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Project woreda’s;- GEREALTA (TSGEREDA)

Based on :-Water quality monitoring, HH level

Treatment and Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion

y: Goiteom Mehari (Senior WQ. Expert.)

February, 2023
Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia

10/31/24 WQMHHLT 1
Training duration
• February, 23-25.2023
• Water quality laboratory,
 Analysis,
 Test and
 Treatment
 Sanitary survey
 Others
10/31/24 WQLTA 2

10/31/24 WQLTA 3
Introductory Sessions
Building Relationship

–Facilitators Introduction
–Participants Introduction

–Name (profile, woreda, Job, responsibility and other)

• Your Favorites
• Things s/he does not like
• Areas of personal strength

10/31/24 WQLTA 4
Establishing Ground Rule

10/31/24 WQLTA 5

Pa Participants’
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10/31/24 WQLTA 6
Training contents
• Hygiene and Sanitation over view
• Bacteriological and analysis
• Chemical and analysis
• Physico-chemical and analysis
• Sanitary survey
• Sampling methods
• Practical session
10/31/24 WQLTA 7
• Theoretical presentation = LCD
• Questions and Answers
• Big group discussion and presentation = LCD
• Practical demonstration = at field and lab room

10/31/24 WQLTA 8
Objectives of the ToT
• Participants build common/shared understanding on WQ parameters
• To facilitate the establishment of system which creates safe,
accessible, affordable and sustainable water supply in the area.

• To increase the number of WQ trainers available in all regions.

• To facilitate the action plan development for the way forward.
• To ensure individual heath

10/31/24 WQ 9
Project overall objective

 The overall objective of this project is to have improved access water

for all and solve quality problems.
 At a very large scale of time and space, we are undertaking to give
access to water quality testing to the whole Tigray and some
parts of Eastern zone like Gerealta woreda.

10/31/24 WQ 10
Project purpose
• To capacitate the staff of all Partner’s in Concern World wide
Ethiopia sub office Tigray and the staff of the local government and
• To make the local populations aware of water quality issues.
Safe dirinking water supply
1. Safe and meet the STD
 Free from pathogenic microorganisms
 Free from physical foreign bodies
 Chemical parametres = Fulfill the standard
2. Access = for all with in STD (amount) 25l/c/d

3. Distance = with in 1km redius

10/31/24 WQLTA 11
Water is life !!!
Life is water !!!

10/31/24 WQLTA 12
Water ===> Life
• Functions of Water in the body...
Water is essential for physiological processes of digestion, absorption
and excretion.
It plays a key role in the structure and function of the circulatory system
and acts as transport medium for nutrients and all body substances.
Water plays a direct role in maintaining body temperature.

10/31/24 WQLTA 13
The average adult human body is 50-65% water,
Averaging around 57-60%.
The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-
78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age.
Body composition varies according to gender and fitness level because
fatty tissue contains less water than lean tissue.

10/31/24 WQLTA 14
Water promotes
 The absorption of nutrients,
 Carries nutrients to cells,
 Dissolves and eliminates excess products of metabolism,
 Moistens the air we breathe,
 It helps regulate body temperature through evaporation of
 Facilitates joint flexibility, and
 Creates a flexible protective coating around our vital ...

10/31/24 WQLTA 15
• What are the vital functions of water in my body?
 Helps your kidneys flush out all that waste.

 Regulates your body's temperature.

 Cushions organs and tissues.

 Keeps your joints nice and lubricated.

 Transports nutrients and oxygen throughout your body.

 Helps keep you regular.

 Keeps body tissues moist.

 Helps keep your skin looking good.

10/31/24 16
10/31/24 WQLTA 17
• Are you drinking enough water for your body weight?
 Take your weight (in pounds) and divide that by 2.2.

 Multiply that number depending on your age.

 Divide that sum by 28.3.

 Your total is how many ounces of water you should drink each
 Divide that number by 8 to see your result in cups.

10/31/24 WQLTA 18
According WHO std
1. Safe water supply should be:-
• Amount =30-40 l/c/d/
(excluding other domestic uses)
• Distance = 15-20 mnts W.I 1$
• Access = to ALL

10/31/24 19
• Water is one of the indispensable natural resources
required for the existence of all living things. In
quantity and quality.

