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Pakistan International School Jeddah

Cambridge Curriculum Section (CCS)

Session: 2023 - 2024

Subject: Islamic Studies

Grade: 7

Topic: Chap.#44 Gheebah

page# 236
Week: 11

Gheebah according to:


Definition of Gheebah
Allah's Messenger defined backbiting in very clear terms. He once asked his
companions, DO you know what gheebah (backbiting) is? They replied, Allah and His

Messenger know best. Then he said, “lt is talking about your [Muslim] brother in a
manner which he dislike.” Someone asked him”, What if my brother is as I say? 'l The
Prophet replied,” lf he is as you say, you hove indulged in backbiting him; and if he is
not as you say, you hove slandered him”.(Muslim)
Backbiting in the Quran

Almighty Allah says, 11And do not spy, nor backbite one another. Would
anyone of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Surely, you
would loathe it.
(Surat ai-Hujuraat, 49: l 2)
Certainly, no one would like to think of such a thing as eating the flesh of one’s
Muslim brother. But when this brother is dead, and his flesh is in a decaying state,
disgust is added to disgust. A Muslim is commanded to refrain from hurting
people's feelings in their presence, and he is all the more commanded to avoid
saying unpleasant things about them or mimicking them in their absence.
Backbiting, therefore, is a horrible act. Indeed, it is as disgusting as eating one's
dead brother's flesh . The idea underlying this simile is that by engaging in
backbiting, a Muslim consumes the honor of another Muslim brother who is not
present on the occasion to protest or defend himself. Therefore, a Muslim is
expected to abhor gheebah in the same way as he shudders at the thought of
eating carrion. The general intention behind talking about someone in unkind
Backbiting in the Hadeeth

The hadeeth related to the Prophet’s Miraj (the ascension through the seven heavens) records
a severe punishment for those who indulge in backbiting. The relevant portion of the hadeeth
reads, During the Miraj (ascension), I saw a group of people with nails of copper who were
scratching their faces and chests. I asked Jibreel who are these people, Jibreel? He replied,
“These are the people who are given to backbiting and disparage people's honor”. (Abu

Abdullah ibn Masood had thin, weak legs. Upon seeing his legs uncovered once, some people
laughed, and the Prophet retorted, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, they are mightier than
Mount Uhud in the sight of Allah”. (Ahmad)
Therefore, we should always avoid making unkind remarks about others, which only causes
distrust and enmity. Kind people carefully avoid insulting others; that is, unjustly dishonoring
them in their presence or showing contempt for them in their absence. We should be fair and
genuine with everyone. We should also avoid rash judgment which consists in considering it
certain and definite that someone has done wrong, without having a basis for such a
judgment. We should also shun rash suspicion, which is an unfounded belief that someone has
done wrong. The general welfare of all members of society at large and the peaceful function
of society depend in large measure on whether or not members of society speak the truth and
respect one another. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with talking about others as long as one
says only kind things about them. Complaining about your friend's faults - to their face or
behind their backs - or broadcasting their private matters to the world will crush your friends'
affection for you in no time. Remember that evil spreads fast even faster and much more
easily than good, and that not only the backbiter is guilty but also all those who relish his
speech. Therefore, if, someone is being backbitten in a group, listeners must protest and
defend the person being backbitten and, if necessary, leave the place.
There are, however, certain situations, which may look like backbiting, but they do not come
under the category of gheebah. These include criticizing those who openly commit acts of
disobedience, such as drinking alcohol and engaging in immoral acts; seeking the help of a
judge or someone in a similar position or authority to hove one’s rights established by telling
him “so-and-so has wronged me and has done such-and-such to me”; and seeking the
assistance of those who ore able to forbid evil and help change someone’s immoral conduct.
News Travels Fast

Remember when you sit down with someone and talk about a juicy gossip, within minutes or
hours some or all of what you hove said will be said again and again. Words travel in geometric
progression . Like ripples in a quiet lake, news travels fast. Remember, what you say will be
said again in different forms. If you say something negative, it will be for more negative after
having been said a number of times. However, if you soy something positive, it will grow more
positive; in fact, it will grow more positive through repetition . Hence, always speak with
discretion .
A. Complete the following questions.
1. Backbiting is like eating the -----flesh-- of another Muslim brother.
2. Backbiting is far more disgusting than eating _carrion-- .
3. If, in an assembly, a Muslim brother or sister is being backbitten, you should either ---protest
or --defend
4. We must always speak with --- discretion ----

B. Answer the following questions.

2. What is the difference between backbiting and slandering?
Someone asked Prophet pbuh , What if my brother is as I say? 'l The Prophet replied,” lf he is as you say, you hove
indulged in backbiting him; and if he is not as you say, you hove slandered him”.
2. Define backbiting.
Prophet Pbuh said, “lt is talking about your [Muslim] brother in a manner which he dislike.”
3. What in your opinion, is the general intention behind backbiting?
The general intention behind talking about someone in unkind terms in their absence is to belittle
him in the eyes of others.
4. What similes did the Prophet use to explain the disgusting nature of backbiting?
The idea underlying this simile is that by engaging in backbiting, a Muslim consumes the honor
of another Muslim brother who is not present on the occasion to protest or defend himself.
5. What punishment is in store for those who engage in backbiting?
The hadeeth related to the Prophet’s Miraj (the ascension through the seven heavens) records a
severe punishment for those who indulge in backbiting. During the Miraj (ascension), I saw a
group of people with nails of copper who were scratching their faces and chests.
6. Mention some situations where talking about others does not amount to
• These include criticizing those who openly commit acts of disobedience
seeking the help of a judge or someone in a similar position or authority to hove one’s rights
established by telling him “so-and-so has wronged me and has done such-and-such to me”;
seeking the assistance of those who ore able to forbid evil and help change someone’s immoral
Vocabulary words

Slander False spoken statement

Carrion The decaying flesh of dead animals

Shudder As a result of fear

Retorted Say something as a remark

ripples Water with the series of small waves

disparage Regarded as of little worth

Thank you

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