Chem Project

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This is hereby to certify that, the original and genuine

investigation work has been carried out to investigate about the
subject matter and the related data collection and investigation
has been completed solely, sincerely and satisfactorily done by,
Krrish Nandan Prasad a student of Class 12 F for the academic
session 2023-2024, Regarding the investigatory project entitled.

"A Study on Galvanic Cell"

For Chemistry department under direct supervision of the
undersigned as per as requirement for the Board Examination
I would like to express my greatest appreciation to everyone
who helped and supported me throughout the project.

I Krrish Nandan Prasad am thankful to my Chemistry Teacher,

Mr. Aman Singh for his ongoing support during the project.
His advice and encouragement had a huge role to finalize this
project report.

I would also like to thank all of my classmates who helped me

in completing the project by exchanging interesting ideas and
sharing their experiences.

I wish to thank my parents as well for their support and

encouragement without which I could not have completed
project in the limited timeframe.
At the end, I want to thank my friends who displayed
appreciation to my work and motivated me to continue my


1. Introduction

2. Working of Galvanic Cell

3. Galvanic Cell Representation

4. Salt Bridge and it's function

5. Calculation of Standard EMF

6. Gibbs Free Energy

7. Experimental Setup

8. Description of apparatus

9. Construction of salt Bridge

10. Procedures

11. Observation

12. Standard EMF of Electrochemical cell

13. Electrochemical Series

14. Important points of Electrochemical


15. Conclusion
16. Important Features
17. Bibliography



A Galvanic Cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the Chemical

Energy of a spontaneous redox reaction into electrical energy. In this
device the Gibbs energy of the spontaneous Redox reaction is
converted into electrical work which may be used for running a motor
or other electrical gadgets like heater, fan, geyser, etc.

Whenever a redox reaction is allowed to take place directly in a single

beaker, it is found that the solutions become shot. For example, when
zinc is placed in a copper solution, the solution is found to be warmer
as the reaction proceeds according to the equation.

Zn(s) +Cu (aq)+ZnSO4 (aq) +Cu(s)

Similar results are observed when a rod of copper is placed in silver

solution. The reaction taking place as follows:


Thus, we conclude that whenever a redox takes place directly in a

single in a single beaker, chemical energy in the form of heat is
produced. By suitable means it is possible to bring out the redox
reaction indirectly so as to convert the chemical energy into the
electrical energy.

Galvanic Cells
Among other cells, a galvanic cell is a type of electrochemical cell. It is used to
supply electric current by making the transfer of electrons through a redox
reaction. A galvanic cell is an exemplary idea of how energy can be harnessed
using simple reactions between a few given elements. It is amazing to study
how a galvanic cell can be set up and utilized to obtain energy.

Explaining in the simplest terms, a galvanic cell acts as a device in which

simultaneous oxidation and reduction reactions take place. These reactions are
used to convert the chemical energy into electrical energy, which can be utilized
for any commercial purposes.

At each electrode-electrolyte interface there is a tendency of metal ions from

the solution to deposit on the metal electrode trying to make it positively

At the same time, metal atoms of the electrode have a tendency to go

into the solution as ions and leave behind the electrons at the
electrode trying to make it negatively charged.

At equilibrium, there is a separation of charges and depending on the

tendencies of the two opposing reactions, the electrode may be positively or
negatively charged with respect to the solution.

A potential difference develops between the electrode and the electrolyte

which is called electrode potential. When the concentrations of all the species
involved in a half-cell is unity then the electrode potential is known as standard
electrode potential.
According to IUPAC convention, standard reduction potentials are now called
standard electrode potentials.

In a galvanic cell, the half-cell in which oxidation takes place is called anode and
it has a negative potential with respect to
the solution.

The other half-cell in which reduction takes place is called cathode and it has a
positive potential with respect to the solution.

Thus, there exists a potential difference between the two electrodes and as
soon as the switch is in the on position the electrons flow from negative
electrode to positive electrode. The direction of current flow is opposite to that
of electron flow.

These reactions occur in two different portions of the Daniell cell. The reduction
half reaction occurs on the copper electrode while the oxidation half reaction
occurs on the zinc electrode.

These two portions of the cell are also called half-cells or redox couples. The
copper electrode may be called the reduction half cell and the zinc electrode,
the oxidation half- cell.

We can construct innumerable number of galvanic cells on the pattern of

Daniell cell by taking combinations of different half- cells. Each half cell consists
of a metallic electrode dipped into an electrolyte.

The two half-cells are connected by a metallic wire through a voltmeter and a
switch externally. The electrolytes of the two half-cells are connected internally
through a salt bridge. Sometimes, both the Electrodes dip in the same
electrolyte solution and in such cases, we do not require a salt bridge.
An electrochemical cell is represented in a manner an illustrated below.

by convention, the electrode on which oxidation takes place is written on the
left-hand side and the other electrode on which reduction takes place is written
on the Right-hand side. The electrode of the left-hand side is written by writing
the symbol of the metal first followed by the symbol of the ion with its
concentration in brackets. The electrode on the right-hand side is written by
first writing the ion along with its concentration in brackets followed by the
symbol of the metal.