• Water in nature
a, Colorless

b, Odorless

c, Tasteless
10/31/24 WQLTA 20
Introduction to Drinking Water

10/31/24 WQLTA 21
• Having safe drinking water and basic sanitation is a human
need and right for every man, woman and child.

• Having better water and sanitation is essential in breaking

the cycle of poverty since it improves people’s health,

strength to work, and ability go to school.

10/31/24 WQLTA 22
Water quality
• Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of properties of water that determine the
fitness for use of a specific water source

• The vast majority of surface water on the planet is neither

potable (fit for drinking) nor toxic

• Approximately 25% of the world’s population has no

access to potable water

10/31/24 WQLTA 23
Group discusion-2
 The difference b/n pollution and contamination

 water contamination/pollution through

Point sources and none point source and the

 The types of water associated diseases with theire
10/31/24 WQLTA 24
Water contamination
Water pollution

10/31/24 WQLTA 25
• Pollution is after the end process,
 pollution happens to nature, soil, water, air, light, etc.

 Gaseous pollutants include: ozone, particulate material, carbon

monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and lead.
• Contamination is during the process.
 Contamination happens to the substance in use.

 The waste (products that are waste in the process) reacts with the
surroundings they are dumped at.
 Substance (physical, chemical or biological).
10/31/24 WQLTA 26
Water Pollution

10/31/24 WQLTA 27
Point Source Pollution
 comes from a specific source,
like a pipe

 factories, industry, municipal

treatment plants

 can be monitored and controlled

by a permit system

10/31/24 WQLTA 28
Nonpoint source
 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution
is pollution associated with
stormwater or runoff

 NPS pollution cannot be traced

to a direct discharge point such
as a wastewater treatment facility
 Crossing from neighboring

10/31/24 WQLTA 29
Sanitary survey
• The evaluation of the water source and intake structure, the treatment
and conditioning process, the facilities and components and also an
evaluation of the distribution system
• Inspections
• Types of the water points
• Location
• Possible contamination for the water points
• Structure of the water points

10/31/24 WQLTA 30
Free from
absent absent
Safe Water/
Chemically Aesthetically
safe acceptable
10/31/24 31

• According WHO std potable water should be:-

1, Biologically

Free from pathogenic organism

2, Chemical/mineral elements

at standard level/no (Organic, Inorganic, P H)

3, Physical material (To, Turbidity, color, odor)

free from foreign elements and others

10/31/24 WQLTA 32
• Improved drinking water source;
 is a drinking water source or delivery point that, by how it is
designed and constructed , is likely to protect the water from outside
contamination, in particular from feces .
 Improved drinking water sources include piped water, public
tap/standpipe, tube well/borehole, protected dug well, protected
spring, collected rainwater and bottled water (only when another
improved source is used for cooking and personal hygiene).

10/31/24 WQLTA 33
10/31/24 WQLTA 34
Potable water quality performs the following basic
It should be free from bacteria that causes disease;
 Free from compounds that cause an offensive taste
& odor;
It should be colorless/clear;
It should not corrode pipes;
It should be free from all objectionable matters;
It should be not saline;
low in concentrations of compounds are acutely or
10/31/24 TWRB, Water Quality Control 35

10/31/24 WQLTA 36
Water Quality parameters
1. Microbiological:
3. Chemical:
• Faecal coliforms
• Total coliform
2. Physical:
• pH
• Temperature Nitrite
• Turbidity Iron
• Taste Manganese
• Odur Total dissolved solids /
• color
• 10/31/24
Appearance WQLTA
10/31/24 WQLTA 38
Bacteriological analysis :
mainly includes estimation of
 Total coliforms(37d.cel in 18 - 24hrs)
 Fecal coliform(thermo tolerant 44 degree Celsius
in 18 - 24hrs)

 standard Methods for the examination of water and

 Membrane Filter (MF)
 Multiple Tube Dilution (MTD)

Limitations : Samples with more turbidity

10/31/24 WQLTA 39
Microbiological parameters
• Microbial parameters used to assess drinking water quality,
examining the most uses, ease of analysis with positive

1, water quality testing is through careful:-

• Collection of samples method

• Detection/testing of samples method
• Treatment of sources according the recommendation
10/31/24 WQLTA 40
Factors Affecting Bacterial Survival/Die-

• Drying
• Temperature
• pH
• uV Radiation
• Competition
• Predation
• Toxic substance

10/31/24 WQLTA 41
• The common MP are:
1, Coliform Groups

a, Total coliform

b, Thermo tolerant (Fecal) coliform

c, Escherichia coli

• are made up of bacteria with defined biochemical and growth

XCS that are used to identify bacteria that are more or less
related to faecal contamination.

