Unit 5 DOS SCR
Unit 5 DOS SCR
Unit 5 DOS SCR
Shared Memory
Dr. Satyananda Champati Rai
Associate Professor
School of Computer Engineering
KIIT Deemed to be University
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
On-Chip Memory
Self-contained chips containing a CPU and all the
memory also exist. Such chips are produced by the
millions, and are widely used in cars , appliances and
even toys. The CPU portion of the chip has address
and data lines that directly connect to the memory
The CPU portion of the chip has
portion. address and data lines that directly
connect to the memory portion. This
One could imagine a simple extension of this chip to types of chips are used in cars, toys,
have multiple CPU’s directly sharing the same appliances & electronic gadgets.
memory. Constructing such a chip would be
complicated, expensive and highly unusual.
School of Computer Engineering 3
Architecture – On-Chip Memory, Bus-Based &
Ring-Based Multiprocessor
Memory CPU4
Cache blocks can be in one of the following three states:
1. INVALID – This cache block does not contain valid data.
2. CLEAN – Memory is up-to-date; the block may be in other caches.
3. DIRTY – Memory is incorrect; no other cache holds the block.
Architecture – On-Chip Memory, Bus-Based &
Ring-Based Multiprocessor
Fig (a) The memnet ring (b) A single machine (c) The block table
Ring-Based Multiprocessors
Valid bit – whether the block is present in the cache and up to date.
Exclusive bit – whether the local copy, if any, is the only one.
Home bit - which is set only if this is the block’s home machine.
Interrupt bit - used for forcing interrupts.
Location field – where the block is located in the cache if it is present and valid.
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
UNCACHED – The only copy of the block is in this memory.
CLEAN – Memory is up-to-date; the block may be in several caches.
DIRTY – Memory is incorrect; only one cache holds the block.
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
Sequential Consistency
The result of any execution is the same as if the operations of all processors were executed in some sequential
order, and the operations of each individual processor appear in this sequence in the order specified by its
Causal Consistency
Writes that are potentially causally related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes
may be seen in a different order on different machines.
PRAM Consistency
Writes done by a single process are received by all other processes in the order in which they were issued, but
writes from different processes may be seen in a different order by different processes.
Processor Consistency
For every memory location, x, there be global agreement about the order of writes to x. Writes to different
locations need not be viewed in the same order by different processes.
Weak Consistency
Weak Consistency has three properties:
1. Accesses to synchronization variables are sequentially consistent.
2. No access to a synchronization variable is allowed to be performed until all previous writes have completed
3. No data access (read or write) is allowed to be performed until all previous accesses to synchronization
variables have been performed.
Release Consistency
Release consistency obeys the following rules:
1. Before an ordinary access to a shared variable is performed, all previous acquires done by the process must
have completed successfully.
2. Before a release is allowed to be performed, all previous reads and writes done by the process must have
3. The acquire and release accesses must be processor consistent (sequential consistency is not required).
Entry Consistency
Entry consistency meets all the following conditions.
1. An acquire access of a synchronization variable is not allowed to perform with respect to a process until all
updates to the guarded shared data have been performed with respect to that process.
2. Before an exclusive mode access to a synchronization variable by a process is allowed to perform with respect
to that process, no other process may hold the synchronization variable, not even in nonexclusive mode.
3. After an exclusive mode access to a synchronization variable has been performed, any other process’ next
nonexclusive mode access to that synchronization variable may not be performed until it has performed with
respect to that variable's owner.
Summary of Consistency Models
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
1. Access remotely – no copying page into local memory, it is needed for temporary usage.
2. Fetch – copying actual page into local memory.
3. No remote access.
4. Fetch is mandatory.
Basic Design
In a DSM system, the address space is divided up into chunks, with the chunks being spread over all the processors
in the system. When a processor references an address that is not local, a trap occurs, and the DSM software fetches
the chunk containing the address and restarts the faulting instruction, which now completes successfully.
This concept is illustrated in Fig. 6-25(a) for an address space with 16 chunks and four processors, each capable of
holding four chunks.
In this example, if processor 1 references instructions or data in chunks 0, 2,5, or 9, the references are done locally.
References to other chunks cause traps. For example, a reference to an address in chunk 10 will cause a trap to the
DSM software, which then moves chunk 10 from machine 2 to machine 1, as shown in Fig. 6-25(b).
One improvement to the basic system that can improve performance considerably is to replicate chunks that are read
only, for example, program text, read-only constants, or other read-only data structures. For example, if chunk 10 in Fig.
