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ACT, 2015
“Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and
lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nations and citizens of
– Jawaharlal Nehru
with law
appropriate directions.
S. 18. Orders regarding ccwl
Where Board- satisfied on inquiry- child irrespective of
age- committed- petty/serious offence, or child below 16
years- committed heinous offence- based on nature of
offence, specific need for supervision/intervention,
circumstances as brought out in social investigation report
& past conduct of child, Board may-
(a) allow child- go home after advice/admonition by
following appropriate inquiry & counselling to such child
& to his parents/guardian;
(b) direct child- participate- group counselling, similar
(c) Order child to perform community service under
supervision of organization/institution/specified person,
persons/group of persons identified by Board;
(d) order child/parents/guardian to pay fine.
In case child- working- ensured that provisions of any labor
law for time being in force are not violated;
(e) direct child- released on probation of good conduct &
placed under care of any parent, guardian/fit person-
executing bond- with/out surety, as Board may require, for
good behavior & child’s well-being for any period not
exceeding 3 years;
(f) direct child- released on probation of good conduct &
placed under care & supervision of any fit facility for
ensuring the good behavior & child’s well-being for any
period not exceeding 3 years;
(g) direct- child- sent to special home, for not exceeding 3
years, for providing reformative services including
education, skill development, counselling, behavior
modification therapy & psychiatric support during period of
stay in special home:
If conduct & behavior of child- it would not be in child’s
interest/interest of other children housed in special home,
Board may send such child to place of safety.
If order passed- Board may, in addition pass orders to-
(i) attend school; or
(ii) attend a vocational training centre; or
(iii) attend a therapeutic centre; or
(iv) prohibit child- visiting, frequenting/appearing at
specified place; or
(v) undergo de-addiction programme.
Where Board after preliminary assessment pass order-
there is need for trial of said child as adult- Board may
order transfer of trial of case to Children’s Court having
jurisdiction to try such offences.
S. 19. Powers of Children’s Court
After receipt of preliminary assessment- Children’s Court
may decide that—
(i) need for trial of child as adult as per CrPC, 1973 & pass
appropriate orders after trial (subject to s. 19 & 21),
considering special needs of child, tenets of fair trial &
maintaining child friendly atmosphere;
(ii) no need for trial as adult & may conduct inquiry as
Board & pass appropriate orders as per s. 18.
The Children’s Court- ensure- final order regarding ccwl
shall include individual care plan for rehabilitation of
child, including follow up by PO/DCPU/social worker.
Children’s Court- ensure- ccwl- sent to place of safety till
21 years of age & thereafter- transferred to a jail.
Reformative services including educational services, skill
development, alternative therapy as counselling, behavior
modification therapy & psychiatric support- provided to
child during his stay in place of safety.
Children’s Court- ensure- periodic follow up report every
year by PO/DCPU/social worker- to evaluate progress of
child in place of safety & ensure no ill-treatment to child
in any form.
Reports- shall be forwarded to Children’s Court for record
and follow up.
S. 20. Child attained 21 years age and yet to complete
prescribed term of stay in place of safety
Children’s Court- shall provide- follow up-
PO/DCPU/social worker/itself- to evaluate if child
undergone reformative changes & child- can-contributing
member of society & the progress records of the child s.
19 & evaluation of relevant experts- considered.
Children’s Court may-
(i) decide to release child on necessary conditions-
including appointment of monitoring authority for
remainder of prescribed term of stay;
(ii) Decide- child shall complete the remainder of his term
in a jail.
SG- shall maintain monitoring authorities list &
monitoring procedures.
S. 21. Order that may not be passed against ccwl
Prospective effect
S. 26. Provision with respect of run away ccwl
any police officer may take charge of ccwl who has run
away from special home/observation home/place of
safety/from care of person/institution under whom the
child was placed.
Shall be produced- within 24 hours- preferably before
Board which passed original order/nearest Board where
the child is found.
Board shall ascertain reasons and pass appropriate orders
for child to be sent back either to institution/person from
whose custody child had run away/other similar
Board may also give additional directions- special steps
–necessary-for best interest of the child.
No additional proceeding- instituted.