Signs of The Times

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So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This doors. generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. fulfilled. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not ready: the Son of man cometh. Matt. 24:33-34, 44 cometh. Matt. 24:33-34,

Overview of the Signs of the Times

God is not willing that any should perish Gods Methods of Warning Signs of Nature Signs of Society Spiritual Signs Signs of Technology Signs of World Politics Signs of Israel The State of Israel and the City of Jerusalem

The Dual Programs of the Bible




Conscience Human Govt.







Church Jews Gentiles


Gen 1

Gen 3

Gen 12

Exo 20

Matt 26

Acts 2

Rev 4

Rev 20

Rev 22

The Seventy Prophetic Weeks

The Unreckoned Period Seven Weeks Sixty-two Weeks
Messiah shall be cut off and shall have nothing. First half, 31/2 years 1260 days The Romans under Titus destroy the city and the sanctuary, 70 AD Jews are scattered among all nations End of 69th week, April 10, 32 AD Jerusalem trodden down Desolations till the end The mystery hid in former ages made known (the Church) Second half, 31/2 years 1260 days The Great Tribulation World-wide gospel preaching of the

The Last Week

Roman prince (little horn), makes a covenant with the Jews Jewish people fully restored and temple worship resumed Many other predicted events in the prophets and Revelation fulfilled The covenant broken

From the word to restore and build Jerusalem seven weeks and sixty-two weeks (483 years) till Messiah the Prince

49 years later the street and wall built Artaxerxes in the month Nisan gives edict to rebuild Jerusalem in 445 BC

The Middle of the Week

Part of the Jewish nation returns to the land in unbelief (Zionism) The coming of the Lord for His saints. Dead saints raised and living saints changed (I Thess. 4:13-18)

The 69 weeks, or 483 years, expired AD 32

Sacrifices and oblations cease Antichrist in Jerusalem Image set up and its worship demanded Great tribulation Jerusalem in distress The little horn, the king with fierce countenance The Lord appears to deliver His people

The end of the seventieth week brings in the Righteousness of Ages through the second coming Of the Lord. The Kingdom established. All vision and prophecy fulfilled. Jerusalem a praise in the earth. Universal peace. Nations learn war no more.

The Seventy Weeks Cross-Sectioned Cross(483 years) Sixty Nine Weeks of Years (7 years) One Week of Years

from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times

after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off

the prince that shall come shall confirm the covenant with many for one week

49 years 62 weeks x 7 years = 434 years 7 years
Millennial Reign of the Lord Jesus

Close of OT Canon (397 BC)

Anti-Christ breaks the treaty

Church Age
173,880 days @ 360 days per year Command to Rebuild (March 14, 445 BC) Nehemiah 2:1-8 Triumphal Entry of the Lord to Jerusalem (Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:5) Tribulation Period Antichrist confirms the covenant with Israel (Dan. 9:27) Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Zech. 14:4)

Colossus of Nebuchadnezzar

Modern Day Signs of the Times

The Tribulation Slaughter The Army of 200 Million The Two Witnesses The Nation of Israel The Image of the Beast The Mark of the Beast

Dan. 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Recognizing the Signs of the Times

The meaning of signs The Messianic signs Signs of the End Times Signs of nature Signs of society Spiritual signs World political signs Technological signs Accelerator signs Signs of Israel

The Acceleration of Life

Increase in Population Increase in Power Modernized Transportation Sophisticated Telecommunication Information Technology Increase in Knowledge Increase in Violence Disintegration of Society Propagation of the Gospel Accelerated Developments in World Politics

Apostasy in the Church

The Roots of Apostasy Proliferation of Apostate Gospels Proliferation of Apostate Leaders Apostasy in the Denominations Apostasy in Local Churches InterInter-Faith Apostasy The Response of Christendom

Radio Frequency Implant Device

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev. 13:17) If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God. (Rev. 14:9-10) 14:9-

"All buying and selling in the program will be done by computer. No currency, no change, no checks. In the program, people would receive a number that had been assigned them tattooed in their wrist or forehead. The number is put on by laser beam and cannot be felt. The number in the body is not seen with the naked eye and is as permanent as your fingerprints. All items of consumer goods will be marked with a computer mark. The computer outlet in the store which picks up the number on the items at the checkstand will also pick up the number in the person's body and automatically total the price and deduct the amount from the person's 'Special Drawing Rights' account."

Let us Watch and be Sober

Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. Rev. 17:7


The Prophetic Enigma

Acts 2 Rev. 4

Church Age

The Great Parenthesis (When the King of the Kingdom of Heaven is in a Far Country)

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. (I Pet. 1:11)



The Last World Empire

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. (Rev. 13:1-2; 17:3, 9, 12; 12:3; Dan. 7:2-7). The Last World Empire is a Composite Beast having all the characteristics of Pagan Babylon and Religio-Political Rome (Dan. 7:7-14; Rev. 19:20; 11:15; cf. Matt. 4:8). This explains the various human kings associated with Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14; 19:23; 23:13; 30:31; 31:8; Ezek. 28:12-19; 31:3)

The Quest for Global Governance

The League of Nations (1900-1924) While Lenin's party was forging the Principles of Communism in 1903, Orville Wright made his historic flight. The first automobile trip across the United States was completed, and the U.S. government ratified the Panama Canal Treaty. Congress created the Federal Reserve System in 1913. Americans were divided about entering the First World War, but did in 1917, and had a million troops in Europe when the war ended in 1918 when the warring parties accepted Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points which became the basis for the League of Nations. Edward Mandell House was Wilson's chief advisor. He persuaded Wilson to sign the Federal Reserve Act and he was the real architect of the League of Nations. House came to his position with Woodrow Wilson from an elite circle of friends known as the Inquiry: Paul Warburg, J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, John W. Davis, among others, all of whom had direct interest in the Federal Reserve System and great interest in the League of Nations. The Senate refused to ratify the League of Nations in 1920. Embarrassed and defeated, Wilson died four years later, ironically, the same year Lenin died. The dream of world domination, however, did not die. House and his friends realized that public opinion in America had to be changed before any form of world government could succeed. While shuttling to Europe on post-war peace negotiations, House arranged an assembly of dignitaries from which was created the Institute of International Affairs which had two branches. In London, it was called the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA); in New York, it was called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), formed officially July 29, 1921.

