Uncle Raman
Uncle Raman
Uncle Raman
Made by Navratan
Characters in The
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Now don’t make a Yes and if you do make
mess. And make a mess,you will have
Clear it up.
The picture is
We have enough to do
aleardy. Our daughter
Straight. Is getting married next
Month, so the place
must look beautiful.
MR Choudhary Workman
Yes we shall be There is no need to
inundated with worry, madam, sir. I
vistors. am putting up
pictures every week.
NO problem. Always
very clean work
MR Choudhary Workman
We shall see but It will be straight sir.
make sure the Very straight. One
picture is straight hundred and ten per
MR Choudhary Workman
One hundred ten per Degrees,madam? I
cent, and 180 have no degree,
degrees and madam.and fine? I
horizontal will be will get fine?
MRChoudhary Uncle Raman
No, no. it ,fi… it all Hello,hello,JB, oldman.
right. It,s all good. How are you ?
Just get on with the
work, man. [to his
wife] Subhashini,
don’t confuse him
with your talk of
degrees and
horizontal and fine
and whatnot. Let
him do his work.
MRChoudhary Uncle Raman
Why,hello,Uncle Did you not get my
Raman. How good to missive?I wrote last
see you. What brings week. I ve come to
you here? grace Sarita ,s
wedding with my
presence. [He blows
MRSChoudhary Uncle Raman
But,Uncle the Not to worry. I shall
wedding is not till help with the
next month. preparations.
Everything will be
just fine.
MRChoudhary Uncle Raman
[To the workman}. Aha! U are I see you
Be careful, man. see, my aptitudes will
That’s marble floor come in useful over the
you’ trying to crack! next month. Let me
assist you with that. I
am something of an
expert when it comes
to hanging pictures.
Now hand me that nail.
Come on, come on,
man, we don’t have all
MR Choudhary
MRS Choudhary
Goodness me! Uncle Oh dear!(Inspecting
Raman . {She runs to the floor)Just look at
see if he is all right} marble tile it’s
cracked in half!
MR Choudhary Uncle Raman
{To Uncle Raman}. Fine fine . That
Are you OK. ladder is useless
{The work man
looks alarmed.} I
think I shall sit down
for a little while. {He
collapses into a chair
nearby, and it
crashes to the floor
in pieces.}
MR Choudhary Uncle Raman
{Crossly} Now look I think I shall have a
what you’ve done! wash and rest. What
{Whispering to his time is lunch?
wife} Uncle Raman
is helped to his feet.
Hegoes to his
suitcase, picks it up
and heads for the
door to the
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Very soon, Uncle. {Looking at the
Very soon. We shall picture and
give you call. pointing.} just look
at that , Arjun!
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
It was straight when And for goodness sake
he left. I shall call don’t ask your Uncle
that scoundrel back Raman to fix it. I
after lunch to put it knowhe means well,
right. This really is but the man is walking
intolerable disaster zone. A
catastrope waiting to
happen! A nightmare !
{Uncle Raman half
rises and then lies
down again}
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Well, we shall just I don’t see why not.
have to put up with The others will be
him. We cannot ask here in three weeks
him to leave, can or even later. Are we
we? going to have to
tolerate his
eccentricities till
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Quite. What a The man eat like a
frightening horse too! You will
prospect!. have to increase the
household budget
threefold. And our
repair bills will spiral
judging by these
disasters; he will break
everythinging sight.
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
You are right, The sooner the
Subhashini. We shall better. I shall go and
have to devise a plan see if lunch is ready,
to get rid of him. Let’s then you can give
discuss the problem him call.
after lunch, when he is
taking a nap.
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
{Looking at the picture {Going to the end of
on the floor, and the room and
shaking her head.} The shouting} Uncle
sooner the better! Raman! Uncle
Raman! Lunch is
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
{Not loudly; Shhhhhh! He might
sarcastically} Yes, hear you.
Uncle Raman , Mr
Voracious; come and
eat it all! Then break
a few plates, and
cups and saucers!
