2.3 East Asia Civilization The Emergence of Japan

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Spread of civilizations

in east Asia
500 AD – 1603 AD
The emergence of
• Japan is located on an
archipelago, or chain of islands,
about 100 miles off the Asian
• Because four-fifths of Japan is
mountainous, most people
settled in narrow river valleys
and along coastal plains.
• The surrounding seas have
both protected and isolated
Japan. Japan was close enough to
the mainland to learn from Korea
and China, but too far away for
the Chinese to conquer.
• The seas also served as trade
The emergence of
• The first period of deliberate cultural
borrowing and adaptation.
• The Japanese studied and borrowed from
Chinese culture, introduced to them by the
• Among the cultural imports were
Buddhism, Confucianism social and
political values, and the Chinese written
and spoken languages.
• In time, enthusiasm for everything
Chinese died down. The Japanese kept some
Chinese ways but discarded or modified
others. This process is known as selective
Example: Japan never accepted the Chinese
civil service exam to choose officials based
on merit. Instead, they maintained their
tradition of inherited status through family
The Emergence of

• Buddhism co-existed alongside the native Japanese
religion, Shinto.
• Shinto is a religion based on the worship of deities called
Kami, who are considered benign and helpful to humans.
• Shinto recognizes many sacred places: mountains, lakes,
springs, etc.
• 84% of modern Japanese practice both Shinto and
The emergence of
• Japan’s Classical (Heian) Period ca 550-1185

• Japan adopted a Confucius style government, with

an Emperor and an examination system for the
bureaucracy in the Capital, Hei-an (modern Kyoto).
• Japanese literature, particularly poetry, flourished in
this period.
The emergence of
• Women made many literary contributions
during the classical period.

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, ca

996 written by Sei Shonagon was a
lady of the court of the Japanese
imperial family.
• This book was filled with personal
observations, vivid details of court manner,
décor, and dress

The Tale of Genji, by the Lady Murasaki

Shikibu ca 973-1025
• Often called the first novel, the story is
centered on the life and adventures of
Hikaru Genji, born to a Heian Emperor

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