Assessment Report
Assessment Report
Assessment Report
Distinguishing and
Constructing Various
Paper and Pencil
1. Construct a Table of
2. Construct a paper and pencil
test in accordance with the
guidelines in test construction
3. Converting paper and pencil
test to online assessment using
Google Forms.
hunt ft.
Planning a test &
Construction of
Table of
Why do you need to
define the test
objectives or learning
outcomes targeted for
These learning outcomes are knowledge.
skills, attitudes, and values that every
student should develop throughout the
course. Clear articulation of learning
outcomes is a primary consideration in
lesson planning because it serves as the
basis for evaluating the effectiveness of
the teaching and learning process
determined through testing or
These learning goals provide the
rationale for the curriculum and
instruction. They provide teachers the
focus and direction on how the course is
to be handled, particularly in terms of
course content, instruction, and
assessment. Setting objectives for
assessment is the process of establishing
direction to guide both the teacher and
students .
What are the
objectives for
In developing a written test, the
cognitive behaviors of learning
outcomes are usually targeted. For the
cognitive domain, it is important to
identify the levels of behavior expected
from the students. Traditionally,
Bloom's Taxonomy was used to
classify learning objectives based on
levels of complexity and specificity of
the cognitive behaviors.
What is a table of
A table of specifications (TOS), sometimes called a
test blueprint, is a tool used by teachers to design a
test. It is a table that maps out the test objectives,
contents, or topics covered by the test; the levels of
cognitive behavior to be measured; the distribution
of items, number, placement, and weights of test
items; and the test format. It helps ensure that the
course's intended learningoutcomes, assessments,
and instruction are aligned.
Teachers need to create a TOS for every test that
they intend to develop. The test TOS is important
because it does the following:
It is generally consists of
a statementand deciding
if the statement is true
(accurate/correct or
false (Inaccurate/
Matching-Type Test.
It consists of open-ended
questions or incomplete
sentences that require learners
to create an answer for each
item, which is typically a single
word or short phrase.
Completion consists of
incomplete statements
that require the learners
to fill in the blanks with
the correct word or
it consists of problems/questions
that require learners to-compose
or construct written responses,
usually long ones with several
Problem-Solving Test.
17. Note that use of all of the above" may allow credit
for partial knowledge. In a multiple option item,
(allowing only one option choice) if a student only
knew two (2) options were correct, he could then
deduce the correctness of "all of the above". This
assumes you are allowed only one correct choice.
18. Better still use "none of the above" and "all
of the above sparingly. But best not to use
them at all.