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Practical uses in

Health Care
Presented by Shivani
Kongu Engineering
1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

2 How can we use AI in Health

1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

2 How can we use AI in Health

3 What problems can AI overcome?
1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

2 How can we use AI in Health

3 What problems can AI overcome?

4 How can we help people use AI?

1 What is Artificial Intelligence?

2 How can we use AI in Health

3 What problems can AI overcome?

4 How can we help people use AI?

5 How would you use AI in class?

What is
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the
use of computer systems to
simulate human mental
processes, such as interpreting
and generating language.
examples of Artificial
Intelligence in health care
Imaging Analysis Virtual Assistant

Drug Discovery Decision Support

Predictive Analytics Precision Medicine

Remote Monitoring Robot Surgery

How can I help you?

Telemedicine Health Data

How can
we use AI
in Health
AI in healthcare means using

smart computer programs to
analyze medical information, help
doctors make decisions, and
improve patient care. It involves
using advanced technology to
automate tasks, and make
healthcare services better and
more efficient.
Practical uses of
Artificial Intelligence in
health care
Virtual Health Healthcare Medical Remote Patient
Assistant Robots Education Monitoring
AI-driven virtual assistants AI-powered simulations and
AI-powered devices monitor
provide patients with AI-powered robots assist virtual reality environments
patients' health remotely,
personalized health advice, healthcare professionals in provide healthcare
collecting real-time data on
answer medical queries, surgeries, rehabilitation professionals with realistic
vital signs and symptoms,
schedule appointments, exercises, and patient care training scenarios, allowing
enabling timely treatment
and deliver medication tasks, improving precision, them to practice clinical
and therapies and reducing
reminders, enhancing efficiency, and patient skills and decision-making
hospital readmissions.
patient engagement and outcomes. in a safe and controlled
access to care. environment.
What Have a nice day !

can AI
"In healthcare, AI uses smart

computer programs to help doctors
make better decisions, personalize
treatments, and organize their work
more efficiently. It gives them smart
tools and keeps them updated on the
latest medical discoveries. It makes
healthcare smarter, faster, and more
accurate for everyone."
problems AI can
overcome in health
Diagnostic Treatment Hospital Language
Accuracy Personalization Matchmaker Barrier
AI enhances diagnosis AI makes treatments fit "It is a system that uses AI-powered translation
accuracy through better for each person intelligent algorithms to tools facilitate
advanced analysis of by looking at their recommend hospitals communication between
medical images and information like genes, based on our medical doctors and patients
patient data using smart medical history. This requirements, ensuring who speak different
computer programs, helps make treatments patients receive languages, improving
reducing errors and work better and have specific and suitable access to promote
improving outcomes. fewer side effects. healthcare services." health equity.
When is my next
Appointment? How can
we help
peoples use
Helping people use AI for health
means teaching them about the
benefits of using smart technology
Your next appointment
to manage their well-being.
is scheduled on 6th May
2024 at 10:00 AM Ultimately, the aim is to empower
individuals to make informed
decisions and take control of their
health with the help of AI.
ideas to help Peoples
use ai tools
Introduce AI Monitoring Cyber Training And
Assistants Devices Clinics Support

We can introduce AI Patients can use AI- Cyber clinics offer virtual Offer training programs,
Health Assistant by enabled wearable device medical consultations workshops, and online
creating the awareness and mobile apps to and services over the tutorials to teach people
about its benefits and monitor their vital signs, internet, providing how to use AI
making it accessible track their symptoms, easy access to technologies effectively
through smartphones and receive alerts for healthcare services from and address any
and laptops any abnormalities anywhere in the world. questions they may
How would
you use AI in
In hospitals, AI helps doctors make
better decisions by analyzing data
quickly. It also makes
administrative tasks easier and
helps hospitals run more smoothly.
Overall, AI in hospitals improves
patient care and makes things
work better.
Use of ai in hospitals

Emergency Disease Bot Feedback And

Alerts Surveillance Recovery Reviews

The ambulance driver AI analyzes health data AI-driven rehabilitation AI-driven tools analyze
or the family member of from electronic health robots and virtual reality patient feedback from
a patient can send records, public health systems assist patients surveys, social media,
emergency request to databases, and social with physical therapy and online reviews to
the hospital so that media to monitor disease exercises, and motor identify areas for
they can make prior outbreaks, identify rehabilitation following improvement in patient
arrangements trends, and treat the injuries or surgeries. treatment.

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