Om CH 1
Om CH 1
Om CH 1
Quality and productivity easy to measure Quality and productivity is difficult to measure
High degree of uniformity of input & High degree of variety of input and- high degree of
output variety of out put
Ease to automate etc. Difficult to automate etc.
Goods-service continuum
Goods Services
Surgery, teaching
Songwriting, software dev’t
Computer repair, restaurant
Automobile repair, fast food
Home remodeling, retail sales
Automobile assembly,
A process consists of one or more activities that
transform inputs into outputs.
In essence, the central role of all management is
process management, particularly:
Upper-management processes. These govern the
operation of the entire organization.
Operational processes: core processes that make
up the value stream. E.g procurement,
production, marketing, & sales.
Supporting processes: these support the core
processes. Eg. accounting, HR, & IT.
Cost Time
1.7.2 A systems Approach
... The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule or the
80/20 Rule.
It states that for many phenomena 80% of the result comes from
20% of the effort.