Emotional Intelligence Mindful Listening

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Mindful Listening
Discover the power of mindful listening to enhance your emotional
intelligence and leadership skills. This presentation explores
techniques to become a more effective listener, overcome barriers,
and create meaningful connections in professional settings.
What Great Listeners Actually Do
1 Engage in Dialogue 2 Build Confidence
Great listeners ask thought-provoking questions. They Effective listening boosts the speaker's self-esteem. It
contribute to a dynamic conversation. creates a supportive atmosphere.

3 Collaborate, Don't Compete 4 Offer Thoughtful Suggestions

Listening is a cooperative effort. It's about Good listeners provide input when appropriate. They
understanding, not winning an argument. ensure their suggestions are constructive and
Six Levels of Listening

1 Create a Safe Space

Foster an environment where open dialogue thrives. Encourage honest communication without fear of judgment.

2 Eliminate Distractions
Give undivided attention to the speaker. Put away devices and clear your mind.

3 Comprehend the Message

Focus on grasping the speaker's main points. Strive to understand their perspective fully.

4 Read Non-Verbal Cues

Pay attention to body language and facial expressions. These often reveal unspoken thoughts.

5 Empathize and Validate

Recognize and acknowledge the speaker's emotions. Show genuine understanding and support.

6 Ask Insightful Questions

Probe deeper to gain clarity. Offer new perspectives through thoughtful inquiries.
Overcoming Key Barriers
to Effective Listening
Silence Your Inner Critic Expand Your Role
Focus on the speaker's See listening as an essential
words, not your judgments. leadership skill. It's not just
Practice mindfulness to stay about receiving information.

Let Go of Fear Embrace Change

Don't anticipate negative Be willing to alter your
outcomes. Approach perspective. Good listeners
conversations with an open, are open to new ideas.
curious mindset.
Listening Techniques: Withhold Evaluation
and Hunt for Negative Evidence
Withhold Evaluation Hunt for Negative Evidence

Prioritize understanding over judgment. Allow the Actively seek ideas that challenge your beliefs. This
speaker to finish before forming opinions. broadens your perspective and understanding.

Practice active listening by focusing on the content. Avoid confirmation bias by considering all angles. Be
Avoid interrupting with your own thoughts. open to information that contradicts your views.
Three Ways Leaders Can
Listen with More Empathy
Recognize Cues
Observe verbal and non-verbal signals. Pay attention to
tone, facial expressions, and body language.

Process Information
Reflect on and summarize key points. Identify common
ground and remember important details.

Respond Appropriately
Acknowledge feelings and ask clarifying questions. Offer
reassurance to maintain an open dialogue.
If You Aspire to Be a Great Leader, Be Present

Strengthen Relationships Be Fully Present Enhance Performance

Foster deeper connections through Give complete attention during Boost employee engagement and
mindful presence. Make others feel interactions. True leadership motivation. Present leaders inspire
valued and understood. requires more than physical higher productivity and satisfaction.
Become a Better Listener
Listening Level Description Action

Superficial Removed or Recognize and

reactive improve

Meaningful Receptive and Strive for this level


Emotional Safety Creating empathy Make speaker feel


Deeper Questions Encouraging Use conversation

openness deepeners
To Change Someone's
Mind, Stop Talking and
1 Build Understanding 2 Ask and Listen
Create a bridge through Pose thoughtful questions
active listening. Discover and truly hear the
shared values and new answers. This fosters
perspectives together. mutual respect and

3 Shift Your Mindset

Move from persuasion to inquiry. This approach enables
lasting, collaborative change.
Defusing an Emotionally Charged
Conversation with a Colleague
Communication Channels PEARLS Technique Focus on Connection

Recognize the task channel (work- Use Partnership, Empathy, Prioritize personal connection over
related) and relationship channel Acknowledgment, Respect, the task at hand. Express empathy
(personal dynamics). Balance both Legitimation, and Support and support to create a productive
for effective communication. statements. These reaffirm the environment.
relationship and defuse tension.

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