10/31/24 WQLTA 42
10/31/24 WQLTA 43
Membrane Filter Methods
• Filter water through a 0.45 μM membrane
• Place membrane on selective media
• Incubate
– 35 C total coliform for 18hr Vs 48hr
– 44.5 C fecal coliform 18hr vs 24hr
• Count colonies with necked eye/glace x4
• Count only the yellowish color only.

10/31/24 WQLTA 44
International & USAID water quality guideline for selected
constituents (Maximum allowable)

Organizing or International USAID

Chemical (WHO)
Fecal Coliform Nill 50 FC/100 ml

Fluoride 1.5 mg/l 3 mg/l

Nitrate as NO3 50 mg/l 50 mg/l

1.5Arsenic 0.01 mg/l 0.05 mg/l

10/31/24 WQLTA 45
WHO (1993), Guideline for water quality
Coliform Group

• Total coliform
• Fecal coliform
– All total coliform criteria total coliform

– Grows at 44.5 C
• Escherichia coli coliform

– Individual species
– Enzyme specific E. coli

10/31/24 WQLTA 46

10/31/24 WQLTA 47
Counting of colonies

count only
yellow color

10/31/24 WQLTA 48

10/31/24 WQLTA 49
10/31/24 WQLTA 50
• Household water sources:-
can come from Three main source

1, Municipality

central treated water and distributed to multiple home

through a distribution of pipes and plumbing.

sources:- from lake, pond, dams, rivers, aquifer, and rain

harvesting etc…

10/31/24 WQLTA 51
2, Ground water (needs special follow up and

Source:- hand dug well, borehole, and well

3, Alternate (other sources)

Source:- Rain water (roof and rock) harvested,

stream (surface) water, dams, ponds etc…
10/31/24 WQLTA 52

• How to determine water quality

1. Some times the signs of water contamination are
obvious, including changes in:-
a, Color
b, Taste
c, Odor
d, Stains

10/31/24 WQLTA 53
Improved drinking-water sources:
– Piped water into dwelling, yard or plot
– Public tap or standpipe
– Tubewell or borehole
– Protected dug well
– Protected spring
– Rainwater collection

10/31/24 WQLTA 54

• No simple property can tell whether water is

polluted or not

• Industrial pollution is a major cause of water

pollution?????? Vs. Shit
Also runoff from agricultural areas, urban storm water
runoff and discharge of untreated sewage (especially in
developing countries).
10/31/24 WQLTA 55
 Unimproved drinking-water sources:
• unprotected dug well

• unprotected spring

• cart with small tank or drum provided by water vendor

• tanker truck provision of water

• surface water (river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal, irrigation

• bottled water.1

10/31/24 WQLTA 56
• Sometimes the contamination is not obvious such as it is:-

Organic Inorganic Particulate Microbiological

Volatile .most metals .materials .Bacteria
compounds Such as such as sands, .Virus
Such as Lead, Iron, rust, silt, .Parasites
Pesticides Arsenic, dusts …
others. .some Fungus
and Calcium,
others. .others

10/31/24 WQLTA 57
Important Note:-
• Microbiological contamination of drinking water is the greatest
concern to human health in most developing countries.

• Chemical contaminants are usually considered a lower priority since

adverse health effects are generally associated with long-term

whereas the effects from microbiological contaminants are usually


• Turbidity and bacteria are generally considered the basic parameters

for water quality testing.

10/31/24 WQLTA 58
General consideration of WHO
• Water is essential to sustain to life. And a satisfactory
(adequate, safe, and accessible)
• Supply must be available to all.
• Improving access to safe drinking-water can result in
tangible benefits to health.
• Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking-water
quality as safe as practicable.