The Quest for Global Governance

The founding President of the CFR was John W. Davis, personal attorney to J. P. Morgan. Paul Cravath and Russell Leffingwell, both Morgan associates, were also among the founding officers. Money for the new organizations was provided by J. P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and John D. Rockefeller, the same people involved in the forming of the Federal Reserve. The purpose of the CFR was to create a stream of scholarly literature to promote the benefits of world government, and attract a membership of rich intellectuals who could influence the direction of foreign policy in America. The CFR, supported by the world's wealthiest foundations and individuals, has been extremely successful. Its flagship publication, Foreign Affairs, is the port-ofentry for many ideas that become public policy. The U.S. delegation to the founding conference of the United Nations included 47 members of the CFR. The Secretary-General of the conference, Alger Hiss, was a member of the CFR. The United Nations (1925 - 1950) Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the White House in 1932. The CFR was to Roosevelt what Edward House was to Woodrow Wilson. The organization [CFR] essentially ran FDR's State Department. Henry Wallace, a committed Marxist, was FDR's Secretary of Agriculture.

The Quest for Global Governance

By 1941, Hitler had invaded Russia and Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor. The CFR, realized that the war provided an excellent reason for the nations of the world to try once again to create a global institution that could prevent war. Two weeks after Pearl Harbor, Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, recommended the creation of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Post War Foreign Policy. The committee was the planning commission for the United Nations. Ten of the committee's 14 members were members of the CFR. The process of creating the United Nations lasted throughout the war. The first public step was the Atlantic Charter (August 14, 1941), signed by Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, which committed the two nations to a permanent system of general security. Because Stalin was under attack by Germany, Russia was forced to join the allies in the Moscow Declaration (October 30, 1943) which declared the necessity of establishing an international organization to maintain peace and security. The Dumbarton Oaks Conversations (August, 1944) which produced the World Bank, also settled political and legal issues that were drafted into the UN Charter. The Yalta Summit (February, 1945) produced a compromise which gave the Soviets three votes (USSR, Byelorussia, and the Ukraine) in exchange for voting procedures demanded by the U.S. Edward Stettinius made another extremely significant concession. He agreed that the UN official in charge of military affairs would be designated by the Russians. The committee designed and FDR sold the United Nations to the 50 nations that came to the San Francisco conference in 1945. Among the 47 CFR members in the official U.S. delegation were: Edward Stettinius, the new Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, Adlai Stevenson, Nelson Rockefeller, and Alger Hiss. To ensure that the new organization would be located in America, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., donated the land for the UN headquarters.

The Quest for Global Governance

The ink on the UN Charter had not yet dried when the Charter for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) was presented in London, November, 1945. UNESCO swallowed and expanded the 1945. ParisParis-based International Institute for Intellectual Cooperation which was a holdover from the League of Nations. Julian Huxley was the prime mover of Nations. UNESCO and served as its first Director-General. Huxley had served on Director-General. Britain's Population Investigation Commission before World War II and was vice president of the Eugenics Society from 1937 to 1944. 1944. UNESCO was created to construct a world-wide education program to prepare worldthe world for global governance. governance. The UN and UNESCO were created in the wake of the worst war carnage the world had ever witnessed. Conditioned by a constant stream of propaganda witnessed. produced by the CFR in America, and by the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Europe, the move toward global governance was accepted and allowed to go forward. Julian Huxley realized, however, that to be successful forward. over the long haul, a world-wide constituency would have to be developed. In worlddeveloped. 1948, 1948, Huxley and his long-time friend and colleague, Max Nicholson, both of longwhom were involved with the Royal Institute of International Affairs, created (IUCN). the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The Big Three

From 1941 to 1945, United States 1945, President Franklin Roosevelt, Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Churchill, and Soviet Premier held various Joseph Stalin conferences in which they discussed their respective strategies in World War II. Their experiences II. helped them to formulate a plan to international create an peacekeeping organization with a goal of preventing future wars on the scale of World War II. In April II. 1945, 1945, representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco to create the charter of the organization that would be called the United Nations. Nations.

The Quest for Global Governance

The IUCN drew heavily from the 50-year-old British Fauna and Flora Preservation Society (FFPS) for its leadership, funding and its members. Sir Peter Scott, FFPS Chairman, drafted the IUCN Charter and headed one of its important Commissions. This important non-governmental organization (NGO) was instrumental in the formation of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in 1961 and the World Resources Institute (WRI) in 1982. These three NGOs are to the United Nations System what the CFR was to Franklin Roosevelt, or what Edward House was to Woodrow Wilson. These three NGOs have become the driving force behind the rise of global governance. The Cold War (1950-1970) The Soviet Union had clearly defined its Marx/Lenin/Stalin version of Communism. Its systematic program of expansionism -- including an active organization in the United States -- fully intended to bring all the world under its control. America would have no part of a world under Communist rule. During the 1950s and 1960s, the UN was little more than a debating society that occasionally attempted to referee disputes among the major world powers. The

UN had no authority or power in its own right to do anything about the spiraling arms race between the world's two super-powers. It became the super-powers. stage, however, on which the advocates of global governance performed their strategic play, using the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the starring roles. roles.

