Text Analysis-I Week 1
Text Analysis-I Week 1
Text Analysis-I Week 1
To educate people: Literature teaches people on existing social, political and economic
To express people’s culture: Literature like language is an element of culture. It expresses
people’s life and culture they have from one generation to another.
To entertain people: Literature as an art form gives those entertainments that appeal to
human lives and evoke pleasure to the readers.
To influence people in the society: Literature is also designed to influence people by
instilling in them the revolutionary ideas and different ways of thinking especially those
positive and sustainable ideas.
Functions/Roles of Literature in the Society
To develop language: Literature uses language. Therefore, in so doing, literature develops and
improves a particular language through all four language skills, namely, listening, speaking,
reading, and writing to the readers. It also improves vocabulary and grammar.
To liberate people: Literature also liberates people or awakens them from unfavorable
conditions of life or bad treatments in the society.
To criticize the society: Literature as a tool for awareness criticizes the society by pointing out
the evils and other injustices in the society. When criticized, the people in the particular society
take necessary actions.
Oral And Written Literature
Oral Literature Written Literature
Oral literature is literature that was or is Written literature is quite simply literature
expressed by word of mouth. that is written down.
Oral literature sometimes referred to as folk Written literature can be in the form of short
literature is literature that is spoken or sung stories, novels and prose.
as opposed to that which is written.
Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and prose
Oral literature can be described as poems and are the five main genres of written literature.
Genre and Subgenre
What is Genre?
Genre is the classification of a literary work by its form, content, and style
into categories such as poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. From there,
literature can be further classified into subgenres. Each genre varies in its features
and functions and understanding what major genre category a work of literature
falls into will help to bring deeper understanding to that work.
Types of Literary Genre
Poetry – this genre consists of writing that follows meter and rhythm for every line written.
Subgenres of poetry include epic poem, narrative, romantic, dramatic, and lyric.
- Paradise Lost by John Milton is an epic poem
Drama – this is a type of literature that is meant to be performed in front of an audience.
Subgenres of drama include comedy, tragedy, and tragicomedy.
- Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a drama. Specifically, it is a tragedy.
Prose – the prose genre of literature consists of complete sentences organized into paragraphs.
Prose writing is focused around telling a story consisting of characters and a plot. Prose subgenres
include fiction and non-fiction.
- The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion is an example of prose. Being a memoir, it
would be considered non-fiction prose.
Types of Literary Genre
Fiction –literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people; literature created
from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may be based on a true story or situation. Types of
literature in the fiction genre include the novel, short story, and novella.
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a fictional novel with a narrative plot structure.
Nonfiction – prose writing that is informative or factual rather than fictional. It is writing that is about
real events and facts, rather than stories that have been invented. The nonfiction category is a genre in
which writing ranges from academic papers to creative works. Non-fiction is a literary genre in which the
information given is factual. It is a recount of real-life events. An example of non-fiction is a list of data
or a collection of facts. Examples of non-fiction texts are textbooks for school, an author’s biography,
and a non-fiction historical novel.
- The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Franke is nonfiction, given that it is nothing more than a
historical figure’s preserved diary.
What is Canon?