10/31/24 WQLTA 59
According WHO std
1. Safe water supply should be:-
• Amount = 30-40 l/c/d
(excluding other domestic uses)
• Distance = 15-20 mnts
• Access = to ALL

10/31/24 WQLTA 60
Microbial aspects ( WQ WHO guidelines)

• Securing the microbial safety of drinking.

• Water supplies is based on the use of multiple barriers
from catchments to consumers to prevent the
contamination of drinking-water or to reduce contamination
to levels not injurious to health.

10/31/24 WQLTA 61

• In general terms, the greatest microbial risks are associated

with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or
animal (including birds) faeces (Shit).

• Faeces (Shit) is the crucial sources of pathogens (BVPFH).

• Failure to ensure drinking-water safety may expose the
community to the risk of out break of intestinal and other
infectious diseases

10/31/24 WQLTA 62

• Diseases related to contamination of drinking-water

constitutes a major burden on human health.

• Interventions to improve the quality of drinking-water

provide significant benefits to health.

10/31/24 WQLTA 63
Water is contaminated

• At source
• During transportation pipe, container, etc
• At home (containers)
• During preparation and consumptions

10/31/24 WQLTA 64
Possible ways to contaminant water points
Human made
 Open defecation
 Wastes for different plants
 Domestic waste
 Municipality wastes
 Vehicle wastes
 Pesticides and herbicides
Animal wastes
Natural phenomenon
 Point and none point sources

10/31/24 WQLTA 65
Importance of safe Water
•Essential for the prevention of disease, especially in developing nations
o Reduce the number of insect-related disease,
disease such as malaria, as well
as air-borne diseases
o Improving individual health
o Improve Sanitation
• Basic needs
o Bathing
o Drinking
o Cooking

• Improving development , (food security….techno…)

10/31/24 WQLTA 66
Students Without Water
• UNICEF estimates over 50% of world’s
schools have no access to drinking
• Safe water leads to fewer water-borne
diseases, which means fewer missed
• Children (esp. girls) often miss class to
fetch water
 Prone to drop out…..less performance
10/31/24 WQLTA 67
Water contaminated through
• Human (open defecation continued= is vital)
a, poor sanitation and hygiene environments
• Animal (dugs)
• Farmlands (pesticides, herbicides, urea etc…)
• Points and non points sources
a, know and unknown sources
• Factories (small and large scale industries)

10/31/24 WQLTA 68
Water associated diseases
• WHO recognizes that access to adequate water supplies is a
fundamental human right.

• Water -associated diseases are a human tragedy , killing

millions of people each year (account for 80% of all deaths
in developing countries).

10/31/24 WQLTA 69
• Each person needs 20-50 liters of safe freshwater a day
for drinking, cooking and cleaning.

More than one/six people worldwide -

o 894 million - don't have access to this amount of safe


10/31/24 WQLTA 70

By 2025, 800 million people will experience absolute water scarcity, and
two-thirds of the world population could be under stress conditions.
1.1 billion people have no access to any type of improved drinking
source of water.

10/31/24 WQLTA 71
……. In comparison …..
• On average, people in Europe use more than 200 liters—
in the United States more than 400 liters.
• The 1.1 billion people who don’t have access to drinking
water only use up to 5 liters- one-tenth of the average
daily amount used in rich countries to flush toilets.

10/31/24 WQLTA 72
Think Guinea worm and

• At the start of the 21st century un-safe water is the world’s second
biggest killer of children.
• 1.6 million people die every year from diarrhoeal diseases, the leading
cause of disease worldwide
o 90% of these are children under 5
• 133 million suffer from high intensity intestinal helminthes (parasitic
worms infections
o 1.5 million cases of clinical hepatitis
10/31/24 WQLTA A every year 73
Water associated…

Improved water supply and sanitation will lead to reduced

incidence of morbidity and mortality ( this may be up to
100% for some diseases such as typhoid/ dracunculiasis).

10/31/24 WQLTA 74
Water associated…

Disease Transmission
A, Many diseases may be transmitted via the fecal-oral
route ,and that occurs when human faecal is ingested
through drinking contaminated water or eating
contaminated food .

10/31/24 WQLTA 75
• One GRAM of faeces contains:
10,000,000 viruses

1,000,000 bacteria

1,000 parasite cysts

• Child faeces contain more germs than adults’.

