Virus Features:
nti-virus • They check software or files before they are run or
loaded on a computer
software • Anti-virus software compares a possible virus against
known database of known viruses
• Carry out heuristic checking –checking software for
types of behaviour that could indicate a possible virus
• Any possible files or programs which are infected are
put into quarantine
• Full system checks need to be carried out once a week
As HDD becomes full, blocks used for files will become
scattered all over the disk surface
tion software Consequences:
Machine Automatically:
For modern LCD/OLED screens, now used to customize a
USB device drivers that contain a collection of
information about devices
managem Maintaining the directory structures
Ensuring access control mechanisms are maintained
Running of
applicatio Computer start-up – part of the OS needs to be
loaded to RAM (Booting up/Bootstrap loader)
Motherboard is handled by the BIOS (aka
Firmware) telling the computer where the
storage device that holds OS can be found then
loads the part of the OS needed and executes it
BIOS program is stored in a special type of
ROM called EEPROM(Electronically Erasable
Programmable ROM) – Flash memory chip,
which means its content remain even when
Running of powered down but can also be rewritten,
updated or deleted by a user
ns BIOS settings are stored on a CMOS
(Complementary Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor)
powered up at all times via a rechargeable
battery on the motherboard; would be reset if
battery is removed or disconnected. If reset, it
will go to default settings from EEPROM
A signal sent from a device or from software to
the microprocessor causing the microprocessor
to temporarily stop what it is doing so it can
service interrupt
• A timing signal
• An input/output process (e.g. a disk drive or printer
requiring more data)
• Hardware fault (paper jam)
• User interaction ( user pressing keys <ctrl><alt><break>)
• Software errors that cause a problem
• Once received, microprocessor either carries on with what it was
doing or stops to service device/program causing interrupt
• Computer needs to identify interrupt type and establish priority level
• They allow computers to carry out many tasks/ to have several
windows open at the same time using a buffer (a memory area
storing data temporarily)
When interrupt is received it needs to be