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
Good ! Perhaps he You don’t have to
will get the hint bring your suitcase
to the dining table,
MRS Choudhary Uncle Raman
{Aside} Unless you I won’t be staying for
want to pack some lunch , I’ mafraid. I
for a snack later?{Mr suddenly
Choudhary glowers remembered I have
at her.} an appoinment to
keep back at home .
I‘ve decided to go
immediately, and
return… perhaps …
to see sartia getting
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
But Uncle, have Yes, Uncle. And whyn
some lunch first then this sudden change
go. of mind? You know
you are most
welcome in our
MRS Choudhary Uncle Raman
but your Yes, yes. I must go
appointment? I without delay. Thank
suppose you have to you for the offer. I
keep it shall be in touch.
Good bye. Good bye.
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
{To the postman} {Stop dancing}And
what are you gawing what time do you
at? Is the way to call this ? you are
delivery letter? Can’t supposed to deliver
you come to the the post in the
front door and ring morning not the
the bell? affternoon!
Postman MRS Choudhary
Sorry, sir . Sorting I will give you
office problem , sir. headache problem, if
Sir. Cycle problem, you have come and
sir. Late starting deliver the post at
problem, sir the window in
future! {she
snatches the letter
from him.}
MR Choudhary Postaman
Now go! Come in the Yes sir. { Starts to go,
proper way, next then puts his head
back in the window.}
Very fine dancing,
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
{Shaking the letters { Taking the letter
in his face.} Your and looking at one.}
supervisor will hear Oh look ! Here’s the
about this! {Exit letter from Uncle
postman, hurriedly} Raman.
That man!
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
Open it! What does Give me second.
he say? {Opens the letter
and reads}
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
Well? {Holding his
forehead and looking
shocked} Oh Dear!
Oh dear! What have
we done
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
What have done? We have driven him
out, that’s what. And
he was here to make
us very rich! He had
come to give all his
late wife’s jewellery
to our sartia for her
MRS Choudhary MR Choudhary
Oh no !{Taking the It’s too late now. He
letter from him}Can has gone . And so
this be true? If only has our fortune… er
we had waited a , Sarita ’s fortune.
while! {enter
Sartia MRS Choudhary
Hello , mum . Hello, {Hiding the letter
dad. What’s going behind her back}
on? Is lunch ready? Uncle Raman? What
I’m starving{Looking about Uncle Raman?
round the room}And
where ’ s Uncle
Raman ? What about
Uncle Raman
MR Choudhary Sarita
Why do you bring up Uncle Raman was
his name? here earlier . I met
him this morning he
arived . We had a
long chat at the
gate. He said he had
come to stay till the
wedding. Where is
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Your uncle is not Yes. He had an
here.. He came and appointment to keep
he departed. He was
in a hurry to go
Sarita MR Choudhary
An appointment ? Your uncle won’t be
That’ strange. here for lunch or
{Muses for a while} dinner. He has gone
It’s all right. He’ll be home .
back for lunch, I’m
sure . He has a
healthy appetite,
hasn’t he!
Sartia MRS Choudhary
Gone home? But he I doubt whether he
said he was going to will be here for the
be here till the wedding either.
wedding . What is
going on?
Sartia MRS Choudhary
Why ever not? He Well, I think he became
seemed so happy to quite upset with
be here, and was something we said. He
looking forward to is a nuisance to have
the wedding. He told around, you know.
me so.
MR Choudhary Sartia
And we could not You mean you drove
keep our comment him out? Poor man!
to ourselves . He
must have
overheard us.
MR Choudhary Sartia
I’m afraid so . And A small gift ?
the worst thing is… I
don’t how to tell you
this… he was going
to leave you a small
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
Well, quite a largish Yes, very large. He said
gift. he was going to leave
you some of Aunty
Meena ‘s jewellery.
MR Choudhary MRS Choudhary
And now, of course I wonder which ring
you won’ t get even or chain he might
a sniff of it beacause brought for you.
he’s gone !
Sartia MR Choudhary
You mean rings and Whatever do you
chain and dozens of mean, dear
other precious
pieces too.
I can show you what
he brought because
he handed me a
large box when he
arrived. It is full of
the most priceless
pieces of jewellery
you have seen in
your life!