10/31/24 WQLTA 76
10/31/24 WQLTA 77

k i l l e r
e l e s s
v oi c
h i t i s
10/31/24 WQLTA 78
F-diagram Transmi. And barrier…

. Healthful

Shits Fingers
Solid and Water Future
Food Host

Fluids morbidity

Proper Proper Safe

10/31/24 waste WQLTA food and 79
of latrine dispos water
Water-associated Diseases
Can be Classified into :

• Water-borne diseases .

• Water-based diseases.

• Water-related vector diseases.

• Water-scarce also called ( water-washed )

• Water-Privation Diseases
10/31/24 WQLTA 80
Water born Water based Water related Water (washed)

Dirty water Caused by aquatic Transmitted Lack of water

organism By vector- access
Spend part of life insects other Improper use of
animals water
.Diarrhoea .Schistosomiasis .Malaria .Diarrhoea
.Typhoid .Dracunculiasis .Dengue fever .Typhus
.Giardia .Flariasis .Onchoceriasis .Trachoma
.Guinea worm .Thread worm .others .Scabies
.Amoebic .others..
Hp… A,…
10/31/24 WQLTA 81

• Scabies in for Technical person

10/31/24 WQLTA 82
10/31/24 WQLTA 83
Water quality analysis – key factors

Sampling Selection of

Proper Factors Precision and

accuracy of method
Labeling selected

10/31/24 WQLTA 84
Types of sampling…
 Surface water
 Grab sampling
 Composite sampling
 Integrated
Ground water (well, open BH)
Tap water(hand pump, pipe line/distribution point

10/31/24 WQLTA 85
• Surface water

Types of Samples

Grab Composite Integerated

10/31/24 WQLTA 86
Steps and materials…

• From tape water

The procedure
• Materials = sterile + purpose

10/31/24 WQLTA 87
Sample Collection and storage tips
1. Sampling Strategies;
Types of Wpts, Number and types of sample, Location, Depths, date
and times, woreda, Tabia, Kushet, name of Wpts,

2. Sapling Methods;
Types of Sample, Techniques, equipment's =(based on the purpose)

3. Sample Storage;
Types of container, Preservative Mtds, Maximum holding
times = according Sample purpose
10/31/24 WQLTA 88
The number of bacteriological samples to be taken is based on the
SN Water supply system per population Number of sample per month

1 No distribution system, potable water 1

dispensing unit or
very small system serving less than
100 people
2 Distribution systems serving:
2.1 Less than 5,000 population 4
2.2 5,000 to 90,000 1 sample per 1,000 population per
2.3 more than 90,000 90 plus one sample per additional
population per month
10/31/24 WQLTA 89
 Do not obtain the water sample from faucets
 Are outdoors
Are seldom used;

Drip or leak (e.g., leak around stem);

Are dusty, dirty or corroded;

Are swing/swivel faucets with a single valve;

Are too close to the sink basin

10/31/24 WQLTA 90
Are pointed upwards

Are located in janitorial closets and commercial sinks

Cannot deliver a smooth stream of water;

Contain an aerator or screen (remove screen or aerator if this

type of faucet is chosen);
Are connected to home drinking water treatment units,
including water softeners

10/31/24 WQLTA 91
Aims of Sampling
• Quality Consistency
• Representative Sample
• Prevent Deterioration
• Prevent Contamination
• Reliable Results
• Suitable Sampling Techniques
• Correct Sampling Bottles
• Preservatives
• Accurate Field Measurements
• Transportation
• Time WQLTA 92

Field Sheets
•Reminder of where and what need to
•Permanent record of sample details
•Record of field measurements
10/31/24 WQLTA 93
•Sampling location (name and/or code)
•Sampling date and time
• Name & signature of sample collector
• Results of field measurements e.g. Temp, DO, pH
• Types of samples taken (general chemical, metals, etc.)
Details of any preservative used/ filtration carried out
• GPS readings – if new location or non-routine site
•Observations – weather, visual inspection

10/31/24 WQLTA 94
Treatment ?

10/31/24 WQLTA 95
• Proper treatment and handling of drinking
water is essential not only for the quality of
water but also for human health.