The Quest for Global Governance

In 1961, newly elected President John F. Kennedy presented a disarmament 1961, plan: plan: Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and War: Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, also known as the Department of World, State Publication 7277. The plan called for three phases which would ultimately 7277. result in the gradual transfer of U.S. military power to the United Nations. The Nations. plan called for all nations to follow the U.S. lead and disarm themselves to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN Peace Force. Force. While the United States was performing on the UN stage, sparring with the Soviet Union, keeping score with nuclear warheads -- the forces which heavily influenced the official policies of both the United States and the United Nations were actually outside both governments: non-governmental governments: nonorganizations (NGOs). Three distinct NGO influences were clear by the end of (NGOs). spin- organizations; the 1960s: the CFR and its assortment of affiliated spin-off organizations; the 1960s mystic, occult, or new-age spiritual movement; and the growing number of newmovement; organizations affiliated with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). In 1968, the IUCN led a lobbying effort with the United (IUCN). 1968, Nations Economic and Social Council (headed by Robert Muller) to adopt Resolution 1296 which grants consultative status to certain NGOs. This NGOs. resolution paved the highway for global governance. The Lucis Trust was one governance. of the first NGOs to be granted consultative status with the UN. UN.

The Quest for Global Governance

Alice Bailey established the Lucifer Publishing Company, which was renamed Lucis Press in 1924, expressly to publish and distribute her own writings and those of Djwhal Khul, which consisted of some 20 books written by Bailey as the channeling agent for the disembodied Tibetan she called Djwhal Khu1. Until recently, the Lucis Trust, parent organization of the Lucis Press, was headquartered at the United Nations Plaza in New York. Bailey assumed the leadership of the Theosophical Society upon the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The Societys 6,000 members include Robert McNamara, Donald Regan, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volker, George Shultz, and the names that also appear on the membership roster of the CFR. The Environmental Movement (1970s) The First "Earth Day in 1970, which perhaps coincidentally was celebrated on Lenin's birthday, April 22, was viewed as little more than a festival for flower children. The antiwar fervor, again, brought a quarter-million protesters to the Mall, and Watergate brought down the Nixon Presidency. The Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 served as beacons to attract the energies and idealism of a generation of young people who had successfully forced the world's most powerful government to abandon a war they saw to be unjust. The 1970s witnessed an unprecedented explosion in the number of environmental organizations and in the number of people who joined and supported these organizations. Among the more important but lesser known organizations formed during this period are the Club of Rome (COR 1968) and the Trilateral Commission (TC 1973). The COR is a small group of international industrialists educators, economists, national and international civil servants. Among them were various Rockefellers and approximately 25 CFR members.

The Quest for Global Governance

The Environmental Movement (1980s) The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) had already launched a Regional Seas Program (1973); conducted a UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 1974); developed a Global Frame-work for Environmental Education (1975); established the International Environmental Education Program (IEEP); set up a Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS); set up a World Conservation Monitoring Center at Cambridge, England (1975 as a joint project with the IUCN and the WWF); implemented the Human Exposure Assessment Location Program (HEAL 1976); conducted a UN Conference on Desertification (1977); organized the Designated Officials for Environmental Matters (DOEM); and in 1980, published World Conservation Strategy jointly with the IUCN and the WWF. UNEP was well positioned to interject the environment into the argument for global governance. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) allocated funding to establish computer network services for NGOs and academics in Latin America. The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) linked together networks in Brazil, Russia, Canada, Australia, Sweden, England, Nicaragua, Ecuador, South Africa, Ukraine, Mexico, Siovenj, and then entered into a partnership with the Institute for Global Communications (IGC). Known simply as, this gigantic computer network now boasts 17,000 users in 94 countries. It has exclusive contracts with several UN agencies to coordinate, facilitate, and disseminate information about and from UN conferences.

The Quest for Global Governance

While UNEP was convening the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988, 1988, the UNDP was funding a Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival, sponsored jointly by the UNDP's Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (created in 1982) and the Temple of 1982) Understanding. Understanding. The Temple of Understanding is an NGO accredited to the UN, and one of several projects of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. The featured St. City. speaker at the Forum was James Lovelock, author of The Ages of Gaia. Gaia. Global Governance: The Final March (1990s) Governance: 1990s) A decade of world conferences and international commissions in the 1980s proved to be 1980s only practice sessions for the world conferences and UN commissions of the 1990s, 1990s, beginning with the World Summit for Children in New York City in 1990. The 1990. Convention on the Rights of Child was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, and the Summit was designed to promote the Convention for 20, 1989, acceptance by the world. world. The Convention would establish the authority, if not the mechanism, for the UN to establish the criteria for childrearing, including education, sex education, religion, and even leisure-time activities. There is nothing in the Convention to preclude the UN from leisureactivities. requiring all children to attend state-run schools from nursery school to high school, and statetaking children completely away from the influence of the family. family.

The Quest for Global Governance

On April 15, 1994, The New York Times carried a full-page ad that hailed the World Trade 15, 1994, fullOrganization as "the third pillar of the new world order. The World Trade Organization order. (WTO) sailed through the Senate in the closing days of the 103rd Congress, handing over 103rd to the UN system the authority and the mechanism to impose and enforce its agenda on America. America. The WTO may impose trade sanctions on a nation that it determines is not in compliance with any international treaty. It may impose sanctions, fines, and penalties on a nation, or treaty. on an industry. Members are bound by the dispute resolutions dictated by the WTO. The industry. WTO. WTO could not have survived without the U.S. The UN could not have controlled world trade without the WTO. But now the facility is in place and the bureaucracy is gearing up WTO. to become the first-line enforcement mechanism of global governance. firstgovernance. The Commission on Global Governance (1998) received the formal endorsement of 1998) ButrousButrous-Butrous Ghali, UN Secretary-General, and funding from the United Nations SecretaryDevelopment Program. Nine nations and several private foundations also supplied Program. funding. funding. Oscar Arias, former President of Costa Rica was a member of the Commission. Commission. Arias won the Nobel Peace Prize for his "peace plan which called on nations to direct disarmament savings to the UN's development programs. programs. The Commission is convinced that the world is ready to accept "a set of core values that can unite people of all cultural, political, religious, or philosophical backgrounds.... It is backgrounds.... fundamentally important that governance should be underpinned by democracy at all levels and ultimately by the rule of enforceable law. law.

