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Chapter 3: Physical Transformation of Pure Substances
Phase Diagrams (b) The phase rule
In one of the most elegant arguments of the whole of chemical
thermodynamics, which is presented in the following Justification, J.W. Gibbs deduced the phase rule, which gives the number of parameters that can be varied independently (at least to a small extent) while the number of phases in equilibrium is preserved. The phase rule is a general relation between the variance, F, the number of components, C, and the number of phases at equilibrium, P, for a system of any composition: F=C−P+2 The phase rule (4A.1) (b) The phase rule By a constituent of a system we mean a chemical species that is present. The variance (or number of degrees of freedom), F, of a system is the number of intensive variables that can be changed independently without disturbing the number of phases in equilibrium. (b) The phase rule In a single-component, single-phase system (C = 1, P = 1), the pressure and temperature may be changed independently without changing the number of phases, so F = 2. We say that such a system is bivariant, or that it has two degrees of freedom. On the other hand, if two phases are in equilibrium (a liquid and its vapour, for instance) in a single-component system (C = 1, P = 2), the temperature (or the pressure) can be changed at will, but the change in temperature (or pressure) demands an accompanying change in pressure (or temperature) to preserve the number of phases in equilibrium constituent of a system we mean a chemical species that is present. That is, the variance of the system has fallen to 1. (b) The phase rule The number of components: A mixture of ethanol and water has two constituents. A solution of sodium chloride has three constituents: water, Na+ ions, and Cl− ions but only two components because the numbers of Na+ and Cl− ions are constrained to be equal by the requirement of charge neutrality. 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams For a one-component system, such as pure water, F = 3 − P. When only one phase is present, F = 2 and both p and T can be varied independently (at least over a small range) without changing the number of phases. In other words, a single phase is represented by an area on a phase diagram. When two phases are in equilibrium F = 1, which implies that pressure is not freely variable if the temperature is set; indeed, at a given temperature, a liquid has a characteristic vapour pressure. It follows that the equilibrium of two phases is represented by a line in the phase diagram. Instead of selecting the temperature, we could select the pressure, but having done so the two phases would be in equilibrium at a single definite temperature. Therefore, freezing (or any other phase transition) occurs at a definite temperature at a given pressure. 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams When three phases are in equilibrium, F = 0 and the system is invariant. This special condition can be established only at a definite temperature and pressure that is characteristic of the substance and outside our control. The equilibrium of three phases is therefore represented by a point, the triple point, on a phase diagram. Four phases cannot be in equilibrium in a one component system because F cannot be negative. 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams: (a) Carbon dioxide The phase diagram for carbon dioxide is shown in Fig. 4.4. The features to notice include the positive slope (up from left to right) of the solid–liquid boundary; the direction of this line is characteristic of most substances. This slope indicates that the melting temperature of solid carbon dioxide rises as the pressure is increased. 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams: (a) Carbon dioxide Notice also that, as the triple point lies above 1 atm, the liquid cannot exist at normal atmospheric pressures whatever the temperature. As a result, the solid sublimes when left in the open (hence the name ‘dry ice’). To obtain the liquid, it is necessary to exert a pressure of at least 5.11 atm. Cylinders of carbon dioxide generally contain the liquid or compressed gas; at 25 °C that implies a vapour pressure of 67 atm if both the gas and liquid are present in equilibrium. 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams: (a) Carbon dioxide the gas and liquid are present in equilibrium. When the gas squirts through the throttle it cools by the Joule–Thomson effect, so when it emerges into a region where the pressure is only 1 atm, it condenses into a finely divided snow-like solid. That carbon dioxide gas cannot be liquefied except by applying high pressure reflects the weakness of the intermolecular forces between the nonpolar carbon dioxide molecules (Topic 16B). The phase diagram for water (BooK: Maron Lando) The System Water. Above about -20°C and below 2000 atm pressure there is only one solid phase in this system, namely, ordinary ice. This solid phase, liquid water, and water vapor constitute the three possible single phases in the system. These phases may be involved in three possible two phase equilibria, namely, liquid-vapor, solid-vapor, and solid-liquid, and one three-phase equilibrium, solid-liquid-vapor. Applying the phase rule to the system when only a single phase is present, we see that F= 2, and therefore each single phase at equilibrium possesses two degrees of freedom. If temperature and pressure are chosen as the independent variables, the phase rule predicts that both of these must be stated in order to define the condition of the phase. Since two independent variables are necessary to locate any point in an area, it must follow that each phase on a P-T diagram occupies an area: and, as three single phases are possible in this system, we may anticipate three such areas on the plot, one for each phase. The phase diagram for water
The System Water.
