Decision Trees

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Decision Trees

Important Terminology

• Root Node: It represents entire • Branch / Sub-Tree: A sub section of

population or sample and this further decision tree is called branch or
gets divided into two or more sub-tree.
homogeneous sets
• Splitting: It is a process of dividing a • Parent and Child Node: A node,
node into two or more sub-nodes which is divided into sub-nodes is
• Decision Node: When a sub-node splits called parent node of sub-nodes
into further sub-nodes, then it is called where as sub-nodes are the child of
decision node parent node.
• Leaf/ Terminal Node: Nodes with no
children (no further split) is called Leaf or
Terminal node
• Pruning: When we reduce the size of
decision trees by removing nodes
(opposite of Splitting), the process is
called pruning
ID3 - Entropy

• A decision tree is built top-down

from a root node and involves
partitioning the data into
subsets that contain instances
with similar values
• ID3 algorithm uses entropy to
calculate the homogeneity of a
• If the sample is completely
homogeneous the entropy is
zero and if the sample is equally
divided then it has entropy of
ID3 - Entropy

• Entropy using the frequency

table of one attribute:
Entropy using the frequency table
of two attributes:
• Step 2:
• The dataset is then split on the
ID3 Steps different attributes.
• The entropy for each branch is
calculated. Then it is added
proportionally, to get total entropy for
the split.
• The information gain is based on • The resulting entropy is subtracted
the decrease in entropy after a from the entropy before the split.
data-set is split on an attribute. • The result is the Information Gain, or
decrease in entropy.
• Constructing a decision tree is all
about finding attribute that
returns the highest information
gain (i.e., the most homogeneous
• Step 1: Calculate entropy of the
ID3 Steps

• Step 3: Choose attribute with

the largest information gain as
the decision node, divide the
dataset by its branches and
repeat the same process on
every branch.
ID3 Steps
• Step 4a: A branch with entropy of • Step 4b: A branch with entropy
0 is a leaf node. more than 0 needs further

Step 5: The ID3 algorithm is run recursively on the non-leaf branches,

until all data is classified.
Example Revisited

• Consider weather dataset based on which we will determine whether

to play football or not.
First step - find the parent node for
our decision tree
• Find the entropy of class variable.
E(S) = -[(9/14)log(9/14) + (5/14)log(5/14)] = 0.94

• calculate average weighted entropy

E(S, outlook) = (5/14)*E(3,2) + (4/14)*E(4,0) + (5/14)*E(2,3) = (5/14)(-
(3/5)log(3/5)-(2/5)log(2/5))+ (4/14)(0) + (5/14)((2/5)log(2/5)-
(3/5)log(3/5)) = 0.693
• find the information gain [Difference between parent entropy and
average weighted entropy ] = IG(S, outlook) = 0.94 - 0.693 = 0.247
First step - find the parent node for
our decision tree
• Find Information gain for Temperature, Humidity and Windy

• IG(S, Temperature) = 0.940 - 0.911 = 0.029

• IG(S, Humidity) = 0.940 - 0.788 = 0.152

• IG(S, Windy) = 0.940 - 0.8932 = 0.048

Step 2: select the feature
having largest entropy gain
• Here it is Outlook. So it forms first node(root node) of our decision

overcast contains
only examples of
class ‘Yes’ we can
set it as yes
Next step : find the next node in
our decision tree
• find the node under sunny -- to determine which of the following
Temperature ,Humidity or Wind has higher information gain

Calculate parent entropy E(sunny)

E(sunny) = (-(3/5)log(3/5)-(2/5)log(2/5)) =
Next Step : find the next node in our
decision tree
• Calculate information gain of Temperature. IG(sunny, Temperature)

E(sunny, Temperature) = (2/5)*E(0,2) + (2/5)*E(1,1) + (1/5)*E(1,0)=2/5=0.4

IG(sunny, Temperature) = 0.971–0.4 =0.571

Compute IG ,
IG(sunny, Humidity) =
IG(sunny, Wind) =
Next Step : find the next node in our
decision tree
• Calculate information gain of Temperature. IG(sunny, Temperature)

E(sunny, Temperature) = (2/5)*E(0,2) + (2/5)*E(1,1) + (1/5)*E(1,0)=2/5=0.4

IG(sunny, Temperature) = 0.971–0.4 =0.571

Compute IG ,
IG(sunny, Humidity) = 0.971
IG(sunny, Windy) = 0.020
Next Step : find the next node in our
decision tree
• IG(sunny, Humidity) is the largest value, So Humidity is the node
which comes under sunny.

Play will occur if humidity is

and will not occur if it is high
Final Decision Tree
Example 2

CART Vs ID3 Vs C4.5
Types of decision trees

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