Members of the Global Conspiracy

The Lucifer (Lucis) Trust

Alice Ann Bailey, a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, formed the Lucifer Trust in 1920. 1922 saw the organization's name changed to Lucis Trust though the advancement of the Luciferian beliefs remained true. Beliefs that in Blavatsky's words: oppose the materialism of science and every dogmatic theology, especially the Christian, which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious.

Whos Who in the Lucis Trust?

Lucis Trust promulgates the work of an "Ascended Master" who was working 'through' Alice Bailey for some 30 years. The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their many fronts and organizations worship an "Externalized Hierarchy" of "Ascended Masters," who carry out the work of a Luciferian "master plan" for the establishment of a permanent "Age of Aquarius" ruled by one "Sanat Kumara", the "Lord of the World." Lucis Trust is a powerful institution that enjoys "Consultative Status" with the United Nations, which permits it to have a close working relationship with the U.N., including a seat on the weekly sessions, but most importantly influence with powerful business and national leaders throughout the world. The Lucis Trust is as much a political organization as an occult religious one. Aggressively promoting a globalist ideology, Lucis Trust founded its World Goodwill, which is closely connected to international elitist circles. Signatories to the World Goodwill document: Helmut Schmidt, former Chancellor of West Germany; Malcolm Frasier, former Australian Prime Minister; Shimon Perez; Robert McNamara; Paul Volcke; Jimmy Carter and Pierre Trudeau among others. Lucis Trust is run through an international board of trustees whose membership is said to have included: John D. Rockefeller; Norman Cousins; Robert S. McNamara; Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow); Henry Clauson Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite and Henry Kissinger. This would then tie Bailey's influential occult organization into the international conspiracy of elitists, including the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergs, and the Trilateral Commission.

Waiting for the Prince that shall come in his name

There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny . . . The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings. Manly P. Hall 33 Mason, The Secret Destiny of America

The New World Order

The New World Order as envisioned by the Elite is hardly a recent undertaking. Their's is a philosophy rooted in ancient occult traditions. Success is near, and the infiltration of society by New Age occultism is the reason for this success. The New World Order has never been solely about world government, rather, from the beginning its proponents have been privy to secret doctrines and it is a spiritual plan more than anything. If one failed to take into account the occult nature of the New World Order, they would be remiss. The UN and the New Age have been bed-fellows since the beginning. America's secret destiny is the product of Rosicrucian and Freemason forefathers. The New Atlantis as proposed in Francis Bacon's work is almost at hand. The Ancient Mysteries are being studied for illumination and enlightenment by the New World Order's elite. Not to mention the New Age gurus dutifully recruiting on behalf of the Secret Brotherhood. Freemason and co-founder of Lucifer Publishing Company (now called Lucis Trust), Foster Bailey, concurs, "Is it not possible from a contemplation of this side of Masonic teaching that it may provide all that is necessary for the formulation of a universal religion? (The Spirit of Masonry p.113) Foster Bailey states that Masonry "is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion..." This religion he explains, "...was the first United World Religion. Then came the era of separation of many religions and sectarianism. Today we are working again towards a World Universal Religion." (ibid p.31)

Apostles of the New World Order

Americas Great Seal is Masonic

The mandala of the New World Order and Illuminati Coeptis control. "Annuit Coeptis He has Blessed our Beginning", Beginning", "Novus Ordo Seclorum SeclorumNew Order of Allthe Ages". The All-Seeing Ages". Eye of Horus, the Horus, resurrected Egyptian Sun God, biblically referred to Lucifer, as Lucifer, the angel of light.

The New World Order

Past president George Bush, along with Mikhail Gorbachev, popularized the terms, "New World Order," "New International Order," and "new partnership of nations." The entire theme and focus of George Bushs address to a joint session of Congress on September 11, 1990, was "The New World Order." Speaking of the Persian Gulf crisis, Bush warned, "This is the first assault on the new world we seek, the first test of our mettle." He then summed up: "a new world order" may emerge from the crisis in which the world is "freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace. Where did the idea for a world government originate? There was, is, and always shall be avowed worshipers of Lucifer. Luciferians have lived and died promoting the worship of Lucifer through Babylonian, Egyptian, and Druid Witchcraft and are determined to overthrow all religions and governments. Their goal is to unite all nations into a "one-world government" and exalt Lucifer as the god of this world! If we take a journey through history, starting with Lucifers rebellion in heaven, we can see him as the one who was worshiped as the sun-god of paganism. We can see how Lucifer is responsible for false religions today. It should become clear that Satan, himself, through an international political movement is the one behind the move for a one-world government.

