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Resources provide (a person or

organization) with materials, money, staff,
and other assets necessary for effective
operations. Information as a resource is
discussed the Information, Control, and
Privacy. It is also tackles the issues
surrounding information control and
privacy with reference to the intellectual
Property Code of the Philippines and Data
Privacy Act of 2012.
Organization treat company assets,
such as buildings, equipment, and their
manpower as important resources.
Resources are the total means available
to a company for increasing production
or profit, including land, labor capital,
and raw materials.
These resources are what are known
tangible and can be easily identified.
Physical resources, such as building,
usually start from acquisition and are
then assembled to be available for use
when needed. Very often the assembly
process entails converting an
essentially raw materials into a refined
The other type of resource is
Conceptual resources non-tangible
and re considered valuable for what
they represent rather than their
physical counterparts.
When defining information, it can be
simply stated as "facts provided or learned
about something or someone". Facts are
considered relevant truths which have been
validated and identified.
Information Resource are considered as:
• EXPANDABLE - information can be expanded without
compromising its integrity. In fact, by having additional
information, much more can be understood from it. (e.g
Personal Information)
• COMPRESSIBLE - Although expanded information can give a
more detailed explanation, it may not always be needed. (e.g
Abstract & Headlines)
• TRANSPORTABLE - Information, especially digital
information, is easily transportable. With the use of
internet and various technologies, information can be
sent though any of the following:
1. send via email;
2. share via Facebook;
3. copy onto a flash drive;
4. upload on YouTube
• DIFFUSIVE - Gossip or rumors tend to spread easily.
Unfortunately, the same applies to any kind of
information - be it true or not.
• SHARABLE - Since information can be easily spread, it
is considered sharable as well Information can be kept
calling it a secret. However, once a person decides to
tell it to someone, then he or she will no longer have
control over it. .
Information is said to be valuable if it is the
following characteristics (Stair Aeynolds, 2016):

• ACCURATE - accurate information is error-free.

(Formal and Informal Information)
• COMPLETE - complete information contains all the
important facts.
• ECONOMICAL - information should be relatively
economical to produce.
• RELIABLE - Reliable information can be depended on. In
many cases, the reliability of information depends on the
reliability of the data collection method. In other cases,
reliability depends on the source of information.

• FLEXIBLE - Flexible information can be used of variety of

purposes. Depending on the situation.

• RELEVANT - Relevant information is important to the

decision maker. It refers to data that is applicable or crucial
for a specific purpose
• SIMPLE - Information should also be simple, not overly
complex. Sophisticated and detailed information may
not be needed. As long as it gets the message across,
then that would be enough.
• TIMELY -Timely information is delivered when it is
needed. This is true in the case of weather predictions,
stock market forecasts, and traffic management.
Verifiable - This means that information can be checked
for correctness. This would be useful to check for
authenticity, especially for informal information
• ACCESSIBLE - Information should be easily
accessible by authorized users to be obtained
in the right format at the right time to meet
their needs.
• SECURE - Information should be secure from
access by unauthorized users.
Value of Information
Valuable information helps managers make good
decisions, which is why valuable, or useful information is
called knowledge. Information, as a resource has four
characteristics, namely,

(1) information has zero marginal cost:

(2) is non-rivalrous;
(3) is non-exclusive; and
(4) does not exhibit high degrees of transparency. (Leickly,
• Zero marginal cost - The cost producing the
first copy of an information good may be
substantial, but the cost of producing (or
reproducing) additional copies is negligible.

• Non-Rivalrous - Consuming information does

not exclude someone else from also consuming
it making it easy to sell over and over.
•Non-Exclusive - exclusion is not a natural
property of information goods, though it is
possible to construct exclusion artificially.

