Introduction To Unix - Linux
Introduction To Unix - Linux
Introduction To Unix - Linux
Crédits ECTS : 3
Elie Annestay
Grading system :
Two components :
The more you progress through it the more you will familiarize yourselves with
using a computer terminal.
Standard cell
A “real” transistor
Matt Venn,
Some numbers
Von Neumann Architecture
Von Neumann Architecture
A gif of the inner workings of a simulated “computer”
Unix initially lacked multi-tasking and portability support
Later developments added:
Multi-tasking capabilities
Multi-user capabilities in time-sharing configuration
Portability features
Key Unix concepts include:
Plain text data storage
Hierarchical file system
Treatment of devices and IPC as files
Use of many small software tools connected via
command-line interpreter and pipes
Contrast with monolithic program approach
What is a shell
Use the tool that works not the one someone tells you to use.
My environnement
cd path_to_target_folder
rm -r /path_to_my_unwanted_folder
mkdir path_for_my_directory/directory_name
Basic powershell commands
cd path_to_target_folder
del -r /path_to_my_unwanted_folder
echo %cd%
command [opt] [arg]; command_2 [opt] [arg]
pwd ; ls
date ; uptime
cd myproject && ls
cd temp || mkdir temp
date > timestamp.txt
ls -l | awk ‘{print $9}’
Challenge 1 :