The Illuminati
Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. He earlier had planned and produced the blueprint for the French Revolution. This Apostle of Lucifer, Adam Weishaupt, converted to Catholicism, then turned to Witchcraft. Like Freemasonry, the Illuminati is a Luciferian movement to preserve and promote the ancient Black Arts of Babylonian and Druid Witchcraft. Its goals are to destroy Christianity and all world governments, and then unite them under a one-world government whose ruler is Lucifer. Apostles of Lucifer are using Secret Societies, Communism, International Banking, Christian fronts, even social issues to further their diabolical plans. These modern day witches are determined to overthrow Christianity and the worship of Jesus Christ by using various means subliminal mind sciences on the one hand, and physical force on the other. This Luciferian plot to destroy all religions and all governments, so that a oneworld Luciferian government may be established, is here today, in what is known as "The New Age Movement." In Latin it is called "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which means, New Order for the Ages. Just take a look at the back of your common one-dollar bill, with its pyramid and satanic "all-seeing eye. Its real but concealed name is "The Illuminati." And, it was from the Secret Order of The Illuminati that communism was developed!

The Illuminati
Luciferian front organizations, designed to destroy all controlling governments and religions, are the real hidden instigators of all the communist parties of the world, and communism actually derived out of spiritualism (witchcraft)! Communists are just another pawn for a much larger circle of hidden instigators that want to provoke revolution, riots, race wars, and anarchy. The whole world is to be thrown into riot and revolution by these conspirators, as a way to frighten the inhabitants into a one-world government. Seventy years before Karl Marx came on the scene, Adam Weishaupt told his disciples that to achieve this one-world government, his conspirators would have to infiltrate every agency of the governmental affairs of the nations. They first used Masonic Lodges to begin this task. By sitting in the top seats of all governments, the Illuminati agents could eventually guide the nations toward a "Novus Ordo Seclorum," or New World Order. They would accomplish this as a result of the power, which they would have while occupying positions as legislators.

The Jesuits Founder

Ignatius of Loyola. Spanish Loyola. churchman Ignatius of Loyola founded a pious fraternal order in Paris in 1534, 1534, that received papal confirmation as the Order of the Jesuits in 1540. Motivated 1540. by the desire to restore piety, Loyola and the Jesuits were later strong proponents of the Counter Reformation. Reformation.

The Illuminati
Communism is not a movement of the down-trodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires to gain control over the world ... first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a great merger, into an all-powerful world socialist super-state, probably under the auspices of the United Nations. But an International Banking Cartel pulls the strings that control the affairs of communism, not the communists. Russia, China, Cuba and other Socialist as well as Communist nations are taking their orders indirectly from the super-rich International Bankers who control the commerce of this world. In America, the originators of this one-world government policy are The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its economic branch, the Trilateral Commission. The CFR is the political side of the Illuminati. They have produced congressmen, senators and even presidents to pass laws that have led America into becoming a Socialist nation. The Trilateral Commission is an attempt to unite Western Europes Common Market, Japan, Canada, and the United States, into an economic and political confederacy. What they couldnt do through the political side of the Illuminati (Council on Foreign Relations), they are trying now through the economic approach.

The Illuminati
The CFR began on July 29, 1921, in New York City. Its building is on the west side of Park Avenue at 68th Street. Facing it is the Soviet Embassy to the United Nations on the opposite corner. The CFR has openly declared its true purpose: "... building a New International Order [which] must be responsive to world aspirations for peace [and] for social and economic change.... including states labeling themselves as Socialist." The first attempt to unite the whole world into a one-world Luciferian slave unit was first tried at the close of World War I. President Woodrow Wilson on January 8th, 1918 laid out a 14-point plan to Congress for lasting peace. Within this package of world peace was neatly hidden a plan for these conspirators to get all nations of the world to give up their sovereignty. It was labeled "The League of Nations." World War I was used to frighten the war-torn people of the world into believing that if all the governments could unite, it would stop all wars between nations, and would achieve world peace and security.

Marks of the Illuminati

Jesuit-trained professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in JesuitBavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria (AISB for short). Illuminati was short). founded on a mixture of Masonic secrets (Luciferic Doctrine), Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and Jesuit mental discipline (Hatha Yoga). A Yoga). unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug, hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly mind--derived through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the AD). Assassins (circa 1050 AD). The term Illuminati, is the plural of the Latin, Illuminatus, meaning Illuminatus, "one who is illuminated." Thus, it means a person who has received illuminated. Freemasonry. the full extent of the initiation that is available through Freemasonry. Technically, an Illuminatus is a Master Mason who has received all the "light" Masonry can bestow. He is beyond 32 and even beyond 33! bestow. 32 33 Such people are known as the Masters of Masters of the Temple, and collectively are known by several names other than the Illuminati. Illuminati.

An Illuminated Illuminati

Masks of the Illuminati

Great White Brotherhood Argentium Astrum (Silver Star) Order of One TorchTorch-bearers Invisible College Custodians of the Plan The Lords of Compassion Guardians of the Grail Society of Illumined Minds World Mind Council of Masters Hesychasts Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Order of the Perfectibilists The Council of All Beings Wisemen Invisible Order Secret Brotherhood The Brain Trust Crusaders of the Green Cross Seekers on the Threshold Masters of Wisdom The Hierarchy Council of Nine Fraternitas Saturni

The Illuminati Structure

Banking And Money Group
International Money Center Banks Central Banks International Monetary Fund World Bank International Bank of Settlements World Conservation Bank Multinational Corporations Foundations

Secret Societies Group

Freemasonry Skull & Bones Grand Orient Lodge Grand Alpina Lodge Knights Templar Royal Order of the Garter Priory De Sion Rosicrucians

The Illuminati Structure

Political Group
National Government Leaders United Nations Bilderbergers Trilateral Commission Council on Foreign Relations Club of Rome Aspen Institute Bohemian Grove Regional Federations (NATO, EEC, etc.) International Labor Unions

Intelligence Group
CIA KGB British Intelligence Mafia/Organized Crime Drug Cartels Interpol Communist Party

