than full threshold method
Sita fast:
Takes half time than fast pac threshold
Number of test points:76
Density :6 degree
Only 3 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Number of test points:54
Density: 6 degree
Only 3 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
10-2 central threshold test
Number of test points: 68
Density: 2 degree
Only 1 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Macular programme
Number of test points: 16
Density: 2 degree
Only 1 degree bare area is left surrounding
the fixation spot
Reliabilty indices
Fixation losses:
Indicates steadiness of gaze
Presenting stimuli at blind spot
loss.>20% is unreliable
False positives
Trigger happy patients
Responds to an audible stimuli when no
target is presented
>33% is unrelible
False negative:
Fails to respond to a suprathreshold stimuli
Indicates fatigue,inattentiveness
>33% is unreliable
Zone 1
Colour of the stimulus
Background illumination: 31.5 asb
Stimulus size: III
Testing strategy
Zone 3
Zone 4 total deviation
Depicts difference between patients
threshold fom that of age matched normals
Reveals generalised depression
Cannot confirm scotoma
Zone 5 pattern deviation
Reveals focal defects after adjusting for
overall depression
Confirms scotoma
Global indices
Mean deviation:
Indicates overall deviation of the visual field
from normal
Positive number indicates an elevated field
Negative number indicates a depressed field
Cannot confirm scotoma
Derived from total deviation
Indicates the degree to which the numbers
differ from each other
Highlights pot-holes in hill of vision
Calls attention for scotoma
Short term fluctuation
Measure of intra-test variability
Threshold at 10 pre selected points is tested
Difference between 1 & 2 measurement
Cpsd is psd corrected for sf
If sf is due to unreliability
Then cpsd is better
If sf is due to pathology
Then psd is better
5 set of points above horizontal meridian
Compared to mirror image below horizontal
Zone 8
Numerical display:
Gives the threshold for all points checked
Value in () indicates that the point has been
tested twice
Never rely on first report
Always correlate clinically
Correct any significant refractive error
before proceeding
Sources of error
decreases the threshold sensitivity in
peripheral field
Increases the variability in central field
Uncorrected refractive errors:
Threshold sensitivity appears less
Hyperopic patient with contact lens:
Defect gets magnified & vice versa
Spectacles can cause rim scotomas
Ptosis :
Suppression of superior visual field
Is there a field defect ?
Is it due to glaucoma ?
Is the defect progressing ?
Compare to selected baseline
Abnormal with p<5% on 2 consecutive
3.abnormal GHT
Detecting progression
Overview printout
Glaucoma change probability analysis
Overview print out
Sequential series of field of same patient over
a period of time
Displays gray scales,total &pattern deviation
Statistical analysis is however not provided
This patient developed cataract,which was
extracted later
Pattern deviation plot remained clear
Glaucoma progression
Glaucoma change probability
Compares rate of change in patients visual
field,with that of stable glaucoma patient
Clear triangle represents improvements
Solid ones shows points of deterioration
Progression represented by a cluster of black
triangles in same area increasing in size with
2 or more points deteriorate on 2 consecutive
3 or more points deteriorate on 3 consecutive
Advanced field defects
Why pattern deviation plot not showing
Not enough points with sensitivity to produce
pattern deviation plot
Follow up with 10-2
Enough sensitive points to produce pattern
Advanced defect f/u with a size V
Macular programme in advanced defects
Size V target:macular split
Macular split (0 db) next to fovea may
indicate wipe out
Thank you