For two phases in equilibrium the phase rule predicts that F = 1. Since a single variable determines a line, we may expect for each two-phase equilibrium a line on the P-T plot. As three such equilibria may occur in the system, the diagram will be characterized by the existence of three lines separating the various areas from each other. Finally, for the three-phase equilibrium F = 0: ie, no variables need be specified. This must mean that when all three phases coexist the temperature and pressure are fixed, and the position of this equilibrium on the diagram is characterized by the intersection of the three lines at a common point. The phase diagram for water. Although the phase rule makes it possible to predict the general appearance of the diagram, the exact positions of all lines and points can be determined only by experiment. An inspection of the possible equilibria in this system shows that the data necessary for the construction of a P-T plot are: (a) the vapor pressure curve of water (liquid- vapor equilibrium), (b) the sublimation curve of ice (solid-vapor equilibrium), (c) the melting point curve of ice as a function of pressure (solid-liquid equilibrium), and (d) the position of the solid-liquid-vapor equilibrium point. These experimental data for the system water are shown in Figure 15-1. The phase diagram for water. In this phase diagram line AO gives the sublimation curve of ice, line OB the vapor pressure curve of liquid water, and and OC the line along which equilibria between ice and liquid water occur at various pressures. O is the triple point at which ice, water, and water vapor are in equilibrium. This equilibrium is possible only at 0.010°C and 4.58 mm pressure. As predicted by the phase rule, there are three areas on the diagram, disposed as shown one such area corresponding to each of the single phases. The phase diagram for water The vapor pressure curve of water, line OB, extends from the triple point O up to the critical point B, corresponding to 3740C and 220 atm pressure. However, under certain conditions it is possible to supercool water below point O to yield the metastable liquid-vapor equilibrium shown by the dotted line OD. The fact that OD lies above AO shows that at temperatures below that of the triple point liquid water has a vapor pressure higher than the sublimation pressure of ice, and hence the supercooled liquid is unstable at these temperatures with respect to the ice. The sublimations curve of ice, line AO, may extend from absolute zero up to O. No superheating of ice beyond O has ever been realized. The phase diagram for water Line OC runs from O up to a point corresponding to 2000 atm pressure and about -20°C; at this point ordinary ice, type I, in equilibrium with water undergoes a transformation into another solid modification, type III, in equilibrium with the liquid. The slope of this line indicates that the melting point of ice is lowered by increase in pressure in accord with the Le Châtelier principle and the fact that ice has larger specific volume than liquid water. The slopes of the lines OA, OB, and OC are determined at each point by the Clapeyron equation or one of its modifications as applicable in each instance. From the slopes and this equation it is possible to evaluate the heats of vaporization from OB, the heats of sublimation from AO, and the heats of fusion from OC. The phase diagram for water Since no liquid may exist above the critical temperature, dotted line BE has been inserted in the diagram to separate the liquid from vapor above the critical temperature. Consequently, the vapor area lies below and to the right and AOBE, the liquid area above OB and between the lines OCBE, while the solid area extends to the left of OC and above AO. The manner in which a diagram such as Figure 15-1 may be used to follow the changes that occur the system with a change in the variables may be seen from the following example. Suppose it is desired to know the behavior of the system on heating ice at a pressure of 760 mm and temperature T1, corresponding to point X in the diagram, to a point corresponding to point Y at the same pressure but temperature T2. Starting with ice at X and heating it slowly at constant pressure, the system follows line XN with increase in the temperature of ice. The phase diagram for water