The Illuminati Structure

Religious Group
World Council of Churches National Council of Churches World Parliament of Religions Vatican, The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) New Age Cults/Groups Liberal Protestant Denominations Unity Church Unitarian / Universalist Church Baha'i Temple of Understanding

Education Group
UNESCO World Peace Groups Planetary Congress World Constitution and Parliamentary Assoc. Environmental Groups Lucis Trust World Goodwill World Union Esalen Institute Media Establishment

Implementing The Plan

The former director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Brock Chisolm, once stated: "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests, our newspapers and others with vested interests in controlling us. The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives for charting the changes in human behavior." Author Ralph Epperson commented: "In addition to destroying mans basic loyalties to family, nation and religion, the nation must be conditioned to the belief that less is better than more. The standard of living of those in the affluent nations must be reduced. This will be done by a slow, gradual process of conditioning the citizens of the rich nations to survive on less than they produce." The President of the Rockefeller Foundation, John Knowles, made this position very clear: "I am sure of only one thing more is not necessarily better. The web of interdependence is tightening. We are one world and there will be one future for better or for worse for us all. Central to a new ethic of making less more is controlled economic growth which conserves scarce resources, provides more equitable distribution of income and wealth."

Implementing The Plan

The United Nations is currently developing the following: 1. A World Court with powers to subpoena nations. 2. A World Police with the militaries of all developing countries to be dismantled. 3. A World Central Bank, which would give the International Monetary Fund sole power to enforce austerity on nations. 4. A World Treasury. 5. An Economic Security Council with a mandate to intervene in those states that do not comply with UN protocols for genocide or "free trade" liberalization. Demilitarization would become a new condition for any aid or loans to developing countries. 6. A World Trade and Production Organization which would not only regulate "free trade" but also dictate quotas for nations (and, conversely, penalties and fines for those nations which might desire to resist UN edicts). 7. Global Taxation to include taxes on pollution, savings from demilitarization, foreign exchange transactions, and a global income tax on nations whose people average an income above $10,000 per year. James Gustave Speth, who headed up "Project Global 2000," once said that "unchecked population growth" is the biggest threat to "human security" and, by the year 2015, world population needs to be stabilized at 7.3 billion.

The European Parliament The European Parliament is the representative body of the European Union (EU). The parliament is composed of 626 members that are popularly elected from among the EUs 15 member states. The headquarters of the European Parliament are in Strasbourg, France.

The Depopulation Bomb

There is a solution other than what the elite consider excess population. Why not prevent the poor - for the sake of argument, let us venture a conservative 99% of the world's population - from having children altogether, or if that isn't possible, at least vastly slow their birth rates? "Eugenics" is a term coined in the latter part of the 19th century by Englishmen Francis Galton to describe the "science" of bettering human stock and the elimination of unwanted characteristics... and individuals. Galton proposed societal intervention for the furtherance of "racial quality," maintaining that "Jews are specialized for a parasitical existence upon other nations" and that "except by sterilization I cannot yet see any way of checking the produce of the unfit who are allowed their liberty and are below the reach of moral control. Speaking of depopulation programs currently being implemented in the Third World, former Brazilian health minister Carlos Santana said, "The World Bank, through their reports of its Presidents, has always made its proselytizing for a rigid birth control policy explicit," Santana reported that included in World Bank credit packages and investment in Third World countries is an implicit agenda of depopulation, and questioned why Brazil was targeted for birth reduction, with approximately forty per cent of Brazilian woman having been already sterilized. Depopulation programs run worldwide are directed and funded by major international money interests, including McGeorge Bundy of the CFR, the architect of nuclear Mutual Assured Destruction policy; Warren E. Buffet, the second wealthiest man in the United States; and, ubiquitous when it comes to eugenics funding, the Rockefellers.

The Real Culprits Behind 9-11 9 The Zionists now have almost completely infiltrated the U.S. government. They control U.S. policies, which are slanted in favor of Israel. They are assisted by the Jesuits in their efforts to control Palestine. Jesuits are Zionists and they want Jewish control of Palestine. They plan on Jerusalem being the new capital of their empire from which the papal antichrist will rule the world. The antichrists throne will be in a rebuilt Jewish Temple. The Jesuits have already orchestrated negotiations between the Israelis and the Vatican, wherein the Vatican will gain control of Jerusalem. In March 1995 a secret cable from the Israeli embassy in Rome to the Israeli Foreign Ministry was leaked to an Israeli radio station (Arutz Sheva). That cable memorialized plans by the Israeli government to hand over Jerusalem to the Vatican. No doubt the plans include removing the Islamic Dome of the Rock from the temple mount, so that the Jewish Temple can be rebuilt. The Jesuit plans would completely fail if the Jews destroyed the Dome of the Rock, so they will probably use the United States to do it. Such an act by the U.S. against the so-called third holiest site in all of Islam will bring an Islamic Jihad (holy war) upon the United States. The strategy then for the Zionists is to get the United States into a war against Muslims. That is the purpose behind the destruction of the World Trade Center. It serves the interests of the Zionists to have the United States wipe out the Muslim resistance to Jewish control over the entire Middle East. Be mindful that Jewish control will be Talmudic control, which means communist control.

