Introduction To Sociology
Introduction To Sociology
Introduction To Sociology
Prepared by:
Dr. Sajid Khan
Chapter – 1 Introduction to Sociology
1. What is Sociology?
2. Society and its characteristics
3. Types of society based on evolution
4. Perspective / Paradigm in sociology
5. Feminist Theory
6. Post-modern theory
Chapter – 2 Research methods
7. Research
8. Research in Sociology
9. Eight steps of social research process
10. Quantitative research and its types
11. Characteristics of quantitative research
12. Qualitative research and its types
13. Characteristics of qualitative research
14. Key concepts in research – Mean, median, mode and standard deviation
15. Reliability and validity
Chapter – 3. Cultural components, types, dimensions and multiculturalism
1. Culture
2. Elements of culture
3. Characteristics of culture
4. Types: Popular, elite, material, non-material
5. Multiculturalism
6. Ethnocentrism
7. Cultural relativism
8. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
Chapter – 4. Socialization: Development of Self
9. Difference between the terms: Sex and Gender
10. Gender role, gender identity, gender expression and transgender
11. Socialization and agencies of socialization
12. Nature versus Nurture Debate
13. Socialization and Self
14. Three stages of self development: Physical, cognitive and psychosocial development
15. Social Reproduction
Chapter – 5. Self & Social Processes
8. Diversity
9. Dimensions of diversity
10. Pros and Cons of diversity
11. Diversity at Workplace
12. Diversity and innovation
Chapter – 7. Group, Organization & Institution
1. Social Group
2. Types of social group
3. Organization
4. Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy
5. Classical organization theory
6. Four principles of Classical organization theory: division of labor, functional
processes, structure, and span of control
Chapter – 8. Status, Role & Organization
7. Status
8. Ascribed status and achieved status
9. Characteristics of Status
10. Role
11. Characteristics of Role
12. Role Conflict
13. Role Strain
14. Organization and its types
Chapter – 9. Leadership, conformity and deviance
1. Leadership
2. Styles of leadership
3. Conformity
4. Pros and cons of conformity
5. Types of conformity
6. Deviance
7. Types of deviance
Chapter – 10. Theories & Experiments of Conformity & Deviance
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Be Raise
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