READING Session 1

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Squander severe
spare merriment riotous
fetch compassion calf

Waste serious baby cow

lean care joyful

disrespectful get
A man had two sons. The younger son asked his
father to give him the money that his father has
promised him, and his father obliged. The
younger son then left home and went to live in a
‘far country’. He soon went through all of the
money his father had given him, through living
in a ‘riotous’ and careless manner.

When all his money had gone, a famine spread

across the land, and he found himself starving.
To support himself, he went and found work in
the fields, feeding the pigs. He was so hungry he
One day he realized that his father’s servants had
bread enough to eat, and yet he had none. So he
resolved to go home and beg for his father’s
forgiveness, and ask his father to take him in under his
roof as one of his hired servants.
When the son returned home, his father saw him in
the distance, and ran to him and kissed him.

The son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven,

and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called
thy son. But his father ordered his servants to fetch his
best robe, and put it on his son, and to put a ring on
He then ordered them to prepare a fatted calf
for their meal, so they can eat and celebrate the
prodigal son’s return, ‘For this my son was dead,
and is alive again; he was lost, and is found’.

While all this merriment was going on indoors,

the elder son was outside working in the field.
He could hear the music and dancing and asked
one of the servants what was going on. When he
discovered his brother, who had run off, had
returned, he grew angry and refused to go in
His father came out and asked his son to come in
and join them. But the elder son was still annoyed.
He told his father that he had served him loyally and
obeyed him all these years, yet he has never had a
fatted calf, or a feast laid on for him and his friends
to enjoy themselves. Yet as soon as the prodigal son
returned, who had wasted his inheritance on
carousing with women, his father had killed the
fatted calf and, as it were, pulled out all the stops.
The father replies that he is glad to share everything
he owns with his son, but on this day he had to
rejoice and celebrate, because ‘this thy brother was
Process Questions:

1.If you were the father, would you still accept your
child despite what he did?
2.What is the moral lesson of the story?
Journal Writing

Explain and Reflect:

1. How will you express your love to your parents?

2. If you could make three wishes for your parents,
what would they be and why?

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