The Devil in WTC Tower

The Real Culprits Behind 9-11 9 The Illuminati have used certain front organizations that they use to infiltrate and control governments, including the U.S. government. One group is called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Both the 1993 and 2001 World Trade Center disasters have the unmistakable claw marks of Zionists all over them. These Godless Zionists stage catastrophes like a bad magician. They always leave a trail behind for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Where is Osama Bin Laden now? On Sept. 11, 2001, the very day of the WTC attack, a transport plane from Beijing landed in Kabul. On board the plane were senior officers of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and the Chinese Bureau of State Security. The mission of the Chinese delegation was to sign a deal with the Taliban, which was reportedly brokered by Osama Bin Laden, to provide the Afghans with missile tracking technology, state of the art communications and air defense systems. The Chinese had access to such technologies primarily as a result of espionage against the U.S. and as a result of the foolish U.S. government policy of granting Communist China most favored nation trading status. In return for the Chinese assistance, the Taliban ordered the Muslim separatists in northwest China to stop their activities. After the agreement between the Taliban and the Communist Chinese government Osama was flown to a safe haven inside Red China.

The Real Culprits Behind 9/11

The Chinese and Russian governments has been supporters of Islamic terrorist groups for decades. Yasser Arafat is in fact a communist puppet. The Chinese state run propaganda machine is reveling in the 9-11 attacks in New York and Washington. They have produced books, films, and video games glorifying the strikes as a humbling blow against the United States, which they describe as an arrogant nation. The Soviet Union, who voted for the establishment of the state of Israel and were early on strong supporters of Israel, have seemingly done an about face and are now supporters of Islamic terrorists bent on the destruction of Israel. That is just one example of the dialectic materialism of communism at work. The communists create the poison and the antidote in the same laboratory. They use the Islamic terrorists attacks as an excuse for further Zionist advances. The facade of anti-Israel policies that subsequently developed in communist countries has been for public consumption. In fact the same Zionist forces have inspired and controlled all communist countries, including both Communist China and Communist Russia. Marxist communism comes straight from the Talmud. Some have alleged that the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center was arranged by an operative of the Israeli Mossad. How many other bombings and highjackings have been perpetrated by Muslims who were tools of the Mossad? Could the September 11, 2001 destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) be the work of the Mossad and the CIA, using unwitting Arab terrorists in order to get the U.S. to wipe out the Arab resistance to their Zionist goals? In the shadowy world of terrorism one must ask: cui bono (who benefits)? The Zionists will be the clear winners from the WTC destruction and it fits their modus operandi.

The Il Cornuto Salute

Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty. President George W. Bush (10 Nov. 2001 before the UN General Assembly)

Latest Trends and Developments

Mark of the Beast Technologies Applied Digital Solutions, an e-business to business solutions provider, acquired the Solutions, patent rights to the miniature digital transceiver it has named "Digital Angel." Digital Angel. Angel sends and receives data and can be continuously tracked by global positioning satellite technology. When implanted within a body, the device is powered technology. electromechanically through the movement of muscles and can be activated either by the DigitalAngel. "wearer" or by a monitoring facility. ADS,'s parent company, received a facility. special "Technology Pioneers" award from the World Economic Forum for its contributions to "worldwide economic development and social progress through technology advancements. advancements. Earthquakes and Volcanoes Approximately 80% of all earthquakes occur in the Pacific "Ring of Fire." The "Ring of 80% Fire. Fire" is composed of those areas adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. One of the heaviest Ocean. earthquakes in history occurred within the "Ring of Fire" when 25,000 square miles of 25, Alaska lifted up causing $750 million dollars in damage and took 114 lives in 1964. 1964. About 100 earthquakes of potentially destructive magnitudes of 6 or above occur each year and authorities agree that the number is increasing. Since 1968 ten major increasing. earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 6.2 to 7.5 have taken approximately 121,230 121, lives and caused untold millions of dollars of property damage. damage.

Latest Trends and Developments

Disease and Pestilences (Year 2000 statistics) Most new cases are in Africa. More than 50 million people have now been infected with the HIV virus, according to the latest UN and World Health Organisation figures. More than 20 million have already died from Aidsrelated illnesses. A plague of locusts of biblical proportions, estimated at 100 billion-strong, is on the move through the Australian outback, threatening everything in its path from valuable vineyards to laundry hanging out to dry. The infestationdescribed as the worst in 20 years-follows record rains and the greening of normally arid expanses. Nearly a third of the world's population is infected with the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, according to a new report, with 7.96 million new cases of the disease reported in 1997. The London Times reported: "A disease that once cut a swath through Europe's brightest and best is again laying waste to Russia. Tuberculosis, virtually eliminated a generation ago, has now infected at least half a million people, and threatens to spread from villages, prisons and ramshackle hospitals to the rest of the country. What is terrifying Western health officials is that a new form of the disease, resistant to modern drugs, is increasingly taking hold in Russia.

Latest Trends and Developments

Environmental Damage Ozone depletion started in July and intensified during August, and the hole over the Antarctic now covers 3.09 million square miles (twice the size of Europe). Ozone forms a Europe). protective layer that shields the Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays. Any reduction in rays. the ozone layer can allow the sun's rays to reach the Earth's surface can cause skin cancer and damage vegetation, aquatic life and the food chain's tiniest organisms. organisms. Officials say it could be centuries before ozone levels noticeably recover. recover. Global mean surface temperatures have increased 0.6-1.2F since the late 19th century. 19th century. The 20th century's 10 warmest years all occurred within the last 15 years. Of these, 1998 20th years. was the warmest year on record. The snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere and record. floating ice in the Arctic Ocean have decreased. Globally, sea level has risen 4-10 inches decreased. over the past century. Worldwide precipitation over land has increased by about one century. percent. percent. The frequency of extreme rainfall events has increased throughout much of the United States. States. The report, 'Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events', said global temperatures would increase, sea levels would rise, and few places in the world would be spared an increase in violent rainstorms, droughts, tropical cyclones and other climatic disruptions. disruptions. Ocean levels are expected to rise by 50 cm by 2100, threatening 200 million people who 2100, live in coastal areas of China, Southeast Asia and Africa. Africa. Global warming could destroy or fundamentally alter a third of the world's plant and animal habitats by the end of this century, scientists said. They warned it could cause the said. extinction of thousands of species. species.