•No Transparency - To evaluate the

information. The information mas bi
known, so one has to invest in learning it
to evaluate.
A value-based pricing leads to differential pricing
due to people's varying values for information.
Consumers value experience goods, such as new
products, through strategies like free samples and
promotional pricing. However, information can be treated
differently, as it provides value only through the
information about the asset. Organizations must balance
offering a full experience to customers, as this could lead
to lost interest.
To overcome this, organizations use strategies to
make customers wary of purchasing information
before they understand what they are getting.
This tension between giving away information
and charging for it is a fundamental problem in
the information economy.
Movie trailers, typically 1 to 3 minutes long,
provide a glimpse of the film's content and highlight
highlights, preparing audiences for the full film.
iTunes also offers previews of songs, providing users
with an idea of the worth of the purchase.
Branding and reputation are crucial factors in the
digital world, as they help establish trust and drive
sales. Big names like Microsoft and Apple have a strong
reputation, with pre-order sales increasing by 375%
when Apple introduced the iPhone7 in 2016. Movies,
like Michael Bay's Transformers, often include
introductions as "Michael Bay films," removing
Movies often sway people's perception
of their quality, but the reputation of the
director and the actors can remove
skepticism. Michael Bay's Transformers
franchise has made his films blockbuster
hits, often featuring introductions as a
"Michael Bay film." In the digital world,
experiences may not always translate to
physical goods.
Mobile games, for example, demand more equipment
and higher experience levels, leading to virtual goods
offered in exchange for virtual money. However, some
users may pay real money for these virtual items.
Organizations can make their lives easier by providing
pre-determined information, such as Google's search
results and Amazon's suggestions for related items.
Information is now available so quickly,
ubiquitously, and inexpensively. Last March 2016,
Cisco conducted a study that by the end of 2016,
global Internet traffic will reach 1.1 Zettabytes per
year, and by 2019, globa traffic is expected to hit 2
Zettabytes per year (Cisco, 2017).

Just how big is 1 Zettabyte?

Typical external drives nowadays are 1 Terabyte in
size. 1 Zettabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000 Terabytes. That's
1 Billion external drives! This is because information is
produced at rapidly-increasing rates due to the following

• Duplication and transmission of information is

getting easier
• Communication methods are multiplying
• Archives of historical information are exponentially
So where does all this information come from?
According to a study conducted, as
of January 2017, the following milestones have

• More than half the world now uses a smartphone;

•Almost two-thirds of the world's population now

has a mobile phone;
•More than half of the world's web traffic now
comes from mobile phones;

•More than half of all mobile connections around

the world are now 'broadband’;

• More than one in five of the world's population

shopped online in the past 30 days.
Compared to the year 2015, 2016 has seen
exponential growth in terms of digital Information. This
could be attributed to the fast growing Internet as well as
the latest technological advancements, especially in mobile



This report also highlighted that while the Philippines
has one of the slowest fixed Internet connections in the world
- 4.2Mbps compared to the global average of 6.3 Mbps, our
country has one of the fastest mobile connection speed,
averaging at 13.9Mb bps. This is probably the reason why
more Filipinos like to spend their time online through different
social media site. The Philippines also topped the ranking for
time spent on social media amongst other countries in the
study, with Filipinos spending more than four hours a day on
social media compared to other countries. (Kemp, 2017)
Above shows 58% of the population in the Philippines
are actively using their social media accounts in a given
month compared to the global average of 37%.
Mobile Commerce and Mobile Social Media

The abundance of mobile devices has greatly

changed the way people manage their day-to-day
activities. Business, for example, used to simply think
that having a shop where customers can easily go to
was enough. However, with the introduction of the
Internet and the World Wide Web, market shifted
from a brick-and-mortal setup to an online
Mobile Internet paved the way for people to
access Internet services without the need for
computers. Instead, they have their smartphones,
tablets and other devices connect to the network
to send and receive information wherever they
are and wherever they want to. This connectivity
paved the way to two new scenarios in
Mobile social media is the accessing of social media sites, such as
Facebook and Snapchat using your mobile device. The device may
have an app installed to open Instagram, for example or it can use a
browser installed in the mobile device to open Twitter. In a study
conducted by comScore last 2016, it revealed how much of an impact
social media has on Internet users.
M-commerce or mobile commerce was a term used during the 1997
Global Mobile Commerce Forum by Kevin Duffey. He described it as
"the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the
consumer's hand, anywhere, via wireless technology."
Industries that are now embracing m-
commerce include (Linkster, 2013):

