CSE102 - Week3

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CSE 102


Lecture 3 - Operators

Department of Computer Science,

FUD - 2024
 Java provides a rich operator environment.
 An operator is a symbol that tells the

compiler to perform a specific mathematical

or logical manipulation.
 Java has four general classes of operators:

arithmetic, bitwise, relational, and logical.

 Java also defines some additional operators

that handle certain special situations.

Arithmetic Operators
 Java defines the following arithmetic
Operator Meaning
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus

Table 3.1: Java’s arithmetic operators

 The operators +, –, *, and / all work the same
way in Java as they do in any other
programming languages (or algebra, for that
 These can be applied to any built-in numeric

data type. They can also be used on objects

of type char.
 Although the actions of arithmetic operators

are well known to all readers, a few special

situations warrant some explanation.
 First, remember that when / is applied to an
integer, any remainder will be truncated; for
example, 10/3 will equal 3 in integer division.
 You can obtain the remainder of this division

by using the modulus operator, %.

 It works in Java the way it does in other

languages: it yields the remainder of an

integer division. For example, 10 % 3 is 1.
 In Java, the % can be applied to both integer

and floating-point types. Thus, 10.0 % 3.0 is

also 1.
The following program demonstrates the modulus operator.
// Demonstrate the % operator.
class ModDemo {
public static void main(String args[]){
int iresult, irem;
double dresult, drem;
iresult = 10 / 3;
irem = 10 % 3;
dresult = 10.0 / 3.0;
drem = 10.0 % 3.0;
System.out.println("Result and remainder of 10 /
3: " + iresult + " " + irem);
System.out.println("Result and remainder of 10.0
/ 3.0: " + dresult + " " + drem);
Increment and Decrement
 The ++ and the –– are Java’s increment and
decrement operators.
 As you will see, they have some special

properties that make them quite interesting.

 Let’s begin by reviewing precisely what the

increment and decrement operators do.

 The increment operator adds 1 to its operand,

and the decrement operator subtracts 1.

 Therefore,

x = x + 1;

is the same as

x = x - 1;
is the same as
 Both the increment and decrement
operators can either precede (prefix) or
follow (postfix) the operand.

 For example,
x = x + 1;
can be written as
++x; // prefix form
or as
x++; // postfix form
 In the foregoing example, there is no
difference whether the increment is applied
as a prefix or a postfix.

 However, when an increment or decrement is

used as part of a larger expression, there is
an important difference.

 When an increment or decrement operator

precedes its operand, Java will perform the
corresponding operation prior to obtaining
the operand’s value for use by the rest of the
 If the operator follows its operand, Java will
obtain the operand’s value before
incrementing or decrementing it.

Consider the following:

x = 10;
y = ++x;

In this case, y will be set to 11. However, if

the code is written as
x = 10;
y = x++;
 Then y will be set to 10. In both
cases, x is still set to 11; the
difference is when it happens.
Relational and Logical Operators
 In the terms relational operator and logical
operator, relational refers to the
relationships that values can have with one
another, and logical refers to the ways in
which true and false values can be
connected together.
 Since the relational operators produce true

or false results, they often work with the

logical operators.
 For this reason they will be discussed

together here.
Operato Meaning
== Equal to

=! Not equal to

> Greater

< Less then

>= Greater then or equal to

<= Less than or equal to

Table 3.2: Relational operators in Java

Operator Meaning


| OR

XOR Exclusive OR

|| Short-circuit OR

&& Short-circuit AND


Table 3.3: Logical operators in Java

 The outcome of the relational and logical
operators is a boolean value.
 In Java, all objects can be compared for

equality or inequality using = = and !=.

 However, the comparison operators, <, >,

<=, or >=, can be applied only to those
types that support an ordering relationship.

 Therefore, all of the relational operators can

be applied to all numeric types and to type
 However, values of type boolean can only be
compared for equality or inequality, since the
true and false values are not ordered.

 For example, true > false has no meaning

in Java.
 For the logical operators, the operands must

be of type boolean, and the result of a

logical operation is of type boolean.

 The logical operators, &, |, ^, and !, support

the basic logical operations AND, OR, XOR,
and NOT, according to the following truth
P q P&q P|q P^q !p

False False False False False True

True False False True True False

False True False True true True

True true True True false false

Table 3.4: Logical operations

 Here is a program that demonstrates several of the relational and logical operators:
// Demonstrate the relational and logical operators.
class RelLogOps {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int i, j;
boolean b1, b2;
i = 10;
j = 11;
if(i < j) System.out.println("i < j");
if(i <= j) System.out.println("i <= j");
if(i != j) System.out.println("i != j");
if(i == j) System.out.println("this won't execute");
if(i >= j) System.out.println("this won't execute");
if(i > j) System.out.println("this won't execute");
b1 = true;
b2 = false;
if(b1 & b2) System.out.println("this won't execute");
if(!(b1 & b2)) System.out.println("!(b1 & b2) is true");
if(b1 | b2) System.out.println("b1 | b2 is true");
if(b1 ^ b2) System.out.println("b1 ^ b2 is true");
Short-Circuit Logical Operators
 Java supplies special short-circuit versions of
its AND and OR logical operators that can be
used to produce more efficient code.
 To understand why, consider the following. In

an AND operation, if the first operand is

false, the outcome is false no matter what
value the second operand has.
 In an OR operation, if the first operand is

true, the outcome of the operation is true no

matter what the value of the second
 Thus, in these two cases there is no need to
evaluate the second operand.
 By not evaluating the second operand, time is

saved and more efficient code is produced.

 The short-circuit AND operator is &&, and the

short-circuit OR operator is ||.