Latest Trends and Developments

Famine The Indian government yesterday stepped up relief efforts for more than 50 million people hit by persistent drought in the western states of Rajasthan and Gujarat by sending trains carrying grain and water to the worst affected areas. The Thar district in southern Pakistan has been ravaged by its worst water shortage in 100 years, causing thousands of people to flee the region, villagers said. The hardest hit areas were in the southern Sindh and Baluchistan provinces, where dead animal carcasses where lay baking in the sizzling heat while vultures swarmed overhead. There has been no official death toll, but local newspapers said up to 500 people have died from diseases caused by the drought. Kenya's president appealed to the United States and the European Union for food aid, saying 23 million Kenyans face hunger due to the lack of seasonal rain. Daniel Moi announced the appeal Wednesday in a rally at his rural home near the farming town of Nakuru, 90 miles northwest of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. He did not say when he made the request or how the government reached the population figure, which equals almost 80 percent of Kenya's 29 million people.

Latest Trends and Developments

Wars and Rumors of Wars The Pentagon agrees and is working with engineers and biologists to create a lethal arsenal of micro-mechanical fighting bugs that combine insect aerodynamics with GPS navigation and molecular electronics. Micro air vehicles (MAVs) represent one of the most fantastic opportunities for military surveillance and weapons delivery. When perfected, stainless steel and Mylar robot flies will be able to flap their way into the most secret places on Earth--the bunkers where Saddam Hussein plans his genocidal campaigns, and where Chinese spymasters plot their raids on America's nuclear weapons laboratories. The United States is exploring the development of a 'space-bomber' which could destroy targets on the other side of the world within 30 minutes. The Pentagon is drawing up plans for a 'sub-orbital vehicle' launched like a spacecraft, which is 'valuable for conducting rapid global strikes'. The craft - which would set the scene for a new generation of stratospheric warfare - would be able to drop precision bombs from a height of 60 miles, flying at 15 times the speed and 10 times the height of America's current bomber fleet. It is unclear whether it would be manned. Plans for the weapon appear to undermine claims that President George Bush's controversial Missile Defense Screen - dubbed 'Son of Star Wars' - is purely defensive. The new plane, called X-33 Venture Star would drop bombs from such a height that they would act as 'bunker busters', penetrating deep into underground silos without explosive warheads and causing massive pre-emptive damage on the ground within minutes of the start of a conflict - indicating a clear intention to take out enemy missiles before they have the capacity to launch. It would also be out of reach of conventional air defense systems.

Plagues of the Seven Bowls

Latest Trends and Developments

The European Union the Revived Roman Empire Ratified by the governments of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg (the Six), the European Coal and Steel Community, established by the Treaty of Paris, began functioning in 1952. In 1957, the Six agreed to establish the European Economic Community (the EEC or Common Market) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). The two treaties formally establishing the new communities to work with the ECSC were The Treaties Of Rome signed by the Six in Rome on 25 March, 1957. In 1973, the United Kingdom - along with Denmark, and Ireland - was admitted, creating the EC Nine. The Government of Norway had agreed to accession as well, but membership was rejected in a referendum. In June 1979 the first elections to the European Parliament were held. Greece joined the Community in 1981, and Spain and Portugal became members in 1986, creating the EC Twelve. In 1990, the five states of the former German Democratic Republic entered the Community as part of a united Germany. In 1995, the 12 became 15 when Austria, Finland and Sweden acceded.

Latest Trends and Developments

The European Union the Revived Roman Empire On July 1, 1987, after ratification by member governments, the Single European Act (SEA) came into force. The act extended the principle of qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers, thus streamlining the decision-making process. It also gave the Community new responsibilities in the areas of social policy, promotion of research and technological development, and improvement of the environment; and increased support for the least developed member states. Europe's first moves towards monetary union were made in 1978 at the Brussels Summit, although Britain, under the leadership of Jim Callaghan, decided not to join. The Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) set up by under the European Monetary System (EMS) had three main aims: to achieve exchange rate stability between member states; to improve economic cooperation between members; and to reduce global monetary instability with European currencies acting as a currency block. The Vatican has confirmed that the euro will be its official unit of currency, as of January 1, 2002. The official announcement adopting the euro was published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official publication of Vatican actions, on September 6.

Structure of the European Union This illustration shows the major governing bodies of the European Union (EU) and how they are related to each other. The EU is built around three areas of cooperation among member states. These areas are often called pillars. Two of the pillars, Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), are based primarily on voluntary cooperation among member governments. The third pillar is the European Community (EC), which includes the major governing bodies of the EU. The decisions of these bodies are binding over the member states.

EU set to have Elected President

The London Electronic Telegraph reports: The European Union last reports: night set a clear course to create a directly-elected president in a directlysignificant step towards a European superstate. Tony Blair failed to superstate. block the move by other EU countries to create the new post, whose occupant would have a greater democratic mandate than any national leader. leader. The proposal will be fleshed out by a convention to be headed by the veteran former French president, Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, it was decided yesterday at a summit in Laeken, Brussels ; The so-called soLaeken Declaration describes the union as at a crossroads as it prepares to become one big family following enlargement from 15 to up to 30 countries; countries The final draft also argues for a new EU constitution and suggests that it could enshrine the controversial Charter of Fundamental Rights which Britain has so far refused to incorporate into UK law. The law. declaration also includes proposals for new European electoral constituencies which would encourage Europe-wide political parties Europerather than merely groupings of national parties
December 16, 2001 16,

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Rev. 3:11)

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