Making Connections

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- Make connections between texts to

a particular social issues, concerns
or dispositions in real life.

1. What type of connection is this:

I read chapter book about a girl who worked in a factory in
New York. It reminded me of an article that I read in school
about child labor.

A. text to self b. text to text c. text to world


2. What type of connection is this:

I read an article about how to catch a football. it
reminded me of the time I caught the football
during the championship football game and
captured the victory for my team.

A. text to selfb. text to text c. text to world


3. What type of connection is this:

I read a story about a boy who visited a magical
world with witches and wizards. It reminded me of
the book Harry Potter.

A. text to selfb. text to text c. text to world


4. What type of connection is this:

I read a story about a woman who was afraid of black cats.
It reminded me of all the black cats left behind in animal

A. text to self b. text to text c. text to world


5. What type of connection is this:

I read the nutrition label on the back of my frozen
pizza. It reminded me of an article I read about how
to make healthy food choices.

A. text to selfb. text to text c. text to world

What is connection?

A relationship in which a person, thing, or

idea is linked or associated with
something else.
What is making connections?
Have you ever been reading and then
suddenly something you read reminds
you of something else?
You experienced these because you
personally connect your emotions to the text
or story. Relate the text to your own
experiences and you link what you read to
what you know. As a result, you can easily
understand the text that you are reading.
Making Connections
Making connection is a critical reading
comprehension strategy that helps in defining what
you are reading. When making connections to texts
you are reading, it helps you to make sense of what
you read, retain the information better, and engage
more with the text itself.
Making Connections

There are three types of connection according to

Keene and Zimmerman.
1. Text to Self

2. Text to Text

3. Text to World
Text- to- Self Connections
Text- to- Self connections are actually
personal connections that you make between
yourself and the selection you are dealing
with. Previous experiences, emotions, or
opinions may be similar to the ones present
in the material.
In the book Jhen is reading, the main character is the
attending a new school for the first time, and she is feeling
home sick for her friends at her old school.

This reminds Jhen of the time she had to switch schools in

the middle of the school year and how much she missed
her old friends. Jhen knows exactly how the main
character feels.
Use as your guide in Text- to- Self Connections
1. What does this reminds me of my life?
2. How is this similar to my life?
3. How is this different from my life?
4. Has something like this happened to me?
5. Hpw does this relate to my life?
Text- to- Text Connections
Text- to- text connections are connections
where you relate one material to another that
you have read or have already come across.
Texts might be from similar author, same
theme or topic, same genre, and the like.
Jalen has been reading The One and Only Ivan. One
day, he mentions to his teacher that the friendship
that has blossomed between Ivan and Ruby
reminds him of the friendship that grew between
Charlotte and Wilburn in Charllote’s Web. Ivan
decided to set out to prove Ruby’s life, just like
Charlotte set out to improve Wilbur’s life.
Here are the questions you can use as your guide in
Text- to- text Connections
1. What does this remind me of in another book i
2. How is this similar to other things I have read?
3. How is this different to other things I have read?
4. Have I read about something like this before?
Text- to- World Connections
Text- to- world connections are the larger
connections that a reader brings to a reading
situation including our perception of the world
which might vary since we have various sources of
learning things beyond personal experiences (e.g.
television, radio, magazines, articles, movies, etc.)
Ross has been reading the book Shiloh. He just read
a section where Marty(the main character) is very
concerned about his dog, Shiloh, aafter Shiloh was
attacked by a larger dog. Ross has never owned a
dog, but he knows that it is normal for dogs and
their owners to have close relationships with one
another. He makes the text-to- world connection
that Marty loves Shiloh in the way that most pet
ownwes love their pet.
Another example:
For example, perhaps you are reading a book about
a main character who is bullied. If you haven’t been
bullied, you wouldn’t be able to text-to- self
connection. However, if you learned about it in
school, and if you’ve heard it in school, and you’ve
heard conversations about it, you could make a
text- to- world connection.
Here are the questions you can use as your guide in Text-
to- text connections:
1. What does this remind me of in the real world?
2. How is this text similar to the other things happening in
real word?
3. How is this different from the things happening in real
4. How does this part relate to the world around me?
Lets Review!!!
Can you name all three types of connecctions?

Text- to- Self Text- to- text Text- to- world

Identify how the following readers make
connections to the text. Write your answer in your

1. I read a book about how grocery stores get their

food. It reminded me of the grocery trucks that
drive by on the highway everyday.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

2. I read a book about what life was like before
electricity. It reminded me of the time I went
camping in a cabin that had no electricity.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

3. I read a nonfiction book about how to get better
at tennis. It reminded me of last summer when I
attended a tennis camp to improve my skills.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

4. I read a magazine about the new airport the city
is planning to build. It reminded me of how small
many local airports are.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

5. I read a book about how eggs are produced. It
reminded me of my visit last summer in my
grandparents’ farm.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

6. I read a book about a boy who loved to eat
cheese for breakfast. It reminded me of the time we
ran out of cereal and my mom made me a cheese
sandwich for breakfast.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

7. Nicole read a story which entitled Cinderella
which the character is mistreated by her
stepmother and stepsisters. It reminded her the
story of The Ugly Duckling which the duckling is
rejected by others and mistreated because of its

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to world

8. I read an article about how bananas are grown in
the tropics. It reminded me of how oranges are
usually grown in Florida.

a. text to self b.text to text c.text to world

9. I read a book about the best sports for kids. It
reminded me that I had baseball practice that

a. text to self b.text to text c.text to world

10. I read a story about how people talk
without speaking, and it reminded me of
school where sign language is thought.

a. text to self b. text to text c. text to

1. C. Text to world
2. A. Text to self
3. A. Text to self
4. C. Text to world
5. A. Text to self
6. A. Text to self
7. A. Text to text
8. A. Text to world
9. A. Text to self
10. C. Text to world

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