Comp 1807 Week6
Comp 1807 Week6
Comp 1807 Week6
Having set the Sprint goal and chosen the Product Backlog
items for the Sprint the Dev Team decides how it will build
this functionality into a “Done” product Increment during the
Three questions:
1. What has been accomplished since last meeting?
2. What will be accomplished today and before next meeting?
3. What obstacles/impediments are in the way?
Complex issues taken off-line
Tips for dealing with impediments
• Make the Impediments visible – use special colour post it notes
for them
• Search for impediments. Look out for impediment words, (“still
waiting”, “not available”, “hopefully”, “wish”, “guess”,
“expected”, “ I thought”, “try”)
• Limit the number of impediments. Select 3 biggest ones and
put a big read dot on each of them. It will help the team focus.
• If the team cannot resolve them then it is the Scrum Master’s
role to find a way to resolve them.
Wrap Up
• Sprint includes Sprint planning, development work, product
backlog refinement, Daily scrum, review and retrospective
• Using the Kanban board to make work visible – To do, Doing,
• Monitoring progress throughout the sprint by measuring how
many user story points have been completed
• Visually representing this information daily in burndown/burnup
• Daily Scrum Meeting – 3 questions asked to every development
team member