Funciones 2

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Cuarto D 2024
¿Qué esperamos de la clase?

activación de
conocimientos previos


Ruta de aprendizaje Sintesís

la composición de funciones
¿Función o relación?
¿Función o relación?
¿Función o relación?
¿Función o relación?
¿Función o relación?
¿Función o relación?
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Analizar gráficas
Composición de funciones
Sintesís de la clase
¿Qué es modelar?
Es representar situaciones de la vida cotidiana mediante el
lenguaje matemático

Para interpretar lo que sucede y predecir lo que

Title text addition
Teaching strategy
Title text addition
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or Title text addition
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
The teaching process
Title text addition

Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword Keyword

Title text Title text Title text Title text Title text
addition addition addition addition addition
Title text addition

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film

Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it film
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film it film it film
Teaching reflection
Title text addition

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film
S it film

Title text addition T Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Title text addition
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make
it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film

02 01 03
Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film computer, or print the presentation and make it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film computer, or print the presentation and make it film

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it film computer, or print the presentation and make it film
Analizar gráficas
Title text addition
Title text addition Title text addition Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film it film

Title text addition Title text addition

The user can demonstrate on a projector or The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make computer, or print the presentation and make
it film it film
Thank you for listening
time : ××× teacher : ×××

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