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Module-2 Outline 2.1 Problem solving by searching 2.1.1. Problem solving agents and Example problems 2.1.2. Searching for Solutions 2.1.3. Uninformed search strategies 2.1.4. Informed (heuristics search strategies 2.1.5. Heuristics functions 2.2.Beyond classical search 2.2.1. Local search algorithms and optimization problems 2.2.2. Searching with partial observations 2.2.3. online search agents and unknown environments 2.3 Adversial search 2.3.1. Games 2.3.2. optimal decisions in games 2.3.3. Alpha-beta pruning 2.4. Constraint satisfaction problems 2.4.1. Backtracking search 2.4.2. Local search for constraint satisfaction problems . Searching for solutions • Finding out a solution is done by – searching through the state space • All problems are transformed – as a search tree – generated by the initial state and successor function Search tree • Initial state – The root of the search tree is a search node • Expanding – applying successor function to the current state – thereby generating a new set of states • leaf nodes – the states having no successors Fringe : Set of search nodes that have not been expanded yet. • Refer to next figure Tree search example Tree search example Search tree • The essence of searching – in case the first choice is not correct – choosing one option and keep others for later inspection • Hence we have the search strategy – which determines the choice of which state to expand – good choice fewer work faster • Important: – state space ≠ search tree Search tree • State space – has unique states {A, B} – while a search tree may have cyclic paths: A- B-A-B-A-B- … • A good search strategy should avoid such paths Search tree • A node is having five components: – STATE: which state it is in the state space – PARENT-NODE: from which node it is generated – ACTION: which action applied to its parent-node to generate it – PATH-COST: the cost, g(n), from initial state to the node n itself – DEPTH: number of steps along the path from the initial state Measuring problem-solving performance • The evaluation of a search strategy – Completeness: • is the strategy guaranteed to find a solution when there is one? – Optimality: • does the strategy find the highest-quality solution when there are several different solutions? – Time complexity: • how long does it take to find a solution? – Space complexity: • how much memory is needed to perform the search? Measuring problem-solving performance • In AI, complexity is expressed in – b, branching factor, maximum number of successors of any node – d, the depth of the shallowest goal node. (depth of the least-cost solution) – m, the maximum length of any path in the state space • Time and Space is measured in – number of nodes generated during the search – maximum number of nodes stored in memory Measuring problem-solving performance
• For effectiveness of a search algorithm
– we can just consider the total cost – The total cost = path cost (g) of the solution found + search cost • search cost = time necessary to find the solution • Tradeoff: – (long time, optimal solution with least g) – vs. (shorter time, solution with slightly larger path cost g) Test your skills Find the following nodes using graph •Root Node •Parent Node •Leaf Node Next Session… 2.1.3. Uninformed search strategies