Functions of Management
Functions of Management
Functions of Management
All organization need good managers. Good managers help to make other
employees more productive than they would have been without them. A
poorly managed organization is unlikely to meet its aims and objectives.
Managers include:
♣ Company directors ♣ Team leaders
♣ Supervisors ♣ Heads of departments
♣ Head chef in a restaurant
♣ Chief surgeon or nurse ♣ Chief constable
What are the functions of
This is the process of establishing short-term and long-term goals
and objectives and deciding on the tasks and resources needed to
achieve these goals.
The process of planning involves setting out steps for the
attainment of future organizational objectives; this includes:
formulating policies and programmes
Designing procedures
The SMART acronym is
often used by management to
help create sensible and
meaningful goals. These
goals help ensure that the
business can measure its
performance accurately.
Specific Measurable
Both long term and short This means setting out clear,
term goals set for the quantifiable criteria for measuring
business should be the progress towards each goal,
and assessing when each one has
detailed, direct, clear and been reached.
At this point the manager should
When? Where? Why? be able to provide answer for the
Who? What? Which? following questions:
1. How much?
Questions must be able to 2. How many?
answer from a specific 3. How will I know when goal is
Goals should depicted a
Attainable sensible and practical
Goals should be possible idea of what can be
within the given time achieved. Objective set
period and the tools and should be appropriate to
resources are at your both employees and
disposal to attain it. management as well as
their job role and
Goals have a clear define timeline including a start date and a
deadline to create urgency. Setting an end point for the goal
give employees a clear target to achieve.
This involves bringing together all the necessary resources of the
factors of production, namely, land, labour, capital and enterprise
and combining them effectively to achieve the goals of the
company. This means management must:
assigning clear duties and responsibilities to the varied
establishing work schedules,
allocating the necessary resources to the respective
ensuring that the lines of authority or the chain of command are very
clear so that employees are certain as to what their tasks are and to
whom they are to report.
The Organizing process involves:
1. Identifying the tasks that must be performed and grouping them
whenever necessary
2. Deciding who will undertake each tasks
3. Assigning these tasks to the personnel while delegating their
authority and responsibility.
4. Coordinating individuals to perform the necessary activities
5. Making sure that things are done on time and in an ordered way.
Directing involves assigning task to employees, and
ensuring that these are clear, achievable and in line with
the overall goals of the organisation.
to tasks).
Steps in controlling
Managers must bring together all the factors of production and the
departments of the business function as an integrated or
interdependent unit- working together towards the attainment of
overall organizational goals.
Delegating involves sharing the workload
across the organisation from top management
down to middle and junior managers,
supervisors and floor employees.