However, once N is reached the ice begins to melt, the
temperature remains constant until the fusion is complete and only then does the temperature begin to rise again along NM. Between N and M the only change is an increase in the temperature of the liquid. But at M vaporization sets in, and the temperature again is constant until all the liquid is converted to vapor. On complete transformation of liquid to vapor, any further addition of heat results merely in an increase of the temperature of the vapor along MY until the latter point is reached. In the same way it is possible with the aid of Figure 15-1 to predict and outline any changes that may take place in this system with a variation of temperature, pressure, or both. Book: Atkins At high pressures a number of other solid modifications besides the ordinary form have been observed. The phase diagram for water. The liquid–vapour boundary in the phase diagram summarizes how the vapour pressure of liquid water varies with temperature. It also summarizes how the boiling temperature varies with pressure: we simply read off the temperature at which the vapour pressure is equal to the prevailing atmospheric pressure. The solid–liquid boundary shows how the melting temperature varies with the pressure; its very steep slope indicates that enormous pressures are needed to bring about significant changes. Notice that the line has a negative slope (down from left to right) up to 2 kbar, which means that the melting temperature falls as the pressure is raised. The reason for this almost unique behavior can be traced to the decrease in volume that occurs on melting: it is more favourable for the solid to transform into the liquid as the pressure is raised. The decrease in volume is a result of the very open structure of ice: as shown in Fig. 4A.10, the water molecules are held apart, as well as together, by the hydrogen bonds between them but the hydrogen- bonded structure partially collapses on melting and the liquid is denser than the solid. Other consequences of its extensive hydrogen bonding are the anomalously high boiling point of water for a molecule of its molar mass and its high critical temperature and pressure. The Figure 4.5 shows that water has one liquid phase but many different solid phases other than ordinary ice (‘ice I’). Some of these phases melt at high temperatures. Ice VII, for instance, melts at 100 °C but exists only above 25 kbar. Two further phases, Ice XIII and XIV, were identified in 2006 at –160 °C but have not yet been allocated regions in the phase diagram. Note that five more triple points occur in the diagram other than the one where vapour, liquid, and ice I coexist. Each one occurs at a definite pressure and temperature that cannot be changed. The solid phases of ice differ in the arrangement of the water molecules: under the influence of very high pressures, hydrogen bonds buckle and the H2O molecules adopt different arrangements.
These polymorphs of ice may
contribute to the advance of glaciers, for ice at the bottom of glaciers experiences very high pressures where it rests on jagged rocks. (c) Helium When considering helium at low temperatures it is necessary to distinguish between the isotopes 3He and 4He. Figure 4A.11 shows the phase diagram of helium-4. Helium behaves unusually at low temperatures because the mass of its atoms is so low and their small number of electrons results in them interacting only very weakly with their neighbours. For instance, the solid and gas phases of helium are never in equilibrium however low the temperature: the atoms are so light that they vibrate with a large-amplitude motion even at very low temperatures and the solid simply shakes itself apart. Solid helium can be obtained, but only by holding the atoms together by applying pressure. (c) Helium The isotopes of helium behave differently for quantum mechanical reasons. Pure helium-4 has two liquid phases. (c) Helium Pure helium-4 has two liquid phases. The phase marked He-I in the diagram behaves like a normal liquid; the other phase, He-II, is a superfluid; it is so called because it flows without viscosity. Provided we discount the liquid crystalline substances. Helium is the only known substance with a liquid–liquid boundary, shown as the λ-line (lambda line) in Fig. 4.7. (c) Helium