6-25 is a section of program text, its use by processor 1 can result in a copy being sent to processor 1, without the
original in processor 2's memory being disturbed, as shown in Fig. 6-25(c). In this way, processors 1 and 2 can both
reference chunk 10 as often as needed without causing traps to fetch missing memory.
Another possibility is to replicate not only read-only chunks, but all chunks. As long as reads are being done, there is
effectively no difference between replicating a read-only chunk and replicating a read-write chunk. However, if a
replicated chunk is suddenly modified, special action has to be taken to prevent having multiple, inconsistent copies in
At what level granularity, user wants to access the data.
- Accessing a word.
- Accessing a page.
- Accessing a block.
There is an issue with granularity is FALSE SHARING.
- A page has two unrelated variables; both variables are needed by more than one CPU; then false sharing happens,
performance will be an issue in such situation.
- Clever compilers keep same page in more than one memory location to avoid false sharing and improve
- Clever compilers cannot solve false sharing problem for arrays, structures, unions, data structures and classes, since
collection of data in similar or dissimilar format in multiple contiguous or non-contiguous locations.
Achieving Sequential Consistency
There is only one write copy at the maximum or sometimes zero.
Achieving Sequential Consistency
There is only one write copy at the maximum or sometimes zero.
Finding the Owner
One of them is how to find the owner of the page. The simplest solution is by doing a broadcast, asking for the owner of
the specified page to respond. Once the owner has been located this way, the protocol can proceed as above.
An obvious optimization is not just to ask who the owner is, but also to tell whether the sender wants to read or write
and say whether it needs a copy of the page. The owner can then send a single message transferring ownership and the
page as well, if needed.
Broadcasting has the disadvantage of interrupting each processor, forcing it to inspect the request packet. For all the
processors except the owner's, handling the interrupt is essentially wasted time. Broadcasting may use up considerable
network bandwidth, depending on the hardware.
Li and Hudak (1989) describe several other possibilities as well. In the first of these, one process is designated as the
page manager. It is the job of the manager to keep track of who owns each page. When a process, P, wants to read a
page it does not have or wants to write a page it does not own, it sends a message to the page manager telling which
operation it wants to perform and on which page. The manager then sends back a message telling who the owner is.
P now contacts the owner to get the page and/or the ownership, as required. Four messages are needed for this
protocol, as illustrated in Fig. 6-28(a).
An optimization of this ownership location protocol is shown in Fig. 6-28(b). Here the page manager forwards the
request directly to the owner, which then replies directly back to P, saving one message.
A problem with this protocol is the potentially heavy load on the page manager, handling all the incoming requests. This
problem can be reduced by having multiple page managers instead of just one. Splitting the work over multiple
managers introduces a new problem, however—finding the right manager.
A simple solution is to use the low-order bits of the page number as an index into a table of managers. Thus with eight
page managers, all pages that end with 000 are handled by manager 0, all pages that end with 001 are handled by
manager 1, and so on. A different mapping, for example by using a hash function, is also possible. The page manager
uses the incoming requests not only to provide replies but also to keep track of changes in ownership. When a process
says that it wants to write on a page, the manager records that process as the new owner.
Still another possible algorithm is having each process (or more likely, each processor) keep track of the probable
owner of each page. Requests for ownership are sent to the probable owner, which forwards them if ownership has
changed. If ownership has changed several times, the request message will also have to be forwarded several times. At
the start of execution and every n times ownership changes, the location of the new owner should be broadcast, to
all processors to update their tables of probable owners.
The problem of locating the manager also is present in multiprocessors, such as Dash, and also in Memnet. In both of
these systems it is solved by dividing the address space into regions and assigning each region to a fixed manager,
essentially the same technique as the multiple-manager solution discussed above, but using the high-order bits of 30
Finding the Copies
Another important detail is how all the copies are found when they must be invalidated. Again, two possibilities present
themselves. The first is to broadcast a message giving the page number and ask all processors holding the page to
invalidate it. This approach works only if broadcast messages are totally reliable and can never be lost.
The second possibility is to have the owner or page manager maintain a list or copyset telling which processors hold
which pages, as depicted in Fig. 6-29. Here page 4, for example, is owned by a process on CPU 1, as indicated by the
double box around the 4. The copyset consists of 2 and 4, because copies of page 4 can be found on those machines.
When a page must be invalidated, the old owner, new owner, or page manager sends a message to each processor
holding the page and waits for an acknowledgement. When each message has been acknowledged, the invalidation is
Page Replacement
When memory is less than number of pages available; then page replacement is required.
4. First priority is case (3); i.e., drop the pages for whom you are not owner.
5. Second priority is case (2); simply change ownership and notify coordinator(if it is exists); otherwise broadcast to all
that you are changing the ownership of the page (in case of no coordinator exist), then drop the page for replacing
other page(s).
