Basic Life Support Course

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Basic Life Support

Education, Training, and Development Office

Done by: - Suheer Alakhras
- Hadeel Yaghi
At the end of this course you will be able to:

• Identify risk factors for heart attack

• Recognize warning signs for heart attack

• Understand all steps in the chain of survival

• Recognize the signs of someone needing CPR

• Identify and perform high –quality CPR for an adult , a child and an infant

• Identify the elements of High performance team

• Describe the technique for relief of foreign- body Airway

obstruction for an adult, a child, and an infant

Sudden cardiac arrest remains a leading cause of death
in the world
About half of cardiac arrests are un-witnessed
70 % of out-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the home,
only about 10% of adult patients with nontraumatic
cardiac arrest who are treated by emergency medical
services (EMS) survive to hospital discharge
BLS is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest
High –quality CPR improves victim's chance of survival
Studying and practice the characteristics of high quality
CPR enable you to perform each skill effectively
ACS Risk Factors

Contributing factors
ACS signs and symptoms

1. Chest discomfort : Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the

center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or it may
go away and then return. It can feel like uncomfortable
pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain
2. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body:
Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the
back, neck, jaw or stomach
3. Shortness of breath: This can occur with or without chest
4. Other signs : Other possible signs include breaking out in a cold
sweat, nausea or lightheadedness.
What is CPR?
Chains of Survival

There are 2 chains of survival

❖In hospital chain of survival (IHCA):

First link in IHCA means that in hospital patients should
not arrive to cardiac arrest because they are under
medical control and follow-up.

❖Out hospital chain of survival (OHCA)

Chains of Survival
Steps of BLS
1. Check scene safety
2. Check responsiveness
3. Check pulse

The appropriate site for adult patient is carotid

pulse, its must take 5 to 10 seconds
4. Ask for help and AED
5. Chest compression
5. Chest compression
“hand placement”
Keep your arms straight
above your patient

Place the balm of the other Place two fingers at the tip of
hand above your fingers the breastbone (from the end)

Use both hands to give chest compressions

5. Chest compression
“hand placement”
5. Chest compression
“rate and depth”
Blood stops moving
Keep chest recoil
to brain if you:
1. Release hands off the
2. Don’t push deep At least
3. Push too slow or fast
For pregnant women

Be aware that when a visibly

pregnant women (approximately
20 weeks) is arrested and lying
flat on her back manual lateral
uterine displacement (LUD) is
recommended to relieve the
pressure on the large blood
6. Open airway

Assess head or spine injury

Yes thrust
Use Jaw Use head Notilt-chin
maneuver lift maneuver
7. Give breath
Mouth to mouth Mouth to mouth and nose
for adults (close nose) for pediatrics and infants
7. Give breath
Pocket-mask device Bag-mask device
The EC clamp technique of bag-
mask ventilations
1 2

1 then 2
8. AED

It is lightweight, portable

and computerized device
that can identify an
abnormal heart rhythm

It can deliver a shock that

can stop the abnormal
rhythm and allow the
heart’s normal rhythm to
BLS for pediatrics
(from 1 year to puberty)
The same steps for adult except:
1. Check pulse from carotid or femoral
2. Can use one hand instead of two
hands in chest compression
3. If there are more than one rescuer do
15 compression : 2 breath
BLS for infants
(younger than1 year)
(excluding the newly born)

⮚Check pulse from brachial artery

⮚Depth 1½ inch (4 cm)

⮚Rate 100-120 compression / min

BLS for infants
(younger than1 year)
(excluding the newly born)
If 1 rescuer If 2 rescuer
Use two-fingers chest Use two thumb-encircling
compression technique hands chest compression
Chains of Survival
Algorithm of 1 rescuer
Algorithm of 2 rescuers
High – Quality CPR
Start compressions within 10 second

Push hard and fast

Allow complete chest recoil

Minimize interruptions in compression

Give effective breaths

Avoid excessive ventilation

Chest Compression Fraction

⮚ It is the proportion of time that chest compression are

performed during a cardiac arrest.

⮚60% is recommended

⮚80% is the goal

⮚With good teamwork

Elements of high performance
1. Roles during a resuscitation
2. What to communicate:
knowledge sharing,
summarizing, and evaluation
3. How to communicate: closed
loop communication, clear
messages, and mutual respect
Roles during a resuscitation

1. Clear roles and responsibilities

2. Knowing your limitations

3. Constructive intervention
BLS for patients with
HCP should always use PPE for aerosol generating
Procedures: chest compression and airway and
ventilation intervention

Use high – efficiency particular air filter when you

use bag mask ventilation (BMV) to minimize the risk
of virus spread.

Use two hand to hold the mask and ensure a good

seal for BMV this requires a second rescuer –the
person doing compression can squeeze the bag when
they pause after each 30 compressions
Foreign body airway
Heimlich maneuver or abdominal thrust
Standing Lying down
(if unresponsive)
Heimlich maneuver
Heimlich maneuver

For the pregnant

and obese
patients apply
Chest Thrust
Back Blow and chest Thrust
for pediatrics
Finger sweep
Don’t apply this maneuver if you don't see the object
‫اماكن عربات الطوارئ في‬
‫عيادات المستشفى‬
‫القسم‬ ‫عدد عربات‬ ‫اسم العيادة‬
‫طابق ‪2-‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عمليات‬
‫طابق ‪1-‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة الباطني‬

‫طابق ‪1-‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة السكري‬

‫طابق ‪1-‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة االطفال‬

‫اماكن عربات الطوارئ في‬
‫عيادات المستشفى‬
‫القسم‬ ‫عدد عربات‬ ‫اسم العيادة‬
‫الطابق االول‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة‬
‫الطابق االول‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة العظام‬

‫الطابق الثاني‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة ‪ENT‬‬

‫الطابق الثالث‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫عيادة الكلى‬

Thank you

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