Standard Notation for Electrochemical Cells

Phase boundary Salt bridge Phase boundary

Active electrolyte in
reduction half-reaction

Zn(s) ^ Zn2+(aq) + 2e E° =-0.76

Cu2+(aq) + 2e ^ Cu(s) E° =+0.34

Ecell = Ecathode -E° anode 0.34- (-0.76) = 1.10V

Given that E° galvanic>0 and G°=-nFE, G° for a galvanic cell must be

negative and spontaneous
1. In a galvanic cell, when an electrode is exposed to the electrolyte at the
electrode-electrolyte interface, the atoms of the metal electrode have a
tendency to generate ions in the electrolyte solution leaving behind the
electrons at the electrode. Thus, making the metal electrode negatively charged.

2. While at the same time metal ions in the electrolyte solution too, have a
tendency to deposit on a metal electrode. Thus, making the electrode positively

3. Under equilibrium condition, charge separation is observed and depending

on the tendencies of two opposing reactions, the electrode can be positively or
negatively charged. Hence, a potential difference is developed between the
electrode and electrolyte.

4. This potential difference is known as electrode potential.

5. Out of two electrodes, the electrode at which oxidation takes place is called
anode while the electrode at which reduction takes place is called cathode.

6. The anode has a negative potential with respect to the solution while the
cathode has a positive potential with respect to the solution.

7. Thus, a potential difference develops between two electrodes of the

galvanic cell. This potential difference is known as cell potential.

8. When no current is drawn from the galvanic cell, cell potential is known as
the electromotive force of the galvanic cell.

9. When the switch is set on, due to the potential difference, electrons flow from the negative electrode to
the positive electrode.
The standard EMF of the cell is the sum of the standard reduction potential of
the two half cell: reduction half cell and oxidation half cell

EA cell = EA red + EA ox

By convention, the standard oxidation potential is always expressed in terms of

reduction potential.

Thus, standard oxidation potential (EA ox) = - standard reduction potential EA o



E cell = (standard reduction potential of reduction half-cell)- (standard reduction

potential of oxidation half-cell)

As oxidation takes place at anode and reduction takes place at the cathode.

E deg cell = EA cathode - EA anode

For a reaction, 2Ag+ (aq) + Cd -> 2Ag + Cd+2(aq)

The standard reduction potential given are: Ag+/Ag =0.80 volt, Cd+2/Cd=-0.40

From the reaction, we can see that Cd losses electron and Ag+ gains. Hence,
oxidation half-cell or anode is Cd.

Using the formula,

E cell-E cathode- E anode

= 1.20 volt

Gibbs Free
For example, let us find out whether we can store copper sulphate solution in a
nickel vessel or not.

Given: Ni2/ Ni = -0.25 volt, Cu2/Cu = 0.34 volt

Ni+ CuSO4 NISO4 + Cu

We want to see whether Ni metal will displace copper from copper sulphate
solution to give NISO4 by undergoing oxidation reaction.

Ni(s) + Cu * 2(aq) NiA * 2(aq)+Cu(s) cap

From the above reaction, it is clear the oxidation terminal will be Ni electrode.

E deg coll = EA cathode - EA anode

= 0.34- (-0.25)
= 0.59 volt
A salt-bridge is a U-shaped tube containing concentrated solution of an
inert electrolyte like KCI, KNO3, K2SO4, etc. An inert electrolyte is one
whose ions do not take part in the redox reaction and also do not react
with electrolyte used. The function of the salt bridge is to allow the
movement of the ions from one solution to the other without mixing of
the two solutions. Thus, whereas the electrons flow in the outer circuit
in the wire, the inner circuit is completed by the flow of ions from one
solution to the other through the salt bridge moreover, it helps to
maintain the electrical neutrality of the solution of the two half cells.


~To complete the electrical circuit by allowing the ions to flow from
one solution to the other without mixing of the two solutions.

~To maintain the electrical neutrality of the solutions in the two half

Electrons are given out by the zinc electrode where they will neutralize
some of the Cu2+ ions of the solution. Thus, SO2 ions will not leave and
the solution will acquire a negative charge.

#Contruction of Salt Bridge

A zinc rod is placed in the zinc sulphate solution taken in a beaker. A
copper rod is placed in the copper sulphate solution taken in another
beaker. The two rods are connected by a wire and two solutions are
connected by a salt bridge.

Construction of Salt bridge

1. Take about 30cm long glass tube and bend it twice at right angles to make U-

2. Take 3g of agar-agar, 30g of pure Potassium chloride in a beaker and add

100ml of water, warm till all the solid dissolves to give a clear solution.