6. Third priority is case (1); send this page to some other CPU’s or store it in harddisk and mark it is passive, so that
space is created in the main memory to replace other important pages.
Mutual exclusion : TEST-AND-SET-LOCK (TSL) instruction is often used to implement mutual Exclusion. In normal use, a
variable is set to 0 when no process is in the critical section and to 1 when one process is. The TSL instruction reads out
the variable and sets it to 1 in a single, atomic operation. If the value read is 1, the process just keeps repeating the TSL
instruction until the process in the critical region has exited and set the variable to 0.
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
Granularity can be solved using clever compiler, which is residing with MUNIN.
MUNIN can place each object on a separate page, so that hardware MMU can be used for detecting accesses to shared
objects. The basic model used by MUNIN is that of multiple processors, each with a paged linear address space in which
one or more threads are running a slightly modified multiprocessor program (Quad Core).
It is like dusty deck problem( Dusty deck problem – old technique or methodologies are reused; instead of writing new
code.), i.e., multiprocessor program is existing is reused and slight modifications are done. The slight modifications are
done using ANNOTATIONS.
E.g., In JAVA@OVERRIDE i.e., method overriding , i.e., pass instructions to compiler using @ operator and add additional
program to embed in multiprocessor program. This is done using keyword SHARED. In other languages it may be @ or #
used for reusing existing code.
Release Consistency
Three kinds of variables are used in MUNIN
1. Ordinary variable – local to process i.e., auto in C language. It is not shareable, not visible to other processes.
2. Shared data variable – by lock and unlock critical section only one process can use and update.
3. Synchronized Variable – Lock(L) unlock(L) – L is synchronized variable, it is not data. 34
Multiple Protocols
1. Read only – No write operations; multiple copies exist.
2. Migratory – shared variables are migratory Fig 6-30.
3. Write-shared – Railway reservation; where many counters can write into a database, only one copy-Fig
6-31. We create backup like Fig 6-31 – we create TWIN and make RW, in RW we are updating the new
value by issuing write trap; then release after updating and inform all other CPU that this modifications
are done; once they confirm updation then we complete the task, otherwise RUNTIME error is
generated; since all CPU’s have not updated new value(i.e., 8) and rollback to original value(i.e., 6).
4. Conventional – opposite to read only – writeable; multiple copies cannot exists; it can be made
available in multiple based on demand after closing file.
Multiwriter Protocols
Fig 6-32(c) and (d) process p1 and p2 are run on 2 different CPU’s even series and odd series updation are
done by 2 CPU’s. In Fig (c) if a[0] has done updation then control goes to CPU (2) to update a[1]; so the
message passing time is more and wastage of time. It is worse than uniprocessor.
Whereas in Fig (d) 2 CPU’s do computations parallely and inform and exchange messages at the end,
speed is increased by 50%. If 2 CPU’s are used. If 3 CPU’s are used then each CPU may take 33%, so
performance gain (speed) is 66%.
UNIT-5: Distributed Shared Memory
Checkout- from our repository the data is written in global space database then it is checkout. It is done by
out function(parameters), e.g., out(parameters) – to place new tuple in tuple space.
Checkin – getting from global database to our repository. It is done by in function(parameters), e.g.,
in(parameters) – to get/retrieve tuple from tuple space.
1. Complete replication on each and every machine. Fig 6-38.
2. No replication – independent replication of tuple space – deleting from
one machine and replicating in another machine. Fig 6-39.
3. Partial replication – It deals with in and out operations. Fig 6-40.
When out comes the replication is done on all row machines. Duplicate copies are
maintained in row.
When in comes the replication is done on all column machines, no duplicate copies with in
Orca is a language and provides runtime environment and it is compiler. Other languages can use runtime
environment to get benefits of Orca for other languages. It is a well checked language., checking is done at compile
and runtime.
Two specific interests;
Guard till at least one element is there in stack. i.e., pop operation requires at least one element in stack.
Suspend or block until condition becomes true.
Fig (a) : single copy on local machine; reading /writing no problem, since it will not effect other copies on
other machines.
Fig (b) : Single copy but available on remote machine; solution to RPC. Reading/writing can be done.
Fig(c) : Multiple copies are there on many machines- then reading is no problem; writing/updating has to be
informed to all machines; synchronize with other machines for writing. This is only for reading.
Fig(d) : This is only for writing. Multiple copies can exist.
Sequencer is a mechanism or a technique or process used to deliver packets/data reliably on unreliable channel.
School of Computer Engineering 45
Thank You!