1. Financial services -Banks have introduced online

banking a few years back, however, nowadays majority of
bank transactions such as money transfers, bills payment
and even stock portfolios and stock transactions can now
be done using the bank's mobile app.
2. Mobile ticketing - As payments can be done online,
receipts of transactions can also be sent on mobile
3. Service/retail - As consumers are given the ability to
place and pay for orders using their mobile device, the
e-commerce trend has shifted from desktop computers
to mobile devices. And it does not just include retail
items. It also includes content purchasing such as
music, movies, images, etc.
4. Information services - This includes the delivery of
news, stock quotes, sports figures, emergency reports,
weather and traffic updates to a single mobile device
Information control is crucial for commerce, industry,
and copyright owners to ensure the safety of information
from illegal activities. It involves keeping secrets and
selling Intellectual Property Rights (IPRN) to those willing
to purchase them. Control is necessary to prevent illegal
distribution of non-rivalrous and non-exclusive
information, such as movies sold in different formats.
Software piracy refers to the unauthorized
copying or distribution of copyrighted software,
which can be done through copying,
downloading, sharing, selling, or installing
multiple copies of software onto personal or
work computers.
Examples of software piracy as stated by
www.bsa.orginclude (Internet Software
• Distributing software or mobile apps from the
Internet in a manner that violates the license
• Making and/onsharing copies of installation CDs
• Buying a single copy o a software program and
installing it without authorization on multiple
• Sharing the login credentials (without
authorization) used to access a web-based
software application ("Software as a Service")
This typical scenario boils down to the
fact that information is hard to control.
While measures are in place, such as DVD
region codes and such, Adam Thierer in
2011, identified four issues which further
complicates the problem on information
control: (1) Convergence, (2) Scale, (3)
Volume, and (4) Unprecedented individual
empowerment/user-generation of content,
(Thierer, 2011)
Technological advancements and social
media have enabled the distribution of media
content like music and movies from traditional
distribution platforms. Consumers can now
access and consume content on multiple devices
and through different networks, transforming the
traditional physical CDs and DVDs into digital
English subtitles are essential for Japanese anime
and drama fans, who often wait days or weeks for
them to be available. These subtitles are translated,
edited, and embedded by fans, mostly students and
young adults. With technology and fast internet
connectivity, viewers no longer need to wait days for
English subtitles, often ready within hours after the
show has aired in its local country.
The increasing volume of news and media outlets,
both print and online, has complicated government
regulatory efforts to control information.
The rise of social media platforms like Facebook,
Twitter, and Instagram has enabled individuals to post
anything they want, including blogs, which have
become mainstream talents, skills, and hobbies.
various intangible assets, including
musical, literary, and artistic works, words,
phrases, symbols, and designs. IP
encompasses any creation or product of
the human mind, expressed in the form of
original ideas, expressions, and processes.
Intellectual property rights (IPR) are the rights
given to the creator over their creations, giving
them exclusive rights over their use for a specific
period. IPR consists of several categories, including
Copyright and Related Rights, Trademarks and
Service Marks, Geographic Indication, Industrial
Design, Patents, Layout Designs of Integrated
Circuits (ICs), and Protection of Undisclosed
According to, IPR consists of the following (R.A.
8293, 1998):

1. Copyright and Related Rights

2. Trademarks and Service Marks
3. Geographic indication
4. Industrial Design
5. Patents
6. Layout Designs (topographies) of Integrated Circuits (ICs)
7. Protect of undisclosed information
The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines
(IP Philippines) is the government agency in charge with
the implementation of the law protecting intellectual
property rights in the Philippines as provided for under RA
8293, or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
and the revised Intellectual Property Code of the
Philippines known as RA 10372. To keep the flow of
discussion within the topic, we will focus Copyrights,
trademarks and service marks, patents, and protection of
undisclosed information only.
•Copyright grants exclusive rights to the creator of original work or
their assignee for a limited period
• Rights include the right to copy, distribute, and adapt the work
•Copyright owners can license, transfer, or assign their exclusive rights
•Digital Rights pertain to permissions for actions involving the use of
electronic devices and networks
• Copyright protects original expressions in literary, artistic, scholarly,
and scientific creations
•Copyright extends to derivative works like illustrations, maps,
computer programs, etc.
• In the Philippines, copyrighted material is recorded and stored at the
National Library or the Supreme Court Library as per R.A.10372 (2013)
Digital Rights Management (DRM)

