TP 4
TP 4
TP 4
Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhatti
Differential Protection: Introduction
Differential protection is based on the fact that any fault within an electrical
equipment would cause the current entering it, to be different, from that
leaving it.
Thus, we can compare the two currents either in magnitude or in phase or
both and issue a trip output if the difference exceeds a predetermined set
This method of detecting faults is very attractive when both ends of the
apparatus are physically located near each other.
A typical situation, where this is true, is in the case of a transformer, a
generator or a busbar.
In the case of transmission lines, the ends are too far apart for conventional
differential relaying to be directly applied.
Types of Transformers
Range varies from palm of your hand Lo the mammoth EHV power
Generator transformer
Power transformer
Distribution transformer
Pole-mounted lighting transformer
Grounding transformer
Regulating transformer
Welding transformer
Converter transformer
Instrument transformers (CT and PT)
Types of Transformers
Power and distribution are provided with on line tap changing (OLTC) gear.
This is another major source of faults.
All large transformers are of the oil-immersed type. There is a possibility
of low level of oil due to leakage. In such cases, an alarm must be raised
and the transformer may eventually have to be shut down.
Another peculiarity of transformers is that they experience large inrush
currents at the time of switching if they happen to be unloaded.
This is neither an abnormal condition nor a fault as far as the transformer
is concerned.
Inrush current needs special attention while designing the protection for a
Types of Faults in Transformers
The trapped gases in the conservator can give valuable clue to the
type of damage that takes place inside the transformer.
This is because the insulation between the winding turns, the
insulation between the stampings of the core and the oil, all liberate
specific gases when they get heated up due to a fault.
The presence of these gases can be used as a signature of a
particular type of damage that may have taken place inside the
transformer. Table 4.2 lists this information.
Analysis of Trapped Gases
Phenomenon of Over-fluxing in
Transformers: Protection Against Over-
Phenomenon of Over-fluxing in
Transformers: Protection Against Over-
Whenever there is an over-voltage (frequency remaining constant), the transformer
core is subjected to a higher value of flux in order to be able to support the higher
applied voltage.
By design, power transformers operate at the knee of the saturation curve at
normal voltage. Hence, any increase in applied voltage, and the consequent increase
in flux density, drives the transformer deeper into saturation.
The transformer, therefore, draws an excessive magnetization current.
Hence, this condition is described as ouer excitation.
This, considerably, increases the core losses giving rise to overheating of the
transformer. Further, saturation of the core causes the flux to flow into adjacent
structures, causing high eddy current losses in the core and adjacent conducting
materials. Such an operating condition cannot be allowed to continue for long and
the transformer should be tripped if there is a prolonged over-excitation.
Figure 4.22 showsa typical allowable over-excitation limit curve.
Phenomenon of Over-fluxing in
Transformers: Protection Against Over-
It can be easily seen that over-excitation can also occur in case
of low-frequency operation of the transformer at rated voltage.
Therefore, to keep the working flux within the ~emissiblede sign limits, the V/f ratio
must not exceed the permissible limit.
For example, a transformer designed for a per unit voltage limit of 1.25 per unit
(125%) at rated frequency will experience over-fluxing whenever the per unit
volts/hertz exceeds 1.25 (125%), i.e. whenever the voltage exceeds 125% at rated
frequency or the frequency falls below approximately 80% (below approximately 40 Hz
on 50 Hz basis) at rated voltage.
Thus over-excitation can be detected by measuring the V/f ratio by a so-called
volts/hertz relay.
Microprocessor-based volt/hertz relays have been developed and are in uSe. We refrain
from further discussion of these relays in this textbook. The interested reader may
consult manufacturers, literature for details.
Transformer Protection
Application Chart
Transformers are used for a very wide variety of applications.
The type of protection that will be provided for a transformer
depends upon its kVA rating and its importance.
The only protection that will possibly be provided to a small lighting
transformer may be in the form of fuses while a transformer
connected to a generator in a thermal power station may have very
elaborate protection. Tables 4.3 and 4.4 summarize the transformer
protection scenario and application of various protection schemes.
Transformer Protection
Application Chart
An Illustrative Numerical
Problem: For a 45 MVA, 11 kV/66 kv star-delta transformer,
design the percentage differential scheme. What is the minimum
recommended percentage bias?
Solution As shown in the worksheet of Table 4.5, we find that the
pilot wire currents are 6.817 A from the star side CTs while they are
3.936 A from the delta side CTs.
Thus,we need intermediate CTs to correct this mismatch as shown in
Figure 4.23.
Such CTs are known as interposing CTs and are usually
autotransformer types. The turns ratio of the interposing CTs is,
therefore, found out to be 6,81713,936 = 1.731 : 1.
An Illustrative Numerical
An Illustrative Numerical
An Illustrative Numerical