FAQ - Brand Specialist

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Your Interview

Brand What is the main role of Brand
Specialist The role of the Brand specialist is to help drive the
growth & performance of brands on our website by
Amazon Vendor working closely with e-commerce brands & vendors,
Services understanding their business model, analyzing data
& collaborating with departments like Marketing,
Supply Chain, Vendor Management, Instock
Management & finance.

As a Brand Specialist you will be part of the Amazon

Vendor Services (AVS) & there are many categories
you could be supporting, such as:
•Hardlines (Home & Garden/Toys & Sports/Consumer
electronics/Office supplies)

•Softline's (Fashion/Jewelry/Watches)

•Consumables (Wines, Beers, Spirits, Groceries, Pantry/

Beauty, Health, Personal Care & Baby)

Your category of responsibility will be confirmed a

week prior to your start date, dependent on team
Can I give
How many examples What the
outside my Can I use the Business Case
examples should
working same examples asses?
I prepare?
experience? more than once?
 2 Leadership
 This role has  Yes. However, we
Principles per  Your excel skills,
interview certain level of suggest not
complexity, hence repeating it more your business
 2-4 questions per
we encourage you than twice and to knowledge & your
Leadership analytical thinking
Principles. to use working- not use it with the
related examples same interviewer. towards customer
 We suggest you
 You can sue obsession.
focus on 6  We suggest you to
Leadership academic examples
when they are showcase your
Principals relevant understanding of
to the role relevant & complex
to the role concepts like:
 We suggest you
 Always drive your revenue, sales,
prepare 10-15 conversion rate,
examples answers to
showcase your profit margin,
actions towards availability
What can I
When will I When could I What can I
expect after my
know my start? expect on my
interview  Ideally we look for acceptance? first week at
result? immediate starters. Amazon?
 We are also mindful  HR Services team
 You will hear from will initiate a  Your manager will
of your particular
your recruiter needs (notice background check share a costumed
within 5 working period, visa & provide your onboarding &
days after your application, studies employment training plan
interview day. contract  You will be
 We will need a non  One week prior designated with a
negotiable period your Day 1 IT team ‘Buddy’ from your
of 3 weeks after will ship your new team who will
your offer equipment home, guide you and
acceptance to you will receive a show you best
complete the Welcome Email practices
onboarding process with guidance on
your start & you
will meet your
Contact your recruiter at any stage
Ready to
prepare? need
Remember Review Amazon’s Leadership Principals

Watch the Amazon Interview Tips video

Good Luck !

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