Biomedical Instrumentation 4 1729512126389
Biomedical Instrumentation 4 1729512126389
Biomedical Instrumentation 4 1729512126389
• Basic Recording systems
• Signal Conditioners
• Preamplifiers
• Sources of Noise in Low Level Measurements
• Isolation Amplifier, Electrocardiograph, Phonocardiograph,
Electroencephalograph, and Electromyography
It consists of : -
• Measurand
• Electrode Transducer
(Sensor transducer)
• Signal Conditioner
Signal Processing
• Feedback System
Control System
Electrodes • Display system
Transducer • Alarm system
• Data Storage
• Data Transmission
• Measurand: -
The measurand is the physical quantity, and the
instrumentation systems measure it. Human body acts as the
source for measurand, and it generates bio-signals. Example:
body surface or blood pressure in the heart.
• Electrode Transducer (Sensor/ Transducer): -
The transducer converts one form of energy to another form
usually electrical energy. For example, the piezoelectric signal
which converts mechanical vibrations into the electrical signal.
The transducer produces a usable output depending on the
measurand. The sensor is used to sense the signal from the
source. It is used to interface the signal with the human.
• Signal Conditioner: -
Signal conditioning circuits are used to convert the
output from the transducer into an electrical value. The
instrument system sends this quantity to the display or
recording system. Generally, signal conditioning
process includes amplification, filtering, analogue to
digital and Digital to analogue conversions. Signal
conditioning improves the sensitivity of instruments.
Preamplifier: -
A preamplifier is an electronic amplifier which amplifies
the signal before further processing.
Signal Processing: -
Signal processing involves converting or transforming data in a
way that allows us to see things in it that are not possible via
direct observation. Signal processing allows engineers and
scientists to analyze, optimize, and correct signals, including
scientific data, audio streams, images, and video.
• Feedback System: -
Feedback System is the essential part of biomedical
instrumentation. Feedback system consists of Control
System ( for control the signal to achieve its desire output )
and Calibration (for auto-correction of accuracy with
respect to the existing error in the system)
• Display System
It is used to provide a visual representation of the
measured parameter or quantity. Example: Chart
recorder, Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO). Sometimes
alarms are used to hear the audio signals. Example:
Signals generated in Doppler Ultrasound Scanner used
for Fetal Monitoring.
• Alarm System
With upper and lower adjustable thresholds to indicate
when the measurand physical variable goes beyond the
preset limits.
• Data Storage
Data storage is used to store the data and can be used
for future reference. Recent days Electronic Health
records are utilized in hospitals.
• Data Transmission
Data transmission is used in Telemetric systems, where
data can be transmitted from one location to another
Filtering & Digital Filtering &
amplification amplification
Convers Convers
+ Signal + Signal
Converting ion ion Converting
• Digital Conversion
• Data acquisition is the digitizing and processing of multiple sensor or
signal inputs for the purpose of monitoring, analyzing and/or controlling
systems and processes. Analog sensors and signals are first normalized
by the use of filters, amplifiers and signal converters. The next wave of
the signal chain is the exchange of this signal to a digitized format. The
two most important conversion functions in this phase of the process
are analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion.
• The primary function of a preamplifier is to extract
the signal from the detector without significantly
degrading the intrinsic signal-to-noise ratio.
• Therefore, the preamplifier is located as close as
possible to the detector, and the input circuits are
designed to match the characteristics of the
• Different pulse processing techniques are typically
employed, depending on whether the arrival time or
the amplitude (energy) of the detected event must
be measured.
• Differential Amplifiers one which will reject any common mode
signal that appears simultaneously at both amplifier input
terminals and amplifies only the voltage difference that appears
across its input terminals. Most of the amplifiers used for
measuring bioelectric signals are of the differential type.
• Ac coupled amplifiers have a limited frequency response and
are, therefore, used only for special medical applications such as
electrocardiograph machine. For electrocardiograms, an ac
amplifier with a sensitivity, giving 0.5 mV/cm, and frequency
response up to 1 kHz and an input impedance of 2 to 5 MW is
used. For such applications as retinography, EEG and EMG, more
sensitive ac amplifiers are required, giving a chart sensitivity of
say 50 mV/cm with a high input impedance of over 10 MW.
• Carrier amplifiers are used with transducers which require an
external source of excitation. They are characterized by high
gain, negligible drift, extremely low noise and the ability to
operate with resistive, inductive or capacitive type transducers.
They essentially contain a carrier oscillator, a bridge balance and
calibration circuit, a high gain ac amplifier, a phase-sensitive
detector and a dc output amplifier.
• Chopper Amplifier is used to amplify very small dc signals of
the order of microvolts. To avoid the drift problem that is
characterized by the direct coupled amplifier, the chopper
amplifier is used. The amplifier uses a chopping device that
converts a slowly varying direct current to an alternating voltage
(the dc is chopped into a square wave with a chopper
modulator). The resulting alternating voltage has amplitude that
is proportional to the input direct current and with phase
dependent on the polarity of the original signal. The resulting ac
square wave is amplified with an ac amplifier and then
demodulated to get an amplified dc.
• Isolation amplifiers are used to provide protection against
leakage currents. They break the ohmic continuity of electric
signals between the input and output of the amplifier.
• We have 3 methods of isolation that can be used:
• Optical isolation
• Transformer isolation
• Capacitive isolation
• Differential amplifier has three input terminals out of
which one is arranged at the reference potential and the
other two are live terminals.
• The differential amplifier is used when it is necessary to
measure the voltage difference between two points, both of
them varying in amplitude at different rates and in
different patterns.
• Instrumentation amplifier is a differential voltage gain
device optimized for operation in an environment that is
hostile to precision measurements. It is consists of 3 op-
amps and 7 resistors.
• The instrumentation amplifier is made up of 2 parts: a
buffered amplifier (OP1, OP2) and a basic differential OP3.
ECG: -
• Instrumentation Amplifiers
• Designed for high-precision, low-noise differential signal amplification.
• Examples:
• AD620 (Analog Devices)
• INA333 (Texas Instruments)
• MAX4208 (Maxim Integrated)
• Electromyograph is an instrument
used for recording the electrical
activity of the muscles to determine
whether the muscle is contracting or
• EMG measurements are also
important for the myoelectric
control of prosthetic devices.
• EMG is usually recorded by using
surface electrodes or more often by
using needle electrodes, which are
inserted directly into the muscle.
• The surface electrodes may be
disposable, adhesive types or the
ones which can be used repeatedly.