DSA Lecture01 - Arrays 1

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Data Structures

and Algorithm

Fall 2024
 Data structures are classified as either linear or nonlinear.
 A data structure is said to be linear if its elements form a

sequence or a linear list. There are two basic ways of

representing such linear structures in memory.
 One way is to have the linear relationship between the elements
represented by means of sequential memory locations. These linear
structures are called arrays.
 The other way is to have the linear relationship between the elements
represented by means of pointers or links. These linear structures are
called linked lists.
 Nonlinear structures are trees and graphs.
Linear Array
A linear array is a list of finite number n of
homogeneous data elements such that :
 The elements of the array are referenced respectively
by an index set consisting of n consecutive numbers.
 The elements of the array are stored respectively in
successive memory locations.
 The number n of elements is called the length or size of
the array.
Linear Array
 Threenumbers define an array : lower bound,
upper bound, size.
 The lower bound is the smallest subscript you can use
in the array (usually 0)
 The upper bound is the largest subscript you can use in
the array
 The size / length of the array refers to the number of
elements in the array , It can be computed as upper
bound - lower bound + 1
Let, Array name is A then the elements of A is : a1,a2….. an
Or by the bracket notation A[1], A[2], A[3],…………., A[n]
Linear Arrays
Example :
A linear array DATA consisting of the name of six

Linear Arrays
Example :
An automobile company uses an array AUTO to

record the number of auto mobile sold each year from

1932 through 1984.
AUTO[K] = Number of auto mobiles sold in the

year K
LB = 1932

UB = 1984

Length = UB – LB+1 = 1984 – 1930+1 =55

Representation of linear array in
 LetLA be a linear array in the memory of the
computer. The memory of the computer is a
sequence of addressed locations.
Representation of linear array in
 The computer does not need to keep track of the
address of every element of LA, but needs to keep
track only of the first element of LA, denoted by
Base(LA), called the base address of LA. Using this
address Base(LA), the computer calculates the address
of any element of LA by the following formula :
LOC(LA[k]) = Base(LA) + w(K – lower bound)
where w is the number of words per memory cell
for the array LA
Representation of linear array in
Example :
An automobile company uses an array
AUTO to record the number of auto
mobile sold each year from 1932
through 1984. Suppose AUTO
appears in memory as shown in
figure. That is
Base(AUTO) = ?, and
w = ? words per memory cell for AUTO

Find the address of the array

element for the year K = 1935,1965
Representation of linear array in

LOC(AUTO[1965])= Base(AUTO) + w(1965 –

lower bound)
 Write a program in C++ to understand
consecutive memory location for array, to
understand why accessing every element is
constant time (same) irrespective of value of k
(we know computer uses above formula to find
location of kth element as all elements are in
consecutive memory space.)
Traversing Linear Arrays
 Given DATA is a linear array with lower bound LB
and upper bound UB . This algorithm traverses
DATA applying print operation to each element of
1. Set K : = LB.
2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while K<=UB:
3. Print DATA[K]
4. Set K : = K+1.
5. Exit.
Translating in C++
int DATA={5,10,15,20,25};
1. Set K : = LB. int K=0;
2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while(K<=4)
while K<=UB: {
3. Print DATA[K] cout<< DATA[K];
4. Set K : = K+1. K = K+1;
5. Exit. }
Traversing Linear Arrays
 Given DATA is a linear array with lower bound
LB and upper bound UB . This algorithm
traverses DATA applying print operation to each
element of DATA.
Repeat for k = LB to UB:
Apply PROCESS to LA [k]
[End of loop]
Class Activity
An automobile company uses an array AUTO to
record the number of auto mobile sold each year
from 1932 through 1984.
a) Find the number NUM of years during which
more than 300 automobiles were sold.
b) Print each year and the number of automobiles
sold in that year

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