Neoplasia 053917
Neoplasia 053917
Neoplasia 053917
metastasis yes no
Differentiation ? Poorly differentiated Well differentiated
pleomorphism yes no
hyperchromatism yes no
Nuclear\cytoplasmic increased normal
Local invasion:
Benign tumors Malignant tumors
Grow by expansion Grow by infiltration
Have a capsule No capsule.
No invasion of the capsule Invasion destroys normal
by Rb gene in retinoblastoma.
Inhibition of apoptosis
Mutation in P53 is found in many tumors.
2.chemical carcinogenesis
Virus can cause cancer by;-
1. Insertion of their promoters near proto-
oncogene and activating them. This type
of viruses are known as slow transforming
2. Insertion of their V-onc in host genome.
This type of viruses are known as acute or
rapidly transforming viruses. They are
characterized by processing V-onc which
acquired from host genome during their
Examples of viral-associated cancer are;-
a) cervical carcinoma is associated with
b) hepatocellular carcinoma is associated
with HBV.
c) nasopharyngeal carcinoma is associated
with Epstein Barr Virus (EBV).
What is the difference between v-onc and c-
1. Ultra violet radiation
U/V radiation in form of sunlight, is clearly
treatment of cancer).
In less lethal dose, they cause irreversible
2. Initiators;- are tumorgenic on their own by
DNA mutation. They are 2 types;-
a) Direct reacting carcinogens i.e. they are
active in the form in which they are
b) Indirect reacting carcinogenesis require
metabolic conversion from procarcinogenes
to active ultimate carcinogens. Example is
Examples of chemical associated with
aflatoxin associated with hepatocellular
Arsenic associated with squamous cell
carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.
Asbestosis associated with mesothelioma.