Upper Limb
Upper Limb
Upper Limb
1. Clavicle:
- form the pectoral girdle with
scapula .
- the first bone to being
ossification during the fetal life , but it is
the last one to complete ossification (21
y ).
- is the only long bone to be
ossified intramembranously .
Bones of the upper limb
2. Scapula :
1) Carpal bones
are arranged in 2 row of 4 bones
- Anconeus
Muscles of the Arm
Quadrangular space
-superiorly: teres minor and sub
scapularis muscle
Contents :
radial nerve and brofunda brachiie
Muscles of the forearm
1) Anterior comparment :
Anterior comparment of the forearm :
Anterior comparment of the forearm
Muscles of the forearm
2) posterior comparment :
posterior comparment of the forearm
posterior comparment of the forearm
Elbow Joint
synovial hint joint , complex joint involving 3
seperate articulation [humero-radial ,humero-
ulnar and proximal radio- ulnar joint ] which
sheare a common synovial cavity .
Bounderies :
- Medially : by the tendon of extensor
pollicis longus.
- laterally : by the tendons of extensor
pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
- floor formed by scaphoid bone .
Contain radial artery .
Anatomical Snuffbox
Blood supply of the upper
Arterial Supply
Blood supply of the upper
Clinical correlations
Clinical correlations
Clinical correlations
R.M.H.McMinn, LAST‘S anatomy regional and applied, 9th Ed. Churchill livingstone; 1997
Richard L.Drake, Wayne Vogl,Adam W.M.Mitchell, GRAYS anatomy for students, Elsevier Inc. 2007
Harold Ellis, Clinical Anatomy,Applied anatomy for students and junior doctors, 11th Ed,
Publishing Ltd, 2006
Richard S.Snell, Clinical Anatomy by Regions, 8th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Moore, Keith L.; Dalley, Arthur F, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 5th Ed. Lippincott Williams &
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Agur, Anne M.R.; Dalley, Arthur F. Grant’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. 12th Ed.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Elaine N. Marieb, R.N.; Patricia Brady Wilhelm ; Jon Mallatt. Human anatomy. 6th edition,
Education, Inc. ; 2012
Johannes W.Rohen; Chihiro Yokochi; Elke Lütjen-Drecoll. Color atlas of anatomy. 7th edition.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2011
Torsten B. Moeller; Emil Reif. Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy. 3rd edition. Germany by Appl
Aprinta Druck, Wemding; 2005
Acland's video Atlas of Human Anatomy, Robert D.Acland M.D , FRCS.
Abraham's et al , McMinn clinical atlas.