10/31/24 WQLTA 96
• House hold level
• School
• Municipality/community

10/31/24 WQLTA 97
House hold level Water treatment
chemical Methodelogy of disinifection

ተ/ቁ በዝሒ/ዓቐን/ንሓደ ግዜ በዝሒ/መጠን/

ዓይነት ቅመም/መሐከሚ ኣፋውስ/ ዝውሰድ ዝሕከም ማይ መብርሂ
1 ውሃ ኣጋር /ሓደ ጥርሙዝ 1መኽደኒ/3ሚሊ/ 20-25ሊ ድሕሪ 30 ደቒቓ አብ
150ሚሊ/ ግልጋሎት ይውዕል።
2 ብሻን ጋሪ/1ስከች=2.5ግ/ 1ስከች 20-25ሊ

3 ኣኳታብ /1ግ/ታብሌት/ 1ታብሌት 20-25ሊ

4 ፒዩኣር /1ስከች/4ግ/ 1ስከች 10ሊ

5 ዝሩግ ማይ እንተኾይኑ ናብ 20-25ሊ ዕፅፊ ብምግባር በቶም ካብ 1-4 ዝተቐመጡ ዓይነት ቅመም
ን5 ደቒቓ ብምሕቓቕን ዝግ ብምባል ድሕሪ 30 ደቒቓ ኣብ ጥቕሚ ክውዕል ይኽእል፡፡

6 ብፒዩኣር ዝተሓከመ ማይ ድሕሪ ዝግ ምባሉ/20ደቒቓ/ብንፁህ ካብ ጡጥ ዝተሰርሐ ክዳን ናብ ካሊእ

ንፁህ መትሐዚ ክፀርር ኣለዎ፡፡

7 ብብሻን ጋሪ ዝተሓከመ ማይ ድሕሪ ዝግ ምባሉ/20ደቒቓ/ብንፁህ ካብ ጡጥ ዝተሰርሐ ክዳን ናብ

ካሊእ ንፁህ መትሐዚ ክፀርር ኣለዎ፡፡

10/31/24 WQLTA 98
• In water distribution centers, 4 different
methods are used to treat drinking water:
 Filtration, and
 Disinfection:

10/31/24 WQLTA 99
Group discusion t s
m n
l 2 5
Two Big
Tot a
• Hygiene
The concept and the difference b/n
• Sanitation
• Water quality
• The hygiene and sanitation domains
• The three key hygiene and sanitations

10/31/24 WQLTA 100

Hygiene and Sanitation
Two face in the same coin

Three Key Strategies of HS Behaviors/components

1. Safe Excreta/Shit Disposal

2. Hand Washing at critical moment
3. Safe water supply(Source, Transport, Storage and

10/31/24 WQLTA 101

10/31/24 WQLTA 102
Hygiene = Software (Behavioral + KAP +Skill)

Hygiene Domains (FIVE)

1.Personal hygiene
2.Food hygiene
3.Water quality and hygiene
4.Safe disposal of human excreta(SHIT) and
5.Safe disposal of animal and domestic
wastes(liquid and solid)
10/31/24 WQLTA 103
Poor personal hygiene

10/31/24 WQLTA 104

10/31/24 WQLTA 105
(Physical parts/ Access Materials)
To use; Aware first
• Access to hardware To;
Water supply systems
Improved sanitation facilities
Household technologies and
Safe water containers
Effective water treatment materials and equipment's
10/31/24 WQLTA 106
Improved hygiene and sanitation

• Basic sanitation
• Onsite Sanitation
• Offsite Sanitation
• Improved Sanitation

10/31/24 WQLTA 107

Improved latrine
• Provide adequate privacy,
• Comfort/cover sides and roof
• Safety to the users/no smell, flies/VIP
• Prevent diseases/break transmission and
• Promote health
• HWF + Soap/Ash
• Enough pit(2.5-5)m deep
• Cover for the pit hole
• Secured floor

10/31/24 WQLTA 108

...and food hygiene

10/31/24 WQLTA 109

To be professional
Change in to practice

Ethic Skilled
al Optimist
Having an Attiude Pesimist

Having a Knowledge Commitment

10/31/24 WQLTA 110

10/31/24 WQLTA 111
Our health is in our

10/31/24 WQLTA 112

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s tw
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p c
y d
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the joy and inspiration of planning with water

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