3. Fix about 1m rubber tube to one end of the U-tube.

4. Dip the other end of the U-tube in the warm solution prepared in step 2.

5. Suck to fill the U-tube with this solution, close the rubber tube with the
pinchcock as shown in fig, so that the

6. Solution does not turn back. Allow it to cool down. The solution will set like

7. Plug the ends of the U-tube with the cotton plugs. The salt bridge is ready.

In laboratory the simple voltaic cell is used to measure the variation in

cell potential at room temperature. Here zinc rod is placed in a dilute
ZnSO4 solution (1.0M) in one beaker and copper rod dipped in CuSO4

Two rods are connected by a wire (outer circuit) and two solutions are
connected with each other through an inverted U- tube,
called salt bridge
1. Take two beakers and take 1.0 M ZnSO4 and 0.25 M CuSO4 solutions
separately (40ml volume of each).

2. Immerse the cleaned zinc and copper rods in the solution of that metal.

3. Connect the copper rod with the positive terminal and zinc rod with negative
terminal of a voltmeter through the key with the help of connecting wires.

4. Place the salt bridge in the beakers such that it connects both the solutions.

5. Note down the voltmeter readings that gives EMF or cell potential of the cell
and also keep record of polarity of electrodes (this will enable us to give a sign
to the cell potential E-cell)

EMF of Electrochemical
An electrochemical cell is based on reaction which can be split into the two half

1. Oxidation half reaction

2. Reduction half reaction

Standard EMF of the cell:


Ecell = Electrode Potential of the cell Ecathode = Electrode Potential of the

oxidation half reaction Eanode = Electrode Potential of the oxidation half

reaction According to Nernst Equation,

The relation between concentration of electrode and the standard electrode
potential can be given as:

Ecell Ecathode-Eanode
E= E°-0.059/ n x Log[M]/[M+]


E = Electrode Potential at non-standard conditions E

0 = Electrode potential at standard conditions n =

Number of electrons transferred in the equation

[M] = concentration of the metal [M+] =

concentration of metal ion

Representation of
Electrochemical Cell
Electrochemical series also sometimes referred to as activity series is a list that
describes the arrangement of elements in order of their increasing electrode
potential values. The series has been established by measuring the potential of
various electrodes versus standard hydrogen electrode (SHE).

In electrochemical series, the electrodes (metals and non- metals) in contact

with their ions are arranged on the basis of the values of their standard
reduction or oxidation potentials. Standard electrode potential is obtained by
measuring the voltage when the half-cell is connected to the standard hydrogen
electrode under standard conditions
Electrolytic cell

2ClA - C*l_{2}(g) +2eA - E deg = 1.36V

2N * a A 2 eA - 2Na(l) E deg = - 2.71V

( "N
EA cmll = EA cathode * EA anode = - 2.71V - (1.36V) = - 4.07V

Given that E deg electrolytic <0 and AG°=-nFE, AG° for an electrolytic cell must
be positive and nonspontaneous
In the electrochemical series, the reduction potential of an element is taken in
reference to the hydrogen scale where E zero. As per the definition, the
standard reduction potential of an element is described as the measure of the
tendency of an element to undergo reduction.

-The greater the reduction potential of an element the more easily it will be
reduced. Meanwhile, elements that have low reduction potential will get
oxidized much quickly and easily.

Alternatively, elements who give up electrons without any difficulty have

negative or lower reduction potential. Elements that do not give up electrons
easily rather they accept electrons effortlessly have positive) or higher
reduction potential.

-Stronger reducing agents that have negative standard reduction potential are
usually situated below the hydrogen in the electrochemical series. On the other
hand, weaker reducing agents with positive standard reduction potential are
found above the hydrogen in the series.

-As we move down in the group the reducing agent's strength increases while
the oxidizing agents' strength decreases.

-Likewise, as we move from top to bottom in the series, the electro positivity
and activity of metals amplify or intensifies. In the case of nonmetal, it
-The electrode at which oxidation takes place is called the anode. The electrode
at which the reduction takes place is called the cathode.

-Since electrons are produced at the zinc electrodes, this electrode is rich in
electrons, which pushes the electrons into the external circuit and hence it is
designated as the negative pole. The other electrode, i.e. the copper electrode
is in the need of electrons for the reduction of Cu 2+ ions into the Cu.

-The electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole in the external
circuit. However, conventionally, this current is set to flow in the opposite

-The oxidation of Zn into ions produces excess of Zn2+ ions in the left beaker.
This creates an unbalanced positive charge in the solution. To maintain
electrical neutrality of the solution in the two beakers, the cations and anions
move through the salt bridge.

-As copper from copper sulphate solution is deposited on the copper electrode
and sulphate ions migrate to the other side, the concentration of the copper
sulphate solution decreases. As the cell operates consequently, the current falls.

-Evidently, the weight of the copper rod will increase while that of zinc rod will
decrease as the cell works.
Galvanic Cells are very important to our lives
because they provide the foundation of
generating an electric current spontaneously
from a chemical reaction.
These cells were used in space exploration and
moon exploration by astronauts, and have an
important role in making history for mankind.

If the transfer of electrons can be channelled

through an electrical conductor such as a wire,
we have an opportunity to harness this electron
-NCERT Chemistry

-Comprehensive Practical Chemistry

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