•DRM controls what purchasers can do with copyrighted

•It aims to prevent unauthorized copying, printing, editing, and
sharing of digital content.
•The rise of digital technology and the internet has made
information sharing easier and faster, leading to concerns about
copyright infringement
•Digital copies can be made at zero cost, making it difficult to
control information flow.
•P2P(peer-to-peer) and torrent sites exacerbate the issue
of information control.
•DRM solutions are being developed to address the
challenge of balancing information dissemination with
copyright protection.
• Downloading pirated content harms artists by depriving
them of royalties.
• Downloading pirated content also poses risks of malware
and hacking attacks.
The following are technique designed to
control access and reproduction of online
1. Encryption
-is the process of converting data to make it
understandable only by authorized parties, used to protect
digital data confidentiality.
2. Serial Keys
-also known as product keys, are alphanumeric
characters used to denote the originality of a product or
software, often used for product activation.
3. Scrambling
-is done to hide sensitive information from
unauthorized users by altering the original signal to
make extraction difficult, often used in conjunction with
4. The Embedding
-involves adding metadata to content to identify the
owner, author, date of purchase, and other relevant
•Trade secrets are valuable information that provide a competitive
•Examples of trade secrets include R&D information, software
algorithms, inventions, designs, formulas, ingredients, and devices.
•Companies protect trade secrets by requiring employees to sign non-
disclosure agreements (NDAs).
•NDAs help prevent the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive industry
•Trade secrets can encompass methods, formulas, devices, processes,
and other confidential information.
Copyright Generally life of author plus 1st offense: Php
50 years after his death 50,000 to 150,000
and/or 1-3 years
Patent 20 years (time bound) Not less than Php
100,000 to not
more than 300,000
and/or not less
than 6 months to
not more than 3
years imprisonment
Trademark 10 years from the date Php 50,000 to
filling of the application 200,000 and 2 to 5
Table above identifies the terms of protection for each right
years imprisonment
and its corresponding penalties for its violation as stated in
R.A. 8292
The natural state of data is to be
copied, logged, transmitted, stored
and stored again. Which is why it
takes constant fighting and vigilance
to prevent that breach.

What is information privacy and

how private is private?
It’s my choice in
telling everyone
on Twitter what
I want to say!
Yahoo “automatically receives and
records information from your computer
and browser, including your IP address,
Yahoo cookie information, software and
hardware attributes, and the page you
The republic act 10173, also known
as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, was
signed and approved by then President
Benigno Aquino III on August 15, 2012.
The law defines sensitive personal
information as being:
• About an individual’s race, ethnic origin,
marital status age, color, and religious,
philosophical or political affiliations;
• About individual’s health, education, genetic,
or sexual life of a person, or to any
proceeding or any offense committed or
alleged to have committed;
• Issued by government agencies “peculiar”
(unique) to an individual, such as social
security number;
• Marked as classified by executive order or act
of Congress.
All processing of sensitive and personal
information is prohibited except in certain
circumstances. The exceptions are: Pursuant to
law that does not require consent;

• Consent of the data subject;

• Necessity to protect life and heath af a person;
• Necessity for medical treatment;
• Necessity to protect the lawful rights of data
subjects in court proceedings, legal proceedings,
or regulation
It also defined the concept of a security
incident versus that of a personal data

A "security incident" is an event

occurrence that affects or tends to
affect data protection, or may
compromise availability, integrity or
confidentiality. This definition includes
incidents that would result in a
personal breach, if not for safeguards
A "personal data breach" on the
other hand, is a subset of a security
breach that actually leads to
"accidental or unlawful destruction,
loss, alteration, unauthorized
disclosure of or access to, personal
data transmitted, stored, or
otherwise processed.

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