 Their normal counterparts are & and |. The

only difference between the normal and short-

circuit versions is that the normal operands
will always evaluate each operand, but short-
circuit versions will evaluate the second
operand only when necessary.
// Demonstrate the short-circuit operators.
class SCops {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int n, d, q;
n = 10;
d = 2;
if(d != 0 && (n % d) == 0) System.out.println(d + " is a factor of " +
d = 0; // now, set d to zero
// Since d is zero, the second operand is not evaluated.
if(d != 0 && (n % d) == 0) System.out.println(d + " is a factor of " +
/* Now, try same thing without short-circuit operator.
This will cause a divide-by-zero error.
if(d != 0 & (n % d) == 0) System.out.println(d + " is a factor of " +
The Assignment Operator
 You have been using the assignment operator
since the beginning of this course.
 Now it is time to take a formal look at it. The

assignment operator is the single equal sign,

 This operator works in Java much as it does in

any other programming languages. It has this

general form:
var = expression;

 Here, the type of var must be compatible with

the type of expression.
 The assignment operator does have one
interesting attribute that you may not be
familiar with:
 It allows you to create a chain of assignments.

For example, consider this fragment:

int x, y, z;
x = y = z = 100; // set x, y, and z to 100
 This fragment sets the variables x, y, and z to

100 using a single statement.

 This works because the = is an operator that

yields the value of the right-hand expression.

Shorthand Assignments
 Java provides special shorthand assignment
operators that simplify the coding of certain
assignment statements.
 Let’s begin with an example. The assignment

statement shown here

x = x + 10;
can be written, using Java shorthand, as
x += 10;
 The operator pair += tells the compiler to

assign to x the value of x plus 10.

 Here is another example. The statement
x = x - 100;
is the same as
x -= 100;

 Both statements assign to x the value of x

minus 100.
 This shorthand will work for all the binary

operators in Java (that is, those that require

two operands).
 The general form of the shorthand is

var op = expression;
+= -= *= /=

%= &= |= ^=

Table 3.5: Arithmetic and Logical assignment operators

 Because these operators combine an operation
with an assignment, they are formally referred to
as compound assignment operators.
 The compound assignment operators provide

two benefits.
 First, they are more compact than their
“longhand” equivalents.
 Second, they are implemented more efficiently

by the Java run-time system.

 For these reasons, you will often see the

compound assignment operators used in

professionally written Java programs.
Type Conversion in Assignments
 In programming, it is common to assign one
type of variable to another.
 For example, you might want to assign an

int value to a float variable, as shown here:

int i;
float f;
i = 10;
f = i; // assign an int to a float
 When compatible types are mixed in an
assignment, the value of the right side is
automatically converted to the type of the left
 Thus, in the preceding fragment, the value in i

is converted into a float and then assigned to

 However, because of Java’s strict type
checking, not all types are compatible, and
thus, not all type conversions are implicitly
 For example, boolean and int are not
 When one type of data is assigned to another
type of variable, an automatic type
conversion will take place if the two types are
 The destination type is larger than the source

 When these two conditions are met, a

widening conversion takes place.

 For example, the int type is always large

enough to hold all valid byte values, and

both int and byte are integer types, so an
automatic conversion from byte to int can
be applied.
 For widening conversions, the numeric
types, including integer and floating-point
types, are compatible with each other.
 For example, the following program is

perfectly valid since long to double is a

widening conversion that is automatically
// Demonstrate automatic conversion from long to double.
class LtoD {
public static void main(String args[]) {
long L;
double D;
L = 100123285L;
D = L;
System.out.println("L and D: " + L + " " + D);
 Although there is an automatic conversion
from long to double, there is no automatic
conversion from double to long since this
is not a widening conversion.
 Thus, the following version of the preceding

program is invalid.
// *** This program will not compile. ***
class LtoD {
public static void main(String args[]) {
long L;
double D;
D = 100123285.0;
L = D; // Illegal!!!
System.out.println("L and D: " + L + " " + D);
 There are no automatic conversions from the
numeric types to char or boolean. Also, char
and boolean are not compatible with each
other. However, an integer literal can be
assigned to char.
Casting Incompatible Types
 Although the automatic type conversions are
helpful, they will not fulfill all programming
needs because they apply only to widening
conversions between compatible types.
 For all other cases you must employ a cast.

A cast is an instruction to the compiler to

convert one type into another.
 Thus, it requests an explicit type conversion.

A cast has this general form:

(target-type) expression
 Here, target-type specifies the desired type to
convert the specified expression to.
 For example, if you want to convert the type of

the expression x/y to int, you can write

double x, y;
// ...
(int) (x / y)
 Here, even though x and y are of type

double, the cast converts the outcome of the

expression to int.
 The parentheses surrounding x/y are
necessary. Otherwise, the cast to int would
apply only to the x and not to the outcome of
the division.
 The cast is necessary here because there is no
automatic conversion from double to int.
 When a cast involves a narrowing conversion,

information might be lost.

 For example, when casting a long into a

short, information will be lost if the long’s

value is greater than the range of a short
because its high-order bits are removed.
 When a floating-point value is cast to an

integer type, the fractional component will

also be lost due to truncation.
 For example, if the value 1.23 is assigned to
an integer, the resulting value will simply
be 1.
 The 0.23 is lost.
 The following program demonstrates some

type conversions that require casts:

// Demonstrate casting.
class CastDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
double x, y;
byte b;
int i;
char ch;
x = 10.0;
y = 3.0;
i = (int) (x / y); // cast double to int
System.out.println("Integer outcome of x / y: " + i);
i = 100;
b = (byte) i;
System.out.println("Value of b: " + b);
i = 257;
b = (byte) i;
System.out.println("Value of b: " + b);
b = 88; // ASCII code for X
ch = (char) b;
